Guess who's not dead

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   Hello! I am not, in fact, not dead or anything of the sorts. I did vanish a bit from the face of this site, yes, but I'm back and hopefully here to stay. I apologize to all of those I kept waiting or similarly held up.

   Yes, I do plan to finish this story. I'm writing a chapter now. 

   I may even rewrite this story, once all chapters are out and it has been deemed finished, if people would like that. I normally wouldn't bother going through and changing the entire bulk of this story, especially so, now, considering this is my biggest piece of writing ever, but if I want to release a sequel or anything along those lines, I believe it would be needed. Or, at the very least, recommended. 

   Will I write a sequel? Maybe. I'm not sure. I'm not even halfway through this story, hah. I guess I'll get there, first, then see what those that stick with me say and want.

   Addressing those very same people; If you're still here, thank you. 

   This story means a lot to me. Not because of the things it contains or anything like that, but because it has allowed me to actually write a considerable amount, although it's not the best, and improve. Admittedly, it's helped a bit to get me through a bit of tough times. 

   Above all, however, I've met some truly wonderful people through its creation. And I'm thankful for them. And I truly appreciate it when any of you comment on this story or DM me. I understand that it may not mean a lot in the moment, but it's a pretty wonderful thing sometimes - the people you meet and get to talk to. 

   Again, I thank you all. I'll do my very best to get a chapter out by the end of the week, if not by Wednesday/Thursday.

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