Chapter 2; The Game Begins!

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A thud sounds throughout the room as Canada places the box he had carrying on the small, wooden table. He lets out a small sigh, leaning against the table as he looks to his younger sister. "You sure this set up is alright? The basement is a dusty place." Looking around he mutters, "It'd pay to listen to Mom and actually clean it, eh...?"

Kiwi nods, setting a smaller box on top of the larger box. "I'm sure. Here, it's out of the way. It'd just be in the way if it were upstairs in one of our rooms. Not to mention, this is probably the safest place to keep it from getting broke."

The taller country nods and glances at the wooden boxes. "You'll probably need a monitor or T.V. for that console. If it doesn't already have one, I mean."

"It doesn't. There's only the console and disks, nothing else." Kiwi looks up at Canada. "Do you have one or know where one could be?"

"I don't have any," Canada says with a pause, "though I would think we have one laying around somewhere. No one has went through the basement in a long time. I'm sure we could find one."


"There we go." Canada steps back from the TV he had found after a bit of searching. "Everything should be hooked up correctly, though I'm not positive." He glances down at his younger sister before taking another look at the lit TV before them. At least, I sure hope it is. Maybe it's not as bad as it looks. Canada shakes his head slightly at the thought.

They had found the console didn't have any sort of input they knew of, resulting in a bit of tinkering and experimenting in order to connect it to the television. The result looked like a pile of duct tape and wires, pieces of plastic stuck up in odd places amid the mess.

A toddler could've made it look better, Kiwi thinks to herself. Nonetheless, she was thankful her brother didn't mind working with it.

"Thank you, Nada!" She hugs her brother's side with a bright smile, to which he responds by ruffling her hair and smiling back.

Kiwi steps away and fixes her hair before looking back to the TV screen. It almost seemed to be waiting for her to act. "Do you think I should wait for America and Aussie before I do anything?" she asks, her gaze not straying from the screen.

"That's up to you," Canada says simply. "You found it, it's yours. If you want to wait, that's fine. If not, that's also fine. I'm not going to tell you what to do." He turns to the now empty wooden box on the floor, picking it up with a small huff.

"I think most of the weight was here," Canada mutters. "What would you like me to do with it?" he asks as he turns to look at Kiwi.

"Oh, uh-" She looks away from the screen and glances around the room. "I'm not sure," she says slowly. "If we keep it in here it'll just add to the mess. I don't think we'll need it, so I guess we could throw it out."

Canada nods and starts towards the stairs. "Don't forget, people are going to start arriving soon. Make sure you're ready and have done what you need to do."


'We're getting close,' Antarctica signs, her pace quickening slightly.

"How can you tell?" Greenland asks nonchalantly. He doesn't seem affected by the change of pace, continuing along without change.

'The air. It feels a bit. . . Livelier. Energetic.' The taller country smiles softly. 'It's different than home.'

"That could mean anything."

'It's not due to a storm,' Antarctica points out. 'The sky is clear today.' She points up at the cloudless sky to emphasize. 'There's no abnormal activity that could cause such a change. Besides,'

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