Chapter 4; Old 'Friends'

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With Canada

   "Now that we have you all in one place, I will explain what is going on and what is going to happen," says the tall country that had come to collect the siblings.

   Four countries stand in the room; Canada and Kiwi, the taller country, and another that looked a bit like Germany-if not for a few, small differences.

   The German look-alike is a good bit shorter than Germany, Canada notices first, wearing a dark trenchcoat that reaches his knees in length. Under the coat he wears a simple dress shirt and black slacks. Black dress shoes adorn his feet. On his back is a large, black backpack.

   'His flag is slightly different, too.' Canada points out to himself. An emblem is stamped across the normal German flag, indicating the biggest difference.

   Canada recognizes both countries, though he can't recall who the taller of the two is. He knew without a doubt who the Germany look-alike was. 'How could I not?' Canada internally asks himself.

   He is East Germany. While America had West in his custody during the time the Berlin Wall stood, East had been given to the care of another country. Canada's eyes widen in surprise as he looks to the taller country. 'East went to- That country, he's-!'

   "I am known as The USSR," the tall country explains, looking to each of the three other in turn. "Or, better known to you, The Soviet Union."

   The Soviet Union looked the same as the last time Canada had seen him. The Soviet wears a brown trenchcoat, a ushanka of the same color on his head. Black combat boots reach his knees. An eye patch covers his right eye, decorated with the emblem of The USSR; the hammer and sickle.

   "There is no need for further introductions," USSR says simply. "I know who all of you are."

   He looks at Kiwi, expression blank. "New Zealand, one of Britain's children." His gaze moves to Canada. "You are also one of his. Canada, is it not?" The Canadian confirms this with a small nod.

   USSR nods and looks to the third country, allowing a glimmer of amusement to pass across his expression. "East." East Germany visibly tenses up, fighting the urge to flinch. The Soviet examines him for a silent moment before finally speaking, "It has been a long time." East replies with a small nod, staying silent.

   USSR looks away from East and turns his attention to Canada and New Zealand. "I am sure you two are wondering why you are here. There are two different ways you could ask that question, so I will provide an answer for both.

   "If you were to ask why you are here in this world," USSR starts, "we have no way of explaining nor knowing. We are just as clueless in that particular subject.

   "However, if you were to ask why you are here," he says as he sweeps a hand to gesture at the room they are in, "that is simple enough. We found you all close by and unconscious. After a bit of discussion, it was decided to bring you here until we could decide upon a better answer."

   He pauses to look at the three once again. "Do any of you have questions?"

   Canada nods and says, "I do."

   "Go on, then," USSR says. "You need no permission to do so."

   "When you were explaining everything, you said 'we' a good bit. Are there others here?" the Canadian asks, raising an eyebrow.

   "There are," USSR confirms with a small nod. "You will meet them at a later time, they are currently busy."

   Canada nods before speaking again, "You also said we'd be kept here until another decision could be made." He pauses to think before continuing. "What could happen from there?" he asks. "Is it a matter of letting us go or keeping us here?"

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