Chapter 8, Part 1; Level Two

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   Ukraine sits on the couch in the living room, taking up as little space as possible with her knees drawn to her chest. She rests her chin on her knees as her gaze wanders to the clock on the wall.


   She sighs and closes her eyes for a few minutes, opening them when the couch shifts slightly.

   Japan–half asleep and struggling to keep her head up–gives a small wave from the other end of the couch. Ukraine smiles and returns the gesture, mirroring the Asian country even further when she yawns after Japan does.

   “ごめんなさい (Sorry),” Japan murmurs, leaning into the arm of the couch as her head dips downwards.

   Ukraine laughs quietly. “Maybe you should sleep a bit more. You seem really tired.”

   The Japanese country nods in agreement and pulls her legs up onto the couch, curling inwards as she rests an arm on the side of the couch and buries her face into the nook of her elbow. She sighs and stifles another yawn, stretching slightly before relaxing and starting to nod off. However, she doesn’t receive the chance to fall asleep.

   “Ah, what a fine morning to be back!”

   Ukraine looks over at the doorway as Japan raises her head, both of their gazes landing on Britain. He walks into the living room with a smile and crosses the space to move the curtains and view the sky outside. Japan blinks and squints in the light, even though the sun has barely begun to rise.

   Ukraine shields her eyes. She squints at the figure in confusion before saying, “I thought you were-”

   “Weren’t you just separated?” Japan asks, cutting Ukraine off. She quickly covers her mouth, eyes wide as she spares the other an apologetic look. “Sorry-

   Ukraine shakes her head in acknowledgement as Britain straightens up and turns to them. The curtains fall back into place.

   “I had been, yes.” He glances around the room. “Though, those four can never stay apart for long. If I weren’t standing here now, I expect I would be by the end of the day.

   “Essentially, when a country or nation is made up of multiple smaller states or countries, they stand at the risk of breaking apart when discord or argument arise. If their states or countries do not agree on a matter to the point of directly opposing one another, it may cause their formed union to become unsteady or break entirely, as you saw with my case. Most cases aren’t as severe and the smaller sections are able to resolve the problem without splitting or otherwise taking action, but things happen.”

   “That makes sense,” Japan says with a nod, swaying a bit with the motion. She yawns. “Though, what caused them to fight in the first place?”

   Britain starts to respond when someone walks into the room.

   Australia walks in, half asleep, and mutters half of a “good morning” before stopping entirely as he sees who stands in the middle of the living room. “Dad?

   Britain smiles brightly at the sight of Australia, taking in the sight of his son as he takes a step towards him. “It’s an odd sight to see you up so early.”

   “Tell me about it.” He shakes his head with a yawn, then narrows his eyes in concentration at the man in front of him. “What I’m more interested in, though, is how are ya here?

   Ukraine sighs internally as Britain retells the whole situation. This time, fortunately, he keeps it lighthearted and to the point.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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