Chapter 5; Trust

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With Antarctica

   Antarctica is woken by a tap on her shoulder. She sits groggily and looks to the person standing above her. It's Japan.

   "It's your turn to keep watch. You'll be with West," the shorter country says with a yawn. "Poland's awake, too. He couldn't sleep."

   Antarctica nods and stands, dusting off her clothes. She was one of the few who hadn't received a new attire, something she was thankful for. 'It would feel weird, wearing clothes different than what I normally wear,' she thinks to herself.

   Japan walks over to a free spot in the grass and lays down, quickly falling asleep.

   Antarctica looks around, quickly finding West Germany at a corner of the lit haven. He stands just far enough from the dark that he isn't attacked. The German is keeping an eye on the swaying grass out of the light's reach.

   Poland sits on the ground a distance from him, keeping his back to the dark. He appears uncomfortable, sitting stiffly and at attention. Despite this, he wears a look of contentment as he looks up at the night sky.

   The polar country turns towards the dark, watching the areas West can't. Antarctica listens to the sounds of the night. She picks up the sound of a few crickets chirping and the quiet rustling of the grass under the beasts.

   "Hey, Poland?" West suddenly asks, adding to the mix. The Pole replies with a hum.

   Antarctica can hear West shift his weight from one foot to another.

   "The question Third asked you earlier," he starts before pausing. "Do you?"

   "Depends," Poland says. "Which part?"

   The German thinks for a moment. "Do you trust me?"

   "I trust you enough to think you wouldn't stab me in the back," Poland explains. "You and East both.

   "However, that isn't to say I don't trust Germany so little."

   "You don't trust me as much as you would trust him?" West asks. Antarctica can hear a frown in his voice. "We would do the same as him; We're no different aside from the fact we aren't together."

   "Not quite," Poland says. "As Germany, neither of you stood out. He is completely different from you yet exactly the same.

   "Germany has some of the same traits as you both," he continues. "Just as he acts a bit of the same at times. The difference is he has his own thoughts and reasons that differ from you or East's individually, despite having the same memories."

   "I see." West falls silent for a few moments before speaking again. "Could you give me some kind of example?"

   "If you were needed to be brave, you would do so without any doubt in yourself or hesitation, right?"


   "While you would do so without pause, East might hesitate, wouldn't he?" Poland asks. "If he did convince himself to stand up, he would doubt his decision and himself, right?"

   "He would," West affirms.

   "Germany won't hesitate to do what is needed, though he always doubts himself and his ability to do it well," the Pole explains. "You see neither one trait nor the other; you see both.

   "You don't share any of East's traits," Poland says. "Just like he doesn't have any of yours. Germany shows both, though they are mixed. Do you see now why I can trust him more than you?"

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