Chapter 6; Only Friend

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   Fore-word: I'd like to thank @Unicornangel1708 for some of the ideas in this chapter and previous. She has given me ideas for a few characters(those that aren't human) and scenarios. Due to spoilers, I won't name those characters at this time. 

  Thank you!

With America

   The group turns to see who had spoken, finding a smiling country standing a few feet from them. They wear a white hoodie, jeans, and red sneakers, a smile lighting up their entire face. Giving a small, playful salute, their smile widens as they introduce themself. "I'm-"

   "South!" Japan exclaims with a smile. She tackle hugs the country without hesitation, nearly knocking over him over in the process.

   "South Korea," he finishes with a laugh as he hugs back. He pulls away after a moment and glances at the surrounding countries, as if taking them all in before nodding. "We don't have time for chatting," he says with an apologetic smile. "Come on, we're running out of time. It's almost dark."

   "Come on, where?" Russia asks, allowing some amusement into his voice as he cocks a brow. He gestures to the empty fields around them as he speaks, "There's nowhere to go. Unless you have some trick up your sleeve, that is."

   "I do," South Korea says with a small grin. "Only, it's not quite up my sleeve." He points down the hill the countries stand on. "It's down there."

   At the bottom of the hill, a shallow trench is visible through the swaying grass, housing a wagon tethered to a dappled mare. Two lanterns hang from the wagon's covering, one on either side. The mare whinnies with impatience and paws at the dirt beneath it. The countries gathered exchange glances. 

   "You expect us all to fit in that?" America asks as he raises a brow. "That could fit a driver and maybe three others. Four, if we're lucky. I mean-"

   "Just follow me," South says with a dismissive wave of his hand as he starts down the hill. "Trust me," he calls over his shoulder. "It will be fine."

   Ukraine pats Russia's head intently to urge him forward, ruffling his hair in the process. "Come on! Let's go with him!" she says. "He's trying to help us. We're not really in the position to put him down, either. If we stay here, we'll probably die. . ." She trails off, watching South walk towards the wagon. 

   "I'm going!" Japan says as she runs down the hill, her hair and skirt waving with the wind. Australia follows shortly with a shout of agreement and a wide smile. 

   "Well?" Third Reich asks, looking at the remaining six countries. "Surely you aren't all idiots."

   "No," Russia says, "we aren't." He shifts his shoulders to reposition Ukraine before starting down the hill after Japan and Australia. This receives a bright smile from Ukraine. "Which is exactly why we're going."

   America pads after Russia, not so much as even sparing a glance behind. "Rus is right, you know," the American says over his shoulder. "If you stay, you'll get killed. If that's what you want, be my guest."

   Third looks slightly annoyed. He turns to look at the last three countries around him. "You are not like them, no?"

   Poland glances between West Germany and Antarctica before nodding, almost as if in answer to a question, and starting down the hill. West slings his backpack onto his back before him and Antarctica follow the Pole without hesitation or comment, leaving a dumbfounded Third Reich standing alone.

   After a few, long minutes, Third trudges down the hill as he mutters obscenities to himself. By the time he reaches the foot of the hill, everyone else has gathered around the back of the wagon. 

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