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   Alright, if you're here, welcome! I'd like to start by acknowledging a good friend of mine who helped me out with this idea! She helped a lot with the characters and their roles, as well as having given me a few other ideas. She's such an amazing person. Thank you so much, mate. 


   Please go check out her works if you haven't already! Again, thank you a hundred times over, mate-

   This is an AU of course, though I'd like to point a few things out before I'm attacked. Firstly, this is in no way a ripoff of Jumanji. Going to get that out of the way now. The movies were the inspiration behind it, however this is its own thing with its own rules and concepts.

   Secondly, you may recognize some similarities concerning powers and of the like in both Floofy's work and my own. As previously mentioned, we came up with and worked on these ideas together and are both doing different things with said ideas. 

   I am nearly sure this is a given, but I own no part of CountryHumans. All countries go to their respectful owners and such. The only thing I own is the idea of this AU. 

   If you'd like to see your country or one that wasn't mentioned, please comment and I'll do my best to fit them all in!

   That's all I have to say. I hope you all enjoy!

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