Chapter 3; A New World

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With Canada

Canada walks through the dark, unable to see where he is or where he's going. It's an act of faith, walking through the dark. He can't help but to feel as if he's missing something. . . Or, perhaps it's someone he's missing. He can't be sure.

Somewhere in the confines of the dark, Canada can hear his name being called. Twice. Now thrice. They sound concerned, though Canada can't seem to tell who they are.

They call his name again. He keeps walking. He can't tell if he's getting closer to them or farther.

Something catches Canada's foot in the dark, causing him to jolt forward and lose his balance. The floor flies to his fa-


Canada feels a sharp sting across his cheek, causing him to sit up abruptly. He rubs his cheek in an attempt to rid of the pain. "Why did-"

He's cut off as he's nearly tackled, arms thrown around him in the process. "Idiot! You wouldn't wake up!"

After a moment of recovery Canada hugs back, recognizing the person in his arms. "Kiwi! Oh-" He tightens his embrace and she returns the gesture. "Are you alright?! Do you know what happened?"

Kiwi shakes her head, burying her face into his shoulder. "I don't know what's going on. We're- We're not at home, or- or any other place I recognize." Her grasp on Canada tightens. "I'm. . . I'm sorry for slapping you, I just-"

"That's alright," he hums in response. "I didn't mean to scare you. I'm here and I'm not leaving. Okay?" Kiwi responds with a small nod.

"We'll figure it out," Canada says. "We'll figure out where we are and then how to get home." He pauses, looking around and seeing nothing but stone walls and a metal door. "Zea. . . Was there anyone else here when you woke up?"

Kiwi shakes her head again. "No, it was just me and you." She pauses to think. "I thought that maybe Ukraine would have been here too, but. . ."

"That's alright," Canada says. "If she's not here, that may mean she's still home and safe, eh?"

After a moment, Kiwi nods in agreement. "Yeah. . . Yeah, maybe she is."

"We're halfway there. We're together and safe," he reassures. "As long as we stay together, we'll stay that way."

Kiwi smiles a bit. "Yeah. . . You're. . . You're right." Her smile grows a bit more.

Canada smiles and pulls away from the hug before standing up. He offers Kiwi a hand, which she takes. The shorter country stands and stays close to Canada's side.

Before either can speak or move, the metal door swings open silently to reveal the silhouette of a tall country.

"Come with me. Now that you are both awake, we can address everyone at once."


With West Germany

'No. . . No, no, no, no, no!'

West Germany shakes his head, wishing and hoping desperately to wake up.

This isn't real.

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