Chapter 2: "We'll find you!"

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Aoba Johsai POV

The team had decided, before leaving lunch, to not go confront Hinata for a few days. Iwaizumi had pointed out that it would be best to allow Hinata to get settled and then just a couple of them go talk to him about joining if he had not sought them out. However Oikawa still found himself walking towards the front of the school to find him. Only to be stopped by Iwazumi.

"Hey shittykawa!" Iwazumi called coming up behind him stopping the setter dead in his tracks, he'd been caught

"Iwa-chan whats up?" Oikawa said, smiling as if he hadn't been about to do what he'd been told not to. However he just got glare in return, showing how unconvincing his innocent act was.

He was then dragged to the gym, far away from the light ball of energy he had been headed to.

Karasuno POV

Hinata had missed morning practice and when he didn't show up for afternoon practice Diachi knew something was up. "Hey guys do you know where Hinata is?" he asked his team while they got ready in the club room. Before anyone could answer coach Ukia came in.

"Okay guys i have something I need to tell you before practice." He said and everyone looked at him, he sighed "Hinata has been transferred to another school, i'm not sure where."

The shock of the news left them all silent and then the room exploded in caos. Hinata had said nothing to any of them and left them no clue as to where he had gone.

"I can't believe he left without telling anyone." Nishinoya said for the hundredth time, they had just started to warm up in the gym. Then a loud bang sounded. Turning to the noise they found Kageyama standing there and a deflated volleyball in his grasp. No one said anything through the rest of practice, it was the quietest the gym had ever been.

"He really didn't say anything to anyone." Suga said once it was just him and Daichi in the club room after practice.

"Noi." Daichi said, though he knew it wasn't a question he answered anyways.

"I don't get it. It doesn't add up." Suga said tears welling up in his eyes. He was hurt. THeir little baby crow didn't say anything to him. 'Why didn't he come to me' 'Why didn't he trust me to help him' He hadn't realized he'd started crying till Daichi brushed the tears off his cheek and then hugged him. "Don't worry we'll find him and well bring him home." Daichi said into Suga's hair, holding his crying boyfriend tightly.

Though it was easier said than done he called and texted but got no reply, and when he went to the office to see if they could give him any information he came back empty handed.

Hinata POV

I waved to my friend goodbye as they went to their club. I was on my way home since I didn't have one yet. I'm not sure which to choose, but I know it won't be volleyball. Walking to my bike I remembered I had turned my phone off to not get distracted during my first day. Standing by my bike I pulled my phone out and turned it on. It exploded with notifications, all from my former teammates. Calls and messages. They found out he transferred schools and was looking for answers. Answers he wasn't ready to give him. As he scrolled through the messages he stopped as he reached their message. His blood ran cold as he read the tree simple words ''We'll find you!" shoving the phone back into his bag he hopped on his bike and sped home as fast as he could, cold fear pumping through his veins driving him to pedal faster. Once there he ditched his bike out front and ran to his room tugging his sleeves up. The marks on his arm new and old calmed him enough that he had steady hands as he pulled the razor up each of his arms. Closing his eyes he fell into the sweet black nothingness.

Iwaizumi POV

I had told him we wouldn't talk to him, and made it clear by dragging him to the gym after school personally. But at the first chance I got I slipped out and walked towards the front. Karasunos no. 10 stood by his bike and pulled out his phone jumping in surprise when it rang out signaling multiple messages. I was about to walk up to him when I saw him start to shake. The look of pure fear on his face made me stop. He hurriedly stuffed the phone in his bag and sped off. Something was seriously wrong and he was going to figure out what it was. He turned to head back to the gym to find Oikawa standing behind him.

"Iwa-chan so mean! I tried to see Chibi-chan and you drug me to the gym. And then you go and sneak out to see him." Oikawa put a pout on his face in mock pain

"Shut up crappy kawa, I didn't talk to him, I was just curious." Iwazumi said hitting him in the back out the head and then drug him back once more to the gym.

"Did you see it?" Oikawa asked before he went in, seriously "The look on his face before he left? It was one of fear." "I saw it" "Were gonna fix it right." Oikawa didn't need an answer but I nodded my head once, and he nodded back. Whatever was hurting Hinata was gonna end.

Hinata Family POV

Pulling into the driveway Ms.Hinata saw the bike thrown on the ground. Quickly she grabbed Natsu from the back seat, sending her to her room once inside, and ran to Shouyou. The door wasn't locked, she bursted into find him unconscious on the floor. She called 911 and wrapped his arms, stopping the bleeding as best she could. The shallow breaths coming from him got shallower and shallower as she waited what seemed like a lifetime for the ambulance to come. Then carrying a confused crying Natsu back to the car she raced after it.

Shouyou was going to be alright and once he woke up he could be taken home. But his mother was deeply concerned for her precious boy as he still laid unconscious in the bed. It wasn't till he finally opened his eyes hours later that she was truly able to breathe. Shouyou apologized to her and Natsu, who had climbed in bed with him and held on tight. And after a quick chat with the doctors and Shouyou talked to the medical therpast they went home

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