Chapter 31: Not Over Yet

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Aoba Johsai

Hinata gave them a condensed version of what had happened. Shortly after they (Karasuno) had lost them at interhigh, Kageyama and Tsukishima and himself had to clean up after practice. How when they were they forced themselves on him, that they had time and time again. And that anytime he tried to fight back he was hurt, first by getting beat then by them cutting him. How after months of being in terror he tried to kill himself, and how he olmsot succed till his mom found him. He had refused to say anything to anyone, in fear of making it worse, but it got worse anyways. When he had tried to kill himself for the second time, and after he made his mom cry about it again, he told her some of what was happening but not who. She had just been offered the promotion, and though she didn't have to move, she had decided to get them out of there. That's when he transferred here. He didn't go into many details and they didn't ask, just sat there in shock and horror and sadness for what had happened to him.

When he finished telling them they sat in silence. No one on the team knew what to say to him. Oikawa and Iwaizumi just sat on either side of him, holding Hinata's hands like they had the whole time.

"I'm sorry that happened to you...." Matsukawa said, reaching over and placing his hand on Hinata's knee, "So sorry..." Hinata nodded in response

"Thank you for sharing it with us, for trusting us..." Hanamaki added with the others nodding in agreement around him.

They sat there a while longer, in silence, before Iwaizumi suggested that they should start heading home. Before anyone left each person hugged Hinata, and renewed the voz they had each made to themselves to protect him.

Hinata POV

I felt surprisingly calm after leaving that night, it still hurt to think about but Kunimi was right. They were his family, and with knowing that they were there for him, it helped. It reminded him of the time with Karasuno, before everything happened. How it had felt safe and reassuring. Now his home was Aoba Johsai, he thought it was kinda funny how the people who once stood across the court from him, the ones he wanted to defeat so bad, were now what made him feel safe. He laughed slightly, and Tooru looked at him.

"What are you laughing about?" Tooru asked

"I was just thinking how funny it is, that you guys on the team make me feel safe" I smiled

"How is that funny?" Tooru looked slightly offended, but it was mostly for show.

"Because before this happened you guys and I were on different teams and were looking to defeat the other..." Tooru laughed at that and Hajime joined in.

Oikawa POV

"I'm glad he was smiling." I said after we dropped Shouyou off "I was worried there for a second, he didn't want people to know but he told them. And now he's smiling."

"Yeah. I'm glad he feels safe with the team, and that he told them."

"Hey Hajime..."

"Don't call me that."

"Why not, Shoyou made a point we cant be mad if he doesn't call us by our first names if we don't." I laughed

"Whatever Shittykawa," he laughed, "What did you want?"

"What do you think we should do about those two?" I said turning serious.

"I don't know..." he slid his hand over his face, the stress evident "I know what i'd like to do, but it's not the answer. But neither is SHouyou 'I don't want to do anything about it' viewpoint either. And while I don't want to go against his wishes..."

"Something needs done." I finished for him, and he nodded "I personally would like to tear them apart, I think the team does too."

"As do I, but we cant." He frowned "In a perfect world Shouyou would go to the police and press charges, but I don't see that happening."

"We could tell the rest of Karasuno, they have those two little crackheads that would tear him apart for us." I grinned and he looked at me confused "You know baldy and that little Libro"

"Oh them, I'm sure they would but that wouldn't make SHoyou happy."

We continued to talk about it. Going round and round the same points, but not getting anywhere. Like he said the best thing would be for Shoyou turning them in. But as of right now that was definitely not happening. We were just about to part ways when I got a text, it was from Tobio-chan

From: Tobio-chan

Subject: Not Over Yet


You think you won this, but Hinata is ours. Here's a few pictures to prove it


When I opened the attachments I gasped. I knew they had to be pictures of Shouyou, but these are horrible. They were horrible. I started to scroll through them, but had to look away. I one Shouyou collapsed on the gym floor covered in bruises and cut marks. Another was him being held down with Kageyama over him. And in another was Tsukishima choking Shouyou while smiling.

"What is it?" Hajime said taking in the look on my face, all I could do was hand him my phone.

Iwaizumi POV

Oikawa had gone sickly pale, his hands were shaking to the point he looked like he was about to drop his phone he was holding. I didn't know what could be so wrong till he handed me the phone.

"Tobio sent me them." He started crying.

"It's okay Tooru..." I hugged him, rubbing his back to try and calm him.

"The pictures...t-they're horrible. How could they?"

I squeezed his phone tightly in my hand, I was pissed. I wanted to go find Kageyama and..and...hit him, him and that Tsukishima too. I didn't though. Instead I walked Oikawa home, walking him to his room and making sure he went straight to bed. Then I forwarded Kageyama's message and the pictures to me. When Shouyou...if Shouyou went to the police we would need them later on. Then I went home myself, keeping it together till I got there, and then I allowed myself to break down. I hit the wall twice, so I wouldn't go and punch the people I wanted to. Then knowing that I had to go to sleep, I went and laid down.

From: Shittykawa

Subject: Are you awake...


Your up right...


Subject: Re;Are you awake


Why the hell arent you asleep Shittykawa!? You were when I left.

From: Shittykawa

Subject: Re;Re;Are you awake...


I was faking....I wanted to make sure you got home okay too.


Subject: Re;Re;Re;Are you awake


I did, now go to sleep!

I turned off my phone and rolled over. Damn idiot Shittykawa, he better go to sleep. 

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