Chapter 18: Training Camp Pt.2

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Iwaizumi POV

Hinata was slightly off as we played, he was still great and jumping around, but I could tell he was extremely nervous. After our first set the guys had asked if he was okay, and he gave them a smile saying he was. But now with the second set about to end I could see him coming undone.

"Coach I think you should pull Hinata out for a bit..." I said quietly to him after the other team had called at timeout. With a glance at said person he nodded, he must have seen what I saw. Hinata wasn't doing well.

When Coach switched him out he looked kinda sad, like he always did when he left the court, but he understood. He knew he was struggling and gladly watched as he tried to regain his composure. After winning the second set against Shinzen we had a bye round in the practice schedule, I took that time to grab him to talk. Oikawa is not far behind.

"Hinata are you okay?" I asked once we were out of the gym and far away from the others.

"Yeah..." Hinata looked at the ground trying to decide if he should say more, "I just...its odd I guess." he finished, he looked guilty

"WHat do you mean?" Oikawa asked, putting a hand under his chin and guiding his gaze up.

"I uh...I'm just having issues..." HInata stumbled about how to say it

"You're having issues adjusting to playing with our team in an actual match..." I said understanding, he was struggling with this situation and having the issues made him feel guilty.

"Yeah..." Hinata turned read slightly in embarrassment "I'm sorry"

"You don't have anything to apologise for." Oikawa said, placing his hand on his shoulder.

We glanced at each other, and I knew that we felt the same. Hinata was having issues adjusting to being with us instead of Karasuno, and while it hurt a bit we understood. And while we wanted to comfort him about it we didn't know how.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" someone started to call from behind us before we could say more, turning I saw Fukurodani's captain and ace "Hey! Hinata there you are!" He came running up to us and flug his arms around HInata, earning a scowl from Oikawa.

"Hey Bokuto...:" Hinata said hugging him back before pulling away "You know we just saw each other an hour ago right?" Hinata said laughing.

"Yeah!" He started to say something else but someone called him and he dashed off.

"You're close to Fukurodani's captain I see..." Oikawa watched the guy retreat and then looked at HInata like he deserved to know why they were so close.

"Yeah Bokuto is really awesome, hes their ace and captain and when he spikes the ball is goes like wood ash and bam...." Hinata said excitedly, not noticing Oikawa's dark mood, though it didn't stay long as Hinata was smiling brightly at him.

Oikawa POV

I felt extremely protective over Hinata, each time someone from another school came and talked to him I had to fight the urge to scare them away. I felt like they were trying to steal him, and I wouldn't allow it.

"Shittykawa calmed down." Iwazumi said coming up behind me and hitting my head, we were going to change after winning our second match, done for the day.

"But Iwa-chan I can't help it..." I complained "Everytime someone comes up to HInata I get... Well I dont know its like its worry but so much worse..."

"There's nothing to worry about though Hinata's safe." Iwazumi said looking me straight in the eyes, I nodded feeling a bit better but not much.

"Hey guys have you seen Hinata?" Hanamaki said coming out of the locker room, they had been standing outside talking.

"Isn't he in there?" Iwaizumi asked, walking in the locker room without waiting for an answer, checking it and the bathroom. Hinata wasn't here.

"When was the last time you saw him?" I asked, panic starting to bubble in me.

"They gym I think...''Kindaichi said coming up beside us, he didn't have to ask who we were talking about, he just knew.

Hinata POV

"Hinata are you gonna join us for some extra practice?" Kuroo called me just before I left the gym, he was with Bokuto and Akaashi.

"Sure!" I said bounding over to them, I was excited to train some more.

We all took turns spiking, Akaashi set for one of us and the other two tried to block. We had just gotten into a good rhythm when Oikawa and Iwaizumi came bursting in, some of Aoba Johsai right behind them.

"Hinata!" Oikawa yelled running towards me, stopping me in my approach

"Oikawa whats wrong?" I asked as he grabbed my shoulders.

"What's wrong you just disappeared on us." iwaizumi said, having finally caught up.

"Huh?" I was confused

"We thought you were in the locker room, but you weren't....we were worried," Oikawa said, whispering the last part. THats when it hit me.

"I'm sorry guys, I hadnt meant to scare you." I said looking at both of them apologetics. I felt terrible, they had been looking out for me and I hadn't even thought to tell them I was staying to practice more. "I'm so sorry..." I said again.

"Whats going on? What are you sorry for Chibi-chan?" Kuroo asked, coming up with the others.

"Oh uh I just didn't tell them that I was gonna stay and practice...." I said as everyone drew closer, wanting to know more about what was going on.

"WHy would you have to tell them?" Bokuto asked confused "It's not like you hadn't stayed and practiced with us before..." He didn't see the problem with his words.

"That was when he was with Karasuno" Akaashi said to him bluntly "He should have let his new team know."

I was never so grateful for Akaashi in my life. He had made it seem like them worrying was natural, not due to something else.

"I'm really sorry guys..." I said not only looking at OIkawa and Iwaizumi, but also looking towards my other teammates who had followed them in.

"It's okay..." Iwaizumi smoothed, though Oikawa still held my shoulders tightly "we now know and it's all good." Iwazumi pried Oikawa off me and then led him along with the rest of the team away. "Don't practice too long." He said before leaving, he was smiling but still seemed kinda mad.

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