Chapter 3: Panic Attack

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Aoba Johsai POV

It was Friday, they had waited a week and Karasuno's little no.10 did not come to them. They had been doing their best not to go up and bug him about playing volleyball, but they were growing tired of being patient, especially Oikawa. He was working alone on his jump serves but he wasn't doing very well.

"Maybe you should talk to him." Hanamaki suggested to Iwaizumi as they and the rest of the team watched their captain, well all but Kyotani who looked equally pissed about something but when didn't he. Iwazumi sighed walking over to Oikawa knowing they were right.

"Hey shittykawa what's wrong with you."

"Iwa-chan when are you going to let me go talk to chibi -chan about joining, it's been a week already!" Oikawa whined at him. Every day that week Iwazumi had to constantly drag Oikawa away from talking to Hinata. "You want to go talk to him as much as I do!" Oikawa accused and then looked at the rest of his team before pinpoint his gaze at Kyotani "In fact all of you want to get him on the team. Even Mad Dog wants him on the team. You want Karasuno's no.10 on or team don't you? " The team thought he was joking until they heard him confirm it.

"Of course I do!" Mad Dog barked at Oikawa drawing the shocked expressions of their whole team, Mad Dog has never acted like that except with Iwaizumi.

"FInd your right, we waited a week." Iwazuim gave in nodding "Monday me and you will go talk to him."

"Really!" Oikawa asked genuinely smiling. When he got a nod back they all went back to practicing.

Hinata POV

The weekend was hard. I kept having nightmares of him only to wake up in the middle of the night, cut two lines across each of my arms, and then lay there in bed till morning. Monday came quick and I was back in class. Last week after that first day the two volleyball players, that I remember their names finally as Kunimi and Kindaichi, had not been staring at me. However today they bore holes into me all day. I couldn't figure out why till on my way from lunch Oikawa and Iwazumi cornered me. Well shit.

"H-hey guys" I stammered looking for a way to get away but finding none.

"Hey there Chibi-chan,"Oikawa said smiling, "We thought that you would come to seek us out last week but you didn't, so we thought we'd come to you."

"O-oh..well you see..." I started stammering under their gaze, but I had to tell them I wasn't playing anymore "....I-I don't play anymore." I yelled shocking them a bit and then I bolted away as fast as I could. However I wasn't fast enough. Iwazumi had apparently been ready for me to run, he grabbed me by the collar pulling me back.

"Not so fast" He said with his scary glare on me "Why don't you play anymore? What happened?"

I couldn't handle it. I started to freak out, his stare turning into someone else, I felt like I couldnt breath. Seeing this he let go and I dropped to the floor my legs too weak to stand at the moment. I was shaking trying to catch my breath.

Aoba Johsai POV

Hinata tried to run but Iwazumi grabbed him. That's when he started falling apart.The look of fear in his eyes, heavy breathing, and shaking. Iwazumi noticed his panic and let him go, and he fell to the ground gasping to calm down. Oikawa and Iwazumi shared a look before kneeling on the group in front of the terrified boy. They had never seen him like this, he was always an energetic ball of sunshine. They wanted to crush whatever did this to him.

"Hinata" Oikawa said softly, reaching out to the boy, stopping when he flinched away, his eyes filled with fear huge as he stared at them but not really seeing them. "Hinata" Oikawa called his name again and again. Not stopping even when he got a questioning glance from Iwaizumi.

Hinata POV

"Hinata" I heard the figure say. I was parilised with fear, thankfully the figure didn't try to reach for me again because I knew I wouldn't be able to move. He just kept calling my name. But it was different from how he said it, it was softer, nicer even. Slowly I started to calm down, I stopped shaking and caught my breath. The haunting figure started to disappear and I started to come back. I was in the hallway at school. Oikawa and Iwazumi in front of me kneeling. I remember what happened, Iwazumi had grabbed me and while I looked at his scary face it morphs into another in my panic.

"Hinata" Oikawa called and I looked over at him. He was the one calling my name this whole time. "I see you rejoined us." He said looking smugly as I gave a small nod.

"Great why don't you go to lunch but we still wanna talk to you.Come to the gym after school just to talk." Oikawa said, surprising him. And when he mumbled okay he got up and left.

Oikawa POV

"What the hell was that!" Iwa-chan instant turned to me the second Hinata had left

"He had some sort of panic attack I think." He said, staring off at where the boy had disappeared down the hall "WHatever happened to Chibi-chan is haunting him."

Oikawa was bothered by what had happened, seeing how he acted confused him. He was fine until Iwazumi had grabbed him to stop him from running away. He decided to call his sister and ask for her thoughts,

"Dr.Yuji's office how can I help you" Her receptionist said

"Hey It's Toru Oikawa, is my sister available?

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