Chapter 19: Training Camp Pt.3

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Oikawa POV

I was extremely unnerved, Iwaizumi had told him he could stay, but every second that passed and he didn't come out I got more and more worked up. Why had he told him he could stay, we should have just taken him and left along with us, they could be doing things to him. Like those two first years had! I shivered, and tried to shake away the thought.

"Tooru." Iwaizumi said from the bench in front of me, the one I'd been pacing in front of for thirty minutes "Sit down." I complied, whenever he used my real name it was serious.

"I can't stop worrying..." I said placing my face in my hands "But I know there's no reason to be"

"I understand" It was simple but it spoke volumes

"Hajime I don't know what to do... I keep thinking about what happened to him. I'm glad he's smiling and playing volleyball again but.." I didn't know what to say

"It's hard..." he agreed "I don't know how far to go with this, and I don't want to go too far but I'm also worried that I won't go far enough..." I nodded at his words.

We sat there in silence then, until HInata came out shortly after. He saw us, and he looked shocked, worried even. He ran over to us dropping on the floor in front of the bench.

"What's wrong?" He asked staring at both of us

"WHat do you mean?" I asked confused

"You guys look really worried and stressed... so I was wondering what had happened...." Hinata's worried expression, his face looking keenly at us, it clicked.

Iwazumi and I must have been making faces as we talked about them, and seeing them Hinata got worried about us. It filled my heart with joy, he cared about us alot.

"We were just talking about nothing important..." Iwaizumi said as he understood too.

Hinata frowned at us, and looked at the ground in thought. He was trying to decide what to say, and when he looked back up he looked very determined, but also somewhat hurt.

"You guys have been here a lot for me...and you always said that it was important to be truthful about what was bothering me. So what's wrong with you guys, and please be honest this time. I want to help you guys, like you've helped me." Hinata said in complete seriousness.

When I shared a glance with Iwaizumi, both shocked and in awe about Hinata, we both lost it. Starting to laugh at the true irony. Hinata was worried about us who were in turn worried about him. Seeing us laugh confused him and he open and closed his mouth multiple times trying to say something but ended up at a loss for words. It only caused us to laugh more.

"There's nothing really wrong Hinata.." I said after calming down from laughing "We were just talking about how worried we were for you." Hinata was shocked, and turned slightly red

"I'm sorry I hadn't meant to worry you guys..." Hinata said ducking his head

"It's okay," Iwaizumi said, "We're just glad that you were okay and having fun."

Suga POV

Daichi and I had turned the corner to find just the people they had been looking for. However seeing them laughing and smiling, we hesitated unsure if now was a good time. Having just decided to leave, we got spotted and then waved over.

"Hey guys," Hinata said, looking up from where he was sitting on the floor.

"Hey Hinata," I said, leaning down and hugging him. Daichi had decided on ruffling his hair as he said hello. "Iwaizumi. Oikawa." I looked at them each in turn smiling, they smiled back.

"We know it's getting late but we were hoping to talk to you guys for a bit." I looked at the other third years, who seemed to understand. "Hinata do you mind if I borrow them for a bit?"

"Of course not!" He said as he jumped up smiling "I'm going to head to the room then, bye!"

Hinata bounced away before anyone else could respond, he seemed happy.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Iwaizumi asked, Oikawa was too focused on watching after Hinata, even though he had long disappeared.

"Well we wanted to know how Hinatas doing" I said looking to meet his eyes

"Why not ask him yourself?"

"Because Hinata has a habit of trying to hide the truth, and I know you can tell me how he's doing objectively." I meet Iwaizumis gaze, not backing down.

"I'm not really sure how to answer to be honest..." Iwaizumi finally caved "He's doing better than he was last time you guys saw him, but he's still not himself yet."

I nodded, I had seen him on the court. Anyone who didn't know Hinata could say it was just because he was playing with a new team, but it was more than that.

"DO you care to tell us more specifics?" Daichi said, speaking for the first time.

"If you want to know more specifically you'll have to ask HInata, he's been going through a lot. And we've just earned his trust, I'm not going to say anything to break it." Daichi and I understood, so with nods we left, going in search of Hinata now.

Hinata POV

I was hanging out with the rest of Aoba JOhsai when there was a light knock on the door, and after a quick come in from somewhere in the room, Suga stepped in. "Hinata could I borrow you for a bit?" He asked, smiling sweetly.

I had asked the team to let Oikawa and Iwaizumi know that I left with him, and then followed him into the hall. Daichi was waiting there. It was a little odd, but it was also nice.

"THe others were hoping to see you..." Suga started "We understand if you want to wait until tomorrow or long even."

"I wouldn't mind seeing them..." I said and when I got a slight nod from each of them I followed them down the hall to Karasuno's room.

Taking a deep breath I stepped in, quickly being tackled in hugs like before in the gym. However this time I didn't see Tsukki or Kageyama anywhere in sight, I was thankful for that.

Nishinoya drew my attention, while the others had let go he still clung on to me.

"Hinata!" he hugged me tighter

"Nishinoya-senpai..." I struggled, he saw cutting off the circulation in my waist and making it hard to breathe "..too tight!" I yelped as his hold only got tighter. Thankfully Daichi pried him off me, holding him back from tackling me into another bruising hug. The others around us laughed, but it too soon died out into a dead silence.

"I'm sorry guys..." I said staring at the floor guilty, but then looked up starting again since I knew I needed to apologise to them properly "I'm sorry I left without telling you, it was wrong."

"It's okay, HInata," Suga said, coming up beside me and sitting on the floor. "We're just all glad to see you again, safe and sound."

"Yeah safe and sound with your old team all around you." Kageyama said, opening the door, Tsukki standing behind him. Damn, and here I had hoped to bypass seeing them. At least they couldn't do anything with the whole team there, would they?

"Yeah..." I choked out awkwardly, looking at them and trying to act normal.

"SO how's the new school?" Tankaka asked, not noticing the tension between the three of us.

"It's good, the teachers explain things really well. I'm actually passing all my classes for once."

"No way!" Nishinoya shouted from where Daichi was still holding him.

"Yeah it's really awesome..." I smiled trying to remain calm "Look guys I know I just got here, but we have a lot of training tomorrow. Can we continue this then?" I worried they would demand I stay, but they didn't. They all simply hugged me again and watched me leave.

Once I rounded the corner I started an all out sprint, I didn't think Tsukki and Kageyama would follow me but I wasn't willing to change it. I kept running, even though I got a few odd stares, till I reached the hallway our room was in. Stopping for a second outside the door, catching my breath, and then went inside.

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