Chapter 9: Scars

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Oikawa POV

Oikawa couldn't get him out of his mind, so he spent Sunday morning trying to decide if he should go over there. Finally he texted Iwa-chan asking him if they should go over. After what felt like forever there was a knock at his front door, and the person then walked in.

"Shittykawa lets go." Iwazumi called me as I layed on the couch.

"Iwa-chan! Mean!" Pouting slightly as I got up and we left. "Are you sure we won't be intruding on them?

"If Hinata doesn't want us there then we'll leave, we could text and ask but it's not like we have his number." I nodded, we hadn't thought about getting his number from him so I added that to the ever growing list of things to ask.

When we arrived Mrs.Hinata was out front watching as Natsu played in the yard. When she saw us she smiled, as Natsu came running over.

"Are you here to play with Nii-chan?" I laughed as she said the word play but nodded.

"He's in his room if you want to go up." His mother then said.

We walked in and went upstairs knocking on his door, but got no answer. I looked at Iwaizumi who shrugged, so I opened the door a bit saying "Hinata we're coming in." Then when I saw him sleeping I opened it wider laughing.

Hinata was wrapped in a blanket snoring lightly, his face peaceful as he slept. It was rather cute.

"Should we wake him?" I asked

"It's the middle of the day. Hell yes we're waking him up!" Iwa-chan frowned at me.

As we walked in towards him, closing the door behind us, HInata shifted. The blanket that was completely covering him moved a bit showing us his bare chest. We both froze. Hinata had marks all over his exposed skin.

Hinata POV

I heard voices and started to walk up, moving slightly. I felt cold air as the cover shifted. Then I opened my eyes as I heard gasps. Oikawa and Iwazumi were standing in the middle of my room, shocked faces looking at me. I quickly covered my chest that was littered with bruises, scars and other marks.

"What are you guys doing here!" I angrily yelled at them, they'd seen what I had been trying to hide. They knew, and I knew they would no longer let me off with half truths. They would demand answers, answers I couldn't give them.

Iwaizumi POV

Hinata looked angry, we had seen something he didn't want us to. But we were angry too. Someone had done some serious things to him. Oikawa was still in shock next to me to answer, so I walked over towards him grabbing the blanket. He fought with me, trying to keep me from pulling it away, but I won. The blanket hiding him came off, and the slight glimpse we had before was nothing compared to what we saw now.

"Get out!" Hinata yelled, scrambling to grab the blanket back, to hide himself. But I wouldn't let him.

"It's time for you to start talking" Oikawa said, finally able to speak again

"It's none of your business!"

Oikawa nor I liked what Hinata said, like hell it wasn't our business! Oikawa reached out and grabbed Hinata's arm, pulling him towards him, and hugged him.

Hinata obviously displeased, tried to break free but Oikawa just held him tighter. As he did I got a better look at Hinata, and could now see that like his front there were marks on his back. Cut marks, bruises, cratches, and scares littered his body.his whole torso, but not his arms. Wait, his arms did have marks, cut marks. But these were self inflicted where the others weren't. He thought back to the razors they had found, Hinata had been cutting his arms.

"Hinata calms down." OIkawa was trying to get him to stop moving but he wouldn't. "We've seen the marks now, coving up with your blanket won't change that."

"I don't care!" Hinata had started crying in anger and hurt "Let me go! Let go!" he was pushing at OIkawa's chest trying still to get free, but Hinata wasn't strong enough to get out of Oikawa's embrace.

Iwazumi went over to Hinata's dresser and grabbed a shirt, hoping being able to hide the marks would calm him down a bit. Then he walked over and nugged Oikawa, who turned and looked at him. Oikawa released Hinata's body but held onto his arm so he couldn't bolt out of the room. Then I held the shirt out to Hinata who took it and started putting it on. Once he had he was instantly grabbed and brought back into Oikawa's arms. Though he still fought it wasn't as much.

Hinata POV

Covering myself with a shirt helped, I was glad I could hide the marks, all but the ones on my arms. "Let go." I said to Oikawa, he had grabbed me again the second I put the shirt on.

"You'll just run away." He said tightening his hold on me.

"No I won't..." he didn't seem to believe me so I added "Besides where in my house where would I run to?" After he thought about it he released me and I backed away from him, pulling my knees to my chest and looking at the floor. We sat in silence for a few minutes, no one knowing what to say.

"Who gave you those marks?" Iwazumi was the first to speak

"It doesn't matter." I mumbled in response

"Yes it does!" Oikawa said, gripping my shoulders.

"No it doesn't! And even if it did it's none of your business!" I stood making his hand fall off me. I was angry again, what were they doing here? They had no right to intrude, no right to ask questions. "I want you to leave." I said, looking at both of them and crossing my arms.

They both looked pissed now. And I knew that they had no intention of leaving

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