Chapter 29: Us

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Iwaizumi POV

Shouyou fainted. We told him that we liked him and asked him to date us, and then he fainted. Oikawa panicked, and I was doing only slightly better. Did he faint from surprise, disgust? Could there be another reason? He told us when we asked that he was okay with what we were doing, could he have said that because he thought he had to? He had looked mortified when his mom came home, and when he saw his reflection. But he had also smiled. It had not seemed fake, was I wrong though? Shit.

"I think we broke him!" Oikawa panicked voice cried

"We didn't break him, stop being ridiculous." I picked Shouyou up from the death grip Oikawa had on him, and then laid him down on his bed. "He was probably just shocked"

"But Iwa-chan he fainted! How can he just faint after we tell him we like him and ask him out?"

"He could have been extremely shocked by it idiot!" I barked angrily

"Shouyou why did you faint, I thought you liked us too..." Oikawa whispered as he gently ran his fingers through Shouyou's hair, though he didn't expect to get an answer not yet at least.


We decided to wait for him to wake up. And the time seemed to crawl by. After about an hour though he finally did, he sat up rubbing his eyes and looked very confused. The realization hit him and he went bright red under our gaze.

"Hey there Shouyou, have a nice nap?" I asked teasing him, but there was a hard tone undertone to it and he noticed.

"Did I faint?" He asked "No thats a stupid question, dont answer that. I'm sorry..."

"Why did you faint?" Iwaizumi asked "Were you that shocked?"

"Well um..." He looked down "Well sort of, but I uh just didn't think you guys would like how I liked you.."

When he said it like that I couldn't be angry, if I ever was at his fainting. I got up from where I was sitting and went to sit with him on the bed. Iwaizumi moved at the same time, and we smiled at each other, Shouyou was too cut.

"So we're dating now?" Shouyou asked smiling sheepishly at us

"Yes we're dating now." I confirmed and Iwaizumi nodded in agreement, Shouyou smiled.


Hinata POV

We didn't bother pulling out the futons, instead we all just slept in my bed. Like the first time they stayed over, but this time I didn't wake up in the middle of the night and freak out. No, I slept till morning, happily snuggled between them. And when I woke up I couldn't help but think back to training camp, when I had woken up between them. And about the bus. I smiled and snuggled down deeper.

"Shouyou time to wake up." iwaizumi said in my ear.

"No, let's just sleep some more."

"Yeah listen to Shouyou..." Oikawa's sleepy voice said behind me and his arms tightened around my waist. I smiled at that.

"If we don't get up your mom will surely come wake us up soon, do you want her to walk in on the three of us cuddling?" Iwaizumi was the devil, with that he had successfully gotten me up.

"Iwaizumi why do you have to be so mean, being the voice of reason? WHy can't you be more like Oikawa and suggest we sleep longer?"

"Don't call me that!" Oikawa sit up straight then, glaring at me slightly

"Call you what?" I had used his name, what could he be meaning

"Call me Tooru."

"What no!" I immediately rejected

"Why not? We're dating after all."

"Because you're older than me...and besides, Iwaizumi doesn't call you by your first name, why should I?"

"Oh so if we called each other by our first names you would too?" Iwaizumi grinned

"Not you too Iwaizumi, you're supposed to be the voice of reason between you two."

"I am. And it's completely reasonable for you to call your boyfriends by their first name, even if they are older. Isn't that right Tooru?" He grinned wider

"You are absolutely right Hajime." Oikawa grinned back and then they both looked at me.

"I cant"

"Yes you can..please shouyou.." Oikawa whispered in my ear, making me turn red.

"Just say our names come on.." Iwaizumi said into my other ear

"...T-To-To-Tooru....and...H-Ha-Haj-Hajime..." I was blushing even har\der now and tried to hide my face in my hands, but they wouldn't let me.

"Again" They both said, smiling big and bright like two kids on Christmas morning.

I repeated their names probably a good ten times before I refused to say them anymore. And reluctantly they let it go, each giving me a kiss before getting out of bed. I smiled and followed them, it was a really great morning. 

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