Chapter 21: Day 2 Pt.2

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Oikawa POV

"Of course you can, thanks for letting us know." Iwaizumi said smiling and then sending HInata on his way, but the second HInata left his smile dropped

"Why did you do that?" I asked as I scowled at him

"Because we can't stop him from talking with people, Stupidkawa." He said hitting me in the back of the head and walked towards our room.

"But Iwa-chan....." I followed behind him growing

"What's wrong with him?" Matsukawa asked when we got their "OH is it because a certain redhead is off somewhere else?" Matasukawa then grinned

"So shorty choose to hang out with someone else instead of Oikawa big shocker" Hanamaki came to sit with them, smiling also "But it's not like Oikawas the only one upset.." Oikawa followed to where he was pointing, Iwaizumi was there frowning "Iwaizumi is not happy either!"

"Shut up idiots!" Iwaizumi said as he looked at his phone, trying and failing to get rid of his frown

"It's his fault he's not here he doesn't get to be upset." I said pouting.

"Trashykawa shut up!" Iwaizumi threw a pillow at me, it was the closest thing for him to grab, and it hit me in the face "I already told you we can't stop him from talking to others, besides nothings gonna happen it's just his old team..."

"But what if they try to get him to go back to Karasumo!" I whined, not caring how I looked, I was too worried that they'd steal HInata away.

"You're an Idiot" Iwaizumi huffed and then walked over and grabbed my arm, then dragged me out the door and down the hall.

Iwaizumi POV

"Iwa-chan let go!" Oikawa said behind me as I drag him down the halls, I didn't listen though.

I drug Oikawa till I found an abandoned hallway and then I stopped and let him go, crossing my arms. He had a scowl on his face and was rubbing his arm where my hand had been.

"What the hell Iwa-chan?" He asked

"That's my question, why were you acting like that back there?"

"I wasn't acting like anything..." He crossed his arms then to, and wouldn't meet my eyes.

"Dont lie, you've been acting weird since we got here what's wrong?"

"I just don't like how close everyone is with him..." Oikawa finally said quietly

"You mean with HInata?"


"Thats stupid." Oikawa looked at me then shock on his face

"Its not stupid!" He almost shouted

"Yes it is..." I understood how he felt but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that, instead I told him what i've been telling myself "Look Oikawa, HInata trusts us a lot. You know that, after all, he trusts us with the secret no one else knows. How can you worry about the others being closed to him, when he obviously is extremely close with us?"

"I guess you're right.. it's just that they have a friendship with him based on fun memories with him. And they know a lot of the little things about him, and we don't. Sure we know his secret, and yeah we've gotten closer but..." Oikawa trailed off.

I could see what he ment, we found out Hinata's secret in a way he had to tell us and even though we grew closer because of us it's not the same with them. They started out like normal friends, and though he doesn't want to share his secret with them now he's still really close to them in a different way. It was nerve racking...

It wasn't a surprise when our conversation got interrupted, it seemed anytime we were having an important talk it did, but what was surprising was who interrupted it. It was Nekomas setter, Kenma I think his name was. He had a determined look on his face, and was coming right towards us.

"What is the secret of Shouyou?" He asked, his eyes locked with Oikawas and then mine.

"Sorry we were having a private conversation, if you don't mind..." Oikawa made a shooting motion but the other setter didn't budge

"You guys were very loud so it must not have been that private, what about Shouyou." I turned back to me, eyes determined, and crossed his arms.

"I'm sorry but Hinata would be mad if we said anything, you'll have to ask him."

"Fine I will" He pulled out his cell phone and texted something then put it away, he made no move to leave though and instead went over to the bench and sat.

Hinata came bounding around the corner after a couple of minutes, freezing when he saw us and then slowly making his way over.

Hinata POV

When I turned the corner I froze. Kenma, Oikawa and Iwazumi were in the middle of the hall. I slowly made my way over, noting the shock and surprise on both Oikawas and Iwaizumis faces, along with the smugness on Kenmas that looked very out of place.

"Kenma, you said it was urgent, what's wrong?" I asked stopping in front of him

"Whats your secret, Shouyou?" He asked looking me straight in the eyes

Kenma POV

Shouyou;s mouth dropped open and his eyes went huge. He hadn't expected it, and normally I wouldn't ask so bluntly but he's been weird lately. He sent a questioning glance to the other two who shook their head and then looked back at me.

"What's your secret? What do they know that no one else does?" I asked again

"Kenma well um I-" Shouyou stammered

"It's what you wanted to talk about right?" When I said that his two teammates sent hard questioning glances between us.

"Were you going to tell him Hinata?" The brown haired one said, I think his name is Oikawa

"I-uh well..." Shouyou struggled looking at the ground

"Shouyou.." I reached out and touched his arm, he looked up at me "I won't force you to tell me, but if you want to I'll listen. Either way i'm here if you need me." With that Hinata started to cry.

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