Chapter 6: What To Do

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Oikawa POV

As I looked through the nightstand I found a small case at the back, hidden there. Pulling it out I looked at Iwaizumi, who even though he said I shouldn't open it had a look of interest as to what may be in it. When I opened the case I gasped, inside was a set of small razors. Iwazumi got up and looked over my shoulder, eyes settling on its contents and gasping too. The little ball of sunshine had razor blades, hidden inside his nightstand at the back they could only be for one thing. My heart broke. I quickly put them back and we sat back down, hearing footsteps draw closer to the door.

"Pizzas here" Hinata came in smiling, a fake smile.

I looked at Iwaizumi asking if we should say anything but got a small shake of his head, now wasn't the time to make a scene. So we got up and went downstairs to eat. It was a surprisingly enjoyable time, we laughed and talked about nothing really. Natsu was even finally warming up to us. Even Hinata looked to be enjoying himself.

"It was nice to meet you, thanks for having us!" Iwazumi said as we bowed to Mrs.Hinata.

"Of course anytime, I'm just so happy to see Shouyou smiling again." She said smiling

Hinata walked us to the door and said goodbye saying he would see us at school tomorrow, and then we left. The walk towards our houses was silent. I knew we were both thinking about that small box in Hinata's nightstand and how his mother acted like he hasn't smiled in a while.

"I think we should pay a visit to Karasuno '' I was surprised. I said it but then realized that it was a good idea. "It would be kinda suspicious if we just showed up there though."

"Yeah and Hinata doesn't seem like he wants them to know, and us going and poking around would kinda give it away." Iwazumi said, nodding.

We talked more and decided we should try and set up a practice match with them, now we just had to get the coach on board.

The Next Day

Aoba Johsai POV

When Iwazumi and Oikawa brought up the idea of a practice match with Karasuno the coach was on board. He thought it was a good idea to see how they would measure against each other now that Karasuno no longer had their little no.10. He told them to start practicing saying he was gonna go make a call to see about making the game for this saturday. Iwazumi and Oikawa followed him out of the gym, while they didn't think he would, they wanted to make sure he didn't mention Hinata. That got a confused look from him but he said he wouldn't mention the shorty. With that they went into the gym and got to practicing.

Hinata POV

I wasn't too happy about my appointment today, because of what happened last week my mom was now making me go to therapy every Tuesday. I didn't want to talk to anyone though. Last week I went and just sat there, my therapist didn't push me to talk and the hour passed slowly. This week I planned to do the same. Once I reached the hospital and I went inside and walked towards the therapy wing. Dr.Yuji was a medical therapist and had her own office, walking inside her office waiting room, I stopped in front of her receptionist.

"Hello, Hinata Shouyou I have an appointment with Dr.Yuji." The receptionist typed something in and then sent him in saying that she was waiting for him.

"Hello Shouyou how are you today?" she asked, smiling at him once he sat down.

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm good, thank you. How was school?" She asked her questions and went on and on. I had meant to be quiet the whole time, but she wasn't asking questions I didn't want to answer. SHe was just asking about me, and I ended up answering her about my likes and dislikes.

Dr.Yuji POV

Hinata, Shouyou.....last week he had completely avoided all my questions. He wasn't interested in talking, so I changed my approach. Today I asked him basic questions about himself. He had answered all of them, though it wasn't much progress it was a start.

"I'm home." I called as I opened the door. Takeru came bounding towards me once I entered the living room. " Hey how was your day?" I asked him to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Uncle Tooru was late to get me!" He instantly accused me of pointing to the couch.

"It was a minute!" My brother Tooru exclaimed "I was a minute late!" He then started pouting and watched tv. I chuckled at the two before I started dinner. Tooru came in shortly and he looked like he wanted to talk.

Oikawa's POV

"Can I ask you something?" I finally said after watching my sister cook for a few minutes. Continuing when I saw her nod "You remember me talking about Karasuno's little ginger that has the quiet attack?"

"The one you think had a panic attack yesterday day?" She asked

"Yeah.....Iwa-chan and I ended up going to his house yesterday. And while he was in the bathroom I decided to look around his room..."

"Snooping in others rooms is wrong Tooru." My sister shot me a hard glance but let me talk.

"I found a...u-uh" She looked up at me knowing whatever I was about to say was important "..there was this box and it had razors in it..." I finished in a whisper.

"And you think he is self harming." She said and though it wasn't a question I nodded "Did you guys say anything to him?"

"No we just replaced the box and let it go thinking it wasn't right to confront him about it since we were about to have dinner with his family...and then when we were leaving his mom said that she was happy to see him smile again. Like maybe he hadn't truly smiled in awhile."

My sister listened intently and then took some time to think before she said "I think it would be best to let him know that you know, don't push him though. Just let him know you're there for him."

I nodded and we sat in silence a little while longer. "Do you think he'll be okay?" I asked looking down. "What if he's mad that we know?"

"The only thing you can do is apologise for snooping and be truthful."

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