"𝗮𝗱𝗮 𝗶'𝗺 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆"

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𝙵𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟷𝟹𝚝𝚑
𝙰𝚍𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚗𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

"I know you're going trough a lot but why did we have to take the earliest flight" Sofia said laying her head on my shoulder.

It's currently 3:36 in the morning and me,Liv,Dara and sofia are at the airport. When i got home i had a mental breakdown and cried for hours and the girls were there for me. Then I started packing and bought the earliest flight back Home. Liv is going to stay in oceanside for a day and then She is going home in Temecula and Sofia is going to Arizona to visit family.

I already texted Bryana to come and pick me up. I don't really care if Tate comes along because i can get this over with earlier.

"Flight A637d to Oceanside California gate 15 is open" the lady said "time to go and get over this" i say. Since Sofia is Going to Arizona she's not going to the same airplane. "See you in 4 days" i tell her "love you honey, please don't do anything crazy" she said hugging me. I nod and she walks to her gate. "Let's go guys" Dara said.
We walk to the line and then inside the airplane.

We walk to the line and then inside the airplane

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After an hour we finally landed to Oceanside. Olivia took an uber to her aunts house because she was planning on spending the day with her before she leaves to Temecula. After Liv left I waited a few more minutes before i see Bryana's White Range Rover.

When Bry gets out of the car she runs towards me and hugs me. While i was hugging her i see Tate getting out of the car. Jesus Christ i wanted punch her in the face.
She comes to hug me but i walk the other way and walk to the car. I look at her and she looked at me confused.
I put my small yellow luggage and put it inside the car.

After a while we get in the apartment. I didn't want to start drama right away so i acted just like Tate. A freaking two faced bitch.

Me, Bry and Tate we're sitting on the kitchen table and we talked about lot's of stuff "did you talk to Josh?" Tate asked me "why? Scared he told me something?" I say looking her dead in the eyes "what do you mean?" Bry asked.

"Yesterday me and Josh got locked in the music room because the cast wanted us to 'talk it out'" i said. Tate immediately knew what i was going to say "really did he tell you the reason" Bry asked "well he told me lots things" i say looking at Tate still. I walk to her and look at her "Tate please tell me he was lying. I'm pleased tell me that you didn't do it. Please tell me that you weren't even near his house that night" i said as tears started falling. She just looked at me with her fake watery eyes.

"TATE PLEASE FUCKING TELL ME YOU DIDN'T KISS MY BOYFRIEND BECAUSE YOU WERE MAD AT JONAH" i yelled. "Ada I'm sorry! I just had a fight with Jonah and-"
"Just because you and Jonah had a fight doesn't mean you could go to my boyfriends house and kiss him" i said calming my voice.

"You what" i turn around and see Jonah at the door. "Jonah wait" Tate said. He totally ignored her and left.
Bryana looked at Tate with a disgust face and ran after Jonah. "Stay away from me,Bryana and Jonah you bitch! I swear if i see you against Tate I'm going to kill you"

"Ada please" she said wiping her tears away and following me to my room. I took out a huge luggage and bags and started packing "I'm sorry" she said "you're sorry Tate? You kissed the only person that was there for me 24/7 when I needed him. You knew i was still getting over the fact that Rendell left! But you ignored all of that and kissed my boyfriend."

I literally just throw all the stuff j could in that room into that luggage. As soon as it got full i closed it and walked to the door and open it. I walk out "adalynn please" Tate says holding my hand "leave me alone" i say and walk to my car. Again as i get in the car i scream and start crying i se Jonah and Bry out side and walk towards them "Jonah I'm sorry i didn't know you were coming" i said hugging him "and I'm sorry for all of that drama bry. I should've waited till after your date with Quincy" i say smiling at her. "It's okay. I knew she wasn't telling the truth when we asked."

I hug the goodbye and drive to my mom's house. It's my family tradition to spend valentines day with Amelie and I'm still going to do it.

When i get home and open the door my mom immediately hugs me "oh my god I missed you" she said taking a look at me "have you been eating in Utah?" She asked and I chuckled "yes mom. Where's Amelie" i ask "taking a nap" "good I really need mother advice right now.

Me and my mom walk to the living room and i tell her everything. i don't know what to do mom. I'm glad to know that he tried to do the right thing but I'm mad that he didn't tell me earlier. "Baby i always liked Joshua. He always did something very stupid but he did them with a good intensions. Tate was young and confused but I always knew that Tate was no good. She made you sneak out and go to parties but I couldn't tell you because you needed to learn all this by yourself"

Why do people say things that doesn't make sense when i need them? But she was right i guess. I need to stay away from bad influences.


Also I forgot to mention that I'm imagining the mom as Marion Cotillard. You can google her if u want or imagine the mom as someone you like.

𝙿𝚜: 𝑖 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢//Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now