"𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲"

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𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 𝟷𝟼𝚝𝚑
𝙰𝚍𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚗𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

"joyeux anniversaire Lynn" my little sister said trough the screen. it was currently 9am and my little sister Amelie called me trough her Ipad.

"thank you baby, did mom finally fix your Ipad?" i said because that Ipad has been broken since last year "no, Rendell bought me a new one, he said it's a early birthday present"

Now he's buying gifts? ugh! asshole!

i talked to Amelie and my mom for a little until Rendell popped his head in the screen so i ended the call.

"good morning birthday girl" i turn around to see Matt, Olivia, Sofia, Dara, Josh, julia, frankie and Larry with huge smile in their faces. "we have a surprise for you" Frankie said and all of them left the room. they didn't even let me say thank you. i take my shirt off  and put on a basic black hoodie and ripped jeans.

i run downstairs and see everyone in front of the kitchen counter.

"we made you a cake! and for the first time we killed it" Larry said and walked moved a little so i could see it. it was a three layer cake. it hand a lot of sprinkles ad it had my name on top.

"this look beautiful but if Josh and Matt helped you guys make it then i'm not eating" i say and everyone expect Josh and Matt.

"why are you so mean to us" Matt said acting heart broken and Josh fake cried "i'm sorry but i'm not trying to die on my birthday" i said and gave them a hug.

we ate the cake and surprisingly it tasted really good. we watched movies and went shopping. if Bryana and Jonah were here it would be the best birthday ever.

it was now around 5pm and half of the cast were leaving. they didn't tell me a reason so i guess they have another suprise.

"Lynn can you come to your room please!" Julia yelled from upstairs.

i groan and look at Josh. he was just smiling. gosh that smile!

" i'll be right back" i jump from the couch and run upstairs.

"okay put this on" Sofia commanded pointing at my red over-sized hoodie and some ripped jeans with my grey purse and a pair of sunglasses.

"why would i put this on? i'm not going any where" i said a bit confused.

"and who told you that lie!" Olivia asked and showed the clothes in my hands and gently pushed me to the bathroom. i decide not to argue and put the clothes on. when i get out the girls looked at me in shock "okay wow, didn't expect to meet someone who looks good in a hoodie and ripped jeans" julia said looking me up and down "stop checking me out Lester" i say and gave her a little wink.

"now makeup!" Dara said. the push me to my makeup chair and i sit down "i feel like i'm in those POV tiktoks after the get chosen for something" i say and the girls chuckle.

"can you guys tell me now why i'm getting ready?" i asked closing my eyes so Dara could put eye shadow "you're getting ready for your birthday date with Josh" Sofia said and my eyes opened wide "i'm what" i whisper yell knowing that Josh is probably still downstairs. "guys i can't go on a date with Josh! we didn't even talk about the kiss" i continue.

me and Josh have been in good terms but we haven't been completely alone with each other.

"exactly it's time you guys talk about your feelings and get married and have kids" Julia said blending my foundation "you guys barely hang out alone which gives you guys no time to talk about your feelings and Josh is pretty easy to manipulate so he agreed quick"

𝙿𝚜: 𝑖 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢//Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now