"𝗶𝘁'𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿"

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𝙼𝚊𝚢 𝟷𝟹𝚝𝚑
𝙰𝚍𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚗𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

"I'll see you tomorrow on set" Josh said and I nodded. He gave me a kiss and left to hang out with Matt and Larry.

"I literally don't know how aren't you guys aren't dating yet! You're basically married" i turn around and see Dara.

"He even made you that surprise party with your friends and the legacies cast! Oh and he told you he loves you..What else do you need" she asked as i sat next to her.

"I don't know! Maybe he's waiting for the perfect timing" i said taking a sip from her drink "the perfect timing was when he told you he loved you on your birthday" she said.

"Ugh! Can we change the subject" i asked looking at her.
She looked at me like she hesitated if she should tell me or not "Renee, what's wrong?" I asked.

she took a deep breath "me and frankie found out that when Matt said he'll end things with sofia, he didn't. but it was only because Sofia lied that brooke went on a date with a guy and Matt found out she lied he got pissed and fixed things with brooke. that's why they don't talk to each other anymore"

"at this point i couldn't care less. sofia isn't thinking. she knows she and matt won't go far. does she know how old he is?" i say calmly. everyone already tried to talk to Sofia but she didn't listen. when she gets fully heart broken she'll learn her mistakes.

me and Dara talked about random things and baked muffins. they were really good.

"night Renee" i say and give her a hug. it's now 9pm and i'm tired so decided to sleep early.

i watched netflix for a few minutes before falling asleep.


i groan to the annoying sound of my phone ringing "Bassett it's three in the mor-" i start until i hear josh sob. i immediately sit up "Josh? what happened?" his breathing was heavy like he just ran a marathon and it seemed like he was somewhere crowded from the background sounds.

"it's Winter. she wanted to surprise you and when she got here a truck crushed her car" he said and his breathing got heavier. my eyes started to get watery.

Winter was like a older sister to me in high school. she knew about all my crushes and my deepest high school secrets. i talked to he after me and Josh broke up but when i got to France i lost conntact.

"oh my god Josh are you okay" i asked "yeah i'm fine, you don't have to b-but it would mean a-"

he started "i'm already putting my shoes on. do you need anything? food?"

"i was in a rush and i put jeans on" "sweatpants got it" i say and end the call.

i was rushing to downstairs and dropped my phone "shit" i say under my breath.

"who's there?" i hear Sofia say in a sleepy voice yet scared "sorry my phone fell" i say and she looks at me "where are you going it- " "winter is in the hospital i have to go" she looked a little confused but i ran to my car and called Matt "Lynn look at the time" he said in a raspy voice "i'm at your door in three minutes open up" i say and end the call. when i get to Matt's apartment and knock on the door a few times before he opened.

"i need sweatpants and a hoodie for Josh" i say. my eyes are so watery that the tears are falling slowly. Matt didn't ask too much and gave me josh's champion grey sweatpants and his black make sure your friends are okay hoodie. i thank him and drive as fast as i can to the hospital.

when get in the hospital and ask the lady for winter's room. i run to the elevator and click the number six.

i get out of the elevator and look for the number 42. "Addie?" I turn around and see josh with red puffy eyes. I speed walk towards him and immediately give him a hug.

"The won't let me see her addie!" He said as i sat dawn still hugging him.

"Look you need to calm down. I heard a lady say that you literally screamed at her" i say as I wiped his tears.

"I'll go and talk to someone okay" i say giving him my backpack with his hoodie and sweatpants "now go change"

"Hey, is there any information form winter Bassett" i asked. My voice was shaky, it felt like I'm going through the same pain again.

The lady types something on the computer "she has a pulse but it's really weak, which means she is in a coma"
The nurse said and my heart started beating faster "we don't know exactly when she's going to wake up but the good news is that she's stable" i thank the nurse and sit back down.

My legs were shaking, i felt sweaty and dizzy.

"What did they say" josh asked sitting down next to me.

"She's in a coma and they don't know when she'll wake up, but she is stable" i say which made Josh cry even more.

I calmed Josh down for about fifteen minutes before the doctor let us see her "wait did you call your parents?" I asked as we walked inside the room "shit! I was so confused and distracted that I didn't even realize" he said "it's okay. Just stay with her I'll call your parents"

I say with a reassuring smile and he nods. I walk out of the room and take Josh's phone. I look through his contacts and find "mom🥺" I click on the contact and call.

"Hello? Joshua do you know what time it is?" I hear mrs.basset and i feel more tears coming "hello mrs.Basset! Um... it's Adalynn" i say wiping my tears.

"Oh my god Adalynn honey! I've missed you!" I could feel her smiling. "Me too! I wish i wasn't calling to tell you this mrs.Bassett but it's winter"

I explain to her what the nurse said to me and i hear her waking up mr.Bassett. She said that she would come as soon as she can.

𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑠 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢! 𝐼𝑡'𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑡!

That is all that i was thinking. It was my fault! She came to see me and ended in a car accident.

I slowly walk to the room and see Josh standing next to his unconscious sister. I felt tears falling and instantly wipe them.

"She's not gonna make it is she" Josh asked under his breath. I walk next to him and say "yes she is! Winter is the strongest woman I've ever met Josh! Remember that time when she broke her leg when we were in our first week of freshman year? She didn't even cry or scream of pain" i say hugging him and he chuckled "instead she laughed "you'll see that in a few days she'll be making fun of your cooking skills"

I look at the time and it was 5am "it's really late Josh, you should really try and sleep" Winter was in a big room and since Josh didn't want to leave the nurse brought one of those patient beds so Josh could sleep "what about you?" He asked "don't worry I'll sleep on the couch "

After arguing for a few me and Josh decided to sleep on the couch together.

His hug was warm and i felt him shaking a bit. I kiss his forehead and soon fall asleep too.

These chapters getting bad...:(

don't forget to vote and comment what you think :)

Update: yes I'm updating this book again cuz there's literally 2 chapters left. I literally hate writers that stop updating so here ya go :)

𝙿𝚜: 𝑖 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢//Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now