Chapter 9: Invited (Linh's P.O.V.)

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We'd been in school for over two months now. Havenfeild Middle School had, in many ways, proved itself better than our old school. For one, the community was just better. There were friends knocking on our front door every weekend, instead of gangs. The school was giving us a good and proper education. Tam and I were passing all of our classes, whereas in our old school they didn't give individual students needing help a thought. The best part must have been the effect the peaceful little town was having on our parents. Lately they'd been kinder, which was something they had lacked in our old home.

But time and time again, the most interesting thing proved to be Tam. He had changed so much, from the clothes he wore all the way down to the feelings in his heart. For so long my brother shut out the world. It was always just me and him and nobody else. But now? I was 99% sure he had a crush on Sophie. She was the only one who knew about our old lives, therefore the only one he trusted. Whether it was just the fact that he met her first or something different, I wasn't sure, but I knew there was something going on with them.

My suspicion was confirmed about two days after I realized it was possible.

 "Hey guys! My birthday is coming up, and we're having a birthday party, so here are the invitations..." Sophie said and handed us each a slip of paper. I read though mine, trying not to pay attention to how hard Tam was blushing.

What: Sophie's B-day party

When: Saturday, November 21st, 12p.m. to 5p.m.

Where: Sophie's house

RSVP: (647)-813-9420 Nov. 19th

See you there! 🌻😺

Unable to contain myself anymore, I looked over at Tam's invitation. It was the same except–

 "Aww, that's cute!" I cooed. In the bottom corner where my flower-cat was, was a tiny doodle of a heart.

 "Do you think she–"

 "Of course I do! Why else would she draw a heart on your card!?" I whisper-screamed. Tam's cheeks tinted pink as he glanced back and forth between the card an Sophie.

"Maybe I got the wrong card?" he suggested.

I rolled my eyes. "Why can't you just believe me and live your life like a fairy tale? Sophie!" I called.

Tam have me one of his coldest glares. "What?" Sophie asked, walking over.

"Is this Tam's card? He's freaking out over–"

"The heart?" Sophie guessed, cutting me off.

" Yeah, " I agreed. "That."

Sophie nodded in understanding. "In case you were wondering, I put that there to represent the strong emotions in my heart when Tam told me about... your old life. It has nothing to do with anything weird or mushy, and," she turned to Tam, " I don't have a crush on you."

Tam deflated at that last bit. It was barely noticeable, and Sophie didn't see it, but I did.

"Oh," he said. "Well... thanks for clarifying. We'll be there."

The disappointment in his voice could've been hidden better.

A/N: The phone number was completely random, but someone out there may have the same number, so I would highly recommend not trying to call Sophie through that number.

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