Chapter 11: The Accident (Linh's P.O.V.)

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This isn't actually Sophie and Tam, but I thought it looked like them.

Sophie's birthday party was last month. If I thought Tam liked her then, I knew it now. The weird part was, Sophie didn't seem to notice. Even when he stopped by her house– which was almost every day– she remained oblivious. Today was one of those days.

 "Hey Tam?" I asked before he left. I didn't miss how carefully he'd combed his hair out, or how he'd smoothed every wrinkle out of his clothes.


 "I'll be over at Fitz's and Biana's house of I'm not here when you get home, okay."

 He nodded. "MOM, I'M GOING TO SOPHIE'S!" He yelled up th stairs.

 "AND I'M GOING TO BI'S!" I added. Neither of us waited for a response before walking out the door and heading in separate directions.

Tam's walk was a lot shorter than mine, so he texted me, probably when he got to Sophie's house.

 "Everything okay?" he asked.

 "Almost there," I texted back. His profile disappeared and I smiled. Nothing could keep him away from Sophie.

Biana has this tire swing in her front yard. Sometimes, when I went over, we would sit on it together, by mostly we just pushed each other. When I got to Biana's house, I wasn't surprised to find her outside on that very same swing, waiting.

"There you are!" she exclaimed when she saw me. "I was getting worried."

The two of us sat on the swing, trying once again to get it to move in the right direction.

"Ugh, I still don't understand why this thing doesn't work." she grunted, kicking the ground.

" I know," I agreed. "I wonder if..." I kicked the ground hard and jerked on the ropes at the same time Biana kicked the ground in the same direction. The swing was flung into motion.

"Yes!" Biana cried, throwing her hands up into the air as the swing swung exactly how it was supposed to. Her victory cry was cut off by involuntary screams as she began to fall...

Tears blurred my vision. It didn't matter because everything was white. Fitz had his arm around my shoulders. "It's okay," he kept telling me. "It wasn't your fault." Tam was texting the same words, adding "We'll be right there," and "We're coming," to the mix. A few minutes later he, Sophie, Grady, and Edaline burst into the room. Tam sat down next to me, pulling me closer.

"Here she comes," Fitz murmured and the doors opened.  I looked up and wiped my eyes for the first time since I'd arrived. Biana smiled. She was still in pain, but at least she didn't hate me. The doctor started taking to her parents and Biana sat down next to Sophie. She was on crutches, and would be for at least two weeks. Her right leg had gotten caught up in the swing's ropes, saving her from a concussion, but, unfortunately, dislocating her entire lower leg and tearing a bunch of tendons and ligaments that I should've memorized for science.

"This wasn't your fault," she reminded me, as if it hadn't been said enough times.

Now I even believed it.

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