Chapter 34: Just the Average Lollipop (Sophie's P.O.V.)

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Don't ask. Just enjoy this squatting mosquito.

Today was Valentine's day. I had always hated Valentine's day, but this year it would be different. This year, I would have a Valentine, not just be the lucky few in our grade have a great day. Biana just so happened to be one of them, year after year.

I didn't know what I was expecting. A handmade card, maybe some flowers. Something other than the same dollar store cards and heart shaped lollipops that everyone got. Apparently my expectations were too high, because that's exactly what I found taped to my locker as I entered the school.

"This is it?" I muttered to myself. As much as I hated to admit it, I was disappointed. I didn't see Tam all morning, for lack of math class, but I did see him at lunch. Unfortunately, it was the first time I had seen Biana all day, too.

Just like every other year since before I started at Havenfeild Middle School, Jensi had gone all out for her. Roses, this year. Roses. Not even just white ones. Red ones. These were the real deal, fresh and beautiful like they had just been picked. Is never bought roses myself, but I had heard they were expensive. How Jensi managed to afford three, I would never know. Try as I might to be happy for Biana, I couldn't help but wonder why Tam hadn't gotten me roses. Or... anything at all. I bit my lip and pulled the lollipop out of my pocket.

 "Wow, I would've figured you'd have eaten that by now." Tam said, sitting down next to me in sheer oblivion of my emotions.

 "We're not allowed to eat food in class," I reminded him, plastering a smile on my face and hoping it looked more real than it felt. "Plus, I wanted to savor it," I added, wanting to get the attention off me. Carefully, I pulled of the wrapper and put the lollipop in my mouth. All heads turned back to Biana, and I silently sighed. The lollipop didn't taste bad. It was pretty good, actually. But it wasn't the same as the taste of his lips on mine. And it wasn't what I was looking for.

My new seat in math was usually torture. I didn't like being separated from Tam. Most of the time, anyway. I was thankful for that separation today. I didn't want Tam to see my disappointment. And now the one thing that he got for me, that stupid lollipop, was gone, and there were no memories to go with it. Just like every other Valentine's Day.

After a class not boring than any other, the bell finally rang and I moved to leave.

"Hey," Tam said, catching my wrist before I could get out the door. "I know I didn't do much for you today. And I'm sorry. I... sorta completely forgot about Valentine's Day..."

He laughed a nervous little laugh. It was cute, and it made me smile.

"Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to come over for a little while after school, to make up for it."

I dropped my books right there on the floor so  could jump up as strangle him with a hug. "I'd love to," I said, squeezing him. "As long as my parents say I can."

As soon as I got to my locker, I texted Grady and Edaline, asking If I could go. They said it was fine. And then Tam said that his mom said that I could stay for dinner, and they were fine with that, too!

I felt like running around the hallway and hugging everyone in sight, because this might've been the best Valentine's Day of my life.

Okay, so it's a little short. And a lot late. But it's a chapter. Look! I updated! Whoo hoo...

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