Like We Used To

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Lila looked at her Pip-boy clock: 0145. With a groan she rolled over again, for the hundredth time that night. Her eyes stung from where tears had fallen relentlessly after Arthur had left the room. No doubt the skin of her cheeks was puffy and red from said tears. Her heart was shattered, her stomach ached, her head spun, her throat was scratchy, her body still descended into withdrawal. She wanted to sleep. She wanted to forget. She wanted to recover. She wanted to end it.

So many emotions plagued her and her frail, recovering body. Longing for Arthur, was the strongest feeling and thought in her head at that moment. The one man she was convinced she could love after her husband was murdered had completely rejected her not once, but twice.

Wide awake, her thoughts wandered to simpler times between the two.


Arthur held the door open as his crew filed out of his quarters. A meeting had just finished; a meeting where they discussed the finality of the attack on the Institute. Less than 48 hours stood between them and the demise of their biggest enemy. The world outside stood still as night fell, like it was aware of the precipice at which the Commonwealth was perched upon. 

Slowly, men and women filed out, among them was Lila, the freshly promoted Paladin bringing up the rear of the line.

As she passed through the threshold of the door, Arthur grabbed her wrist and tugged her back into his quarters, slamming the door behind them in the process. His lips collided with hers as he pressed her roughly against the wall by the door.

Her heart skipped a beat as her pulse intensified, a small smile pulling at the corners of her lips. Arthur pulled back, breathing ruggedly but a small chuckle escaping his lips.

"I wanted to do that the whole fucking time that was going on," he whispered gently as they held their foreheads together. Lila's grin spread as she brought her lips back to his, pulling him closer in the process.

His large hands began to pull her white t-shirt off, breaking their kiss momentarily while he flung it across the room. His crystal eyes roved over her body. Her breasts heaved along with her heightened breathing, her arms were toned, her core was tight despite the faded pale purple stretch marks that resided on her lower abdomen. The signs of a past pregnancy evident on her body, but that didn't make it any less captivating in his eyes.

She bit her lip slightly, always self-conscious of her body since having Shaun. Yet she let his eyes trace all of her curves before she repeated his own actions on him, tugging at his shirt and tossing it aside. The heat of their bodies came together, lighting a fire deep in each of their cores. Lila felt herself moisten at Arthur's lightest touch, while he hardened quickly with the friction of the two of them pawing at each other.

Her hands fumbled with the belt of his fatigues before reaching past his underwear's waistband to grab at his hardened member. A breathy sigh escaped his mouth as he melted into her warm hands, shoving his hips harder against her. She was wearing similar fatigues that he quickly stripped off of her along with her underwear. She nibbled at his ear lobe before planting soft kisses along his neck, a shiver running down his spine.

Without giving her a chance to process what he was doing, he had her shoved up against the windows of his quarters. The Airport and Diamond City in the distance gave off small amounts of amber light, bouncing softly off her shiny skin. Arthur hoisted her up so most of her weight rested against the railing along the window.

Two of his fingers trailed slowly up her slick folds, teasing her gently as he leaned in to whisper "I am going to make sure if this is the last time we have that we both don't forget it."
That phrase sent another shiver wrecking through her bones as he slid two fingers into her, a gasp emanated from her throat as she leaned her head back against the cool glass. His fingers pumped slowly into her, hooking upwards to reach her sensitive spot inside. He looked upon her, as her eyes fluttered gently with the flow of her feelings.

Slowly, he retracted his fingers, sliding them gently up to encircle her clit. A whimper escaped her succulent lips before he met them with his own. He stopped abruptly, waiting for her to beg for what she really wanted.

She began to squirm slightly, wanting him to touch her all over. This is when he retracted his hands from her, hearing a responsive and saddened groan from her mouth. Turning her head slightly she began to kiss down his neck and to his collarbone, where she distributed small bites over the area.

"Please Arthur...," She drawled slowly. A heavy breath left his chest, hardening even more at the sound of her voice alone. It's dripped with sexual tones that he wanted to hear more of. Quickly, he pulled down his pants and teased her entrance before thrusting into her roughly, causing her to gasp in pleasure. He pumped into her at a fast, steady pace. With all he prep for the Institute mission they had little time to spare and little time for passionate love making. A sense of urgency existed aboard the ship as a whole, but especially within the Elder and Lila. It was obvious between the two as they pawed, scratched, bit, and insisted on a certain closeness as they continued. Her moans peaked in octave as her walls pulsed with pleasure and she released herself to the throws of her climax. Just after she finished, he withdrew from her sex and finished onto her stomach.

Both of their eyes were heavily lidded as their breathing continued raggedly. Arthur let a small breathy chuckle leave his lips before he planted another kiss firmly on her lips.

With the mission ahead of them, who knew if they would be able to do this again. So they took tonight to make the most of what they had left.


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