The Next Right Thing

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Lila bounded over and into Hancock's awaiting arms. He wrapped them securely around her and shook her back and forth.
"Good to see ya again sunshine," his gravely voice comes as she hears the scratch of his voice in his throat, his chest shaking with a soft chuckle. She pulled back and looked into his pitch black eyes and smiled at him.
"It's great to see you Hancock."
She withdrew from his grasp and shifted to Nick, also wrapping her arms tightly around his midsection. Nick, a bit more formal on greeting than her and Hancock, gave her a couple gentle touches on the shoulder.
"It's great to see you as well, Nicky." She spoke, muffled into the lapels of his trench coat.
"It's always fantastic to see you, doll." He responded once she pulled herself off him.
Arthur stepped up behind her and nodded to both the men.
"Good evening gentlemen. Thank you for meeting us here on short notice, and for the help you're about to offer. I honestly can't thank you both enough." Arthur had to admit, if it wasn't for them Lila's chances of making a successful escape were much slimmer.
"No problem, fly boy." Hancock quirked with his hands on his hips.
"Everyone else is inside. I suggest we get a move on if we want to do this properly and as safely as possible." Nick redirected everyone's attention back to the matter at hand.
Lila nodded and walked through the wooden double doors of the Old State House. Hancock gestured up the stairs to his office, the four of them moving up them. When they got through the door and were settled Lila looked around the room. Her heart grew warm with love and shattered with sadness all at the same time. All of her favourite people in the Commonwealth, all the people she knew she could rely, on were in that room. It made her smile despite the situation. She had come to make many meaningful and lasting friendships after she emerged into a new world from Vault 111. The fact that they all came together to help her made her thankful, but it also hurt that this could be the last time she would see some of them.
The first order of business was to deal with her position with the Minutemen. Since she was leaving for an undetermined time frame the position of General had to be passed on. She didn't even have to think about who should get that role, it was obvious. Preston would take over as General of the Minutemen. He already cared so deeply for them and had basically taken over when Lila went AWOL after the battle at the Institute. Though he was reluctant, Preston took the offer with pride. He assured Lila that her men were in good hands and he would carry on until she could resume her position.
Next they had to focus on how the plan was going to be executed. As they were currently well on schedule, the hope was that Lila would leave from Goodneighbour with Nick and Hancock and begin the trek north to Far Harbour. Nick had a friend in the area that could possibly help them stay hidden for a while before likely moving on elsewhere. The Nomad lifestyle looked like it would be Lila's way of life for some time, to ensure the Brotherhood wouldn't find her if they decided to look. Hancock would stay with them only temporarily, acting mostly as another bodyguard as Lila still wasn't completely back to herself. Once they were safely in Far Harbour, he would come back to the Commonwealth and Goodneighbour. It was also decided that communications continuing after Lila left would have to be minimized. Hancock had set up a safe terminal in the Memory Den, with him being the only person able to access it. Messages would be relayed through him in either direction. As expected, contact between Lila and Arthur would not be allowed. Any possibility of her being tracked to Far Harbour by the Brotherhood was to be avoided. With a rough plan in place and everyone in agreement, it was onto the last item on the list.
This one was hands down the worst: saying goodbye. Preston went first, saying again that Lila had nothing to worry about and the Minutemen were in safe hands. They passed thanks between each other for keeping the Minutemen alive before they shook hands firmly. Preston left immediately after. Next was Piper.
She stepped up to Lila, but couldn't look her in the eyes. Her boots scuffed against the floor as she tried to conjure up the words she wanted to say.
"When I first met you, I saw a good opportunity for me to get back in the City, a good story, and a great chance for an adventure. I never expected I was also meeting the person that would become my best friend. Blue..." Piper's voice trailed off as tears began to fall down her cheeks. "I'm going to miss you like crazy," as she finished she launched herself onto Lila, crushing her with a huge hug. Lila wrapped her arms around Piper's shoulders, stroking at the jet black hair that fell below her cap.
"I'm going to miss you too Pipes..." she barely managed to whisper into her friends ear. Piper pulled out of their embrace and wiped at her face vigorously, not wanting to make Lila more upset.
"I'll try to keep Diamond City in line while you're gone. And when you come back, you know where to find me." As the reporter walks out the door she gives Nick a secure pat on the shoulder and tips her hat at everyone.
Lila turned and looked at the three men before her. She knew this next goodbye was going to be the hardest. A rickety sigh left her mouth as she managed a quirk of her lips.
"Shall we start heading out?" she asked them. None of them spoke but they all nodded in agreement, waiting for her to be the first to move.
When they emerged from the Old State House the sky was still inky black, yet toward the east the first comings of light were stretching to the sky. She didn't want to ruin the time remaining by looking at the clock on her Pip Boy.
They had made the decision earlier that her, Nick, and Hancock would walk with Arthur back to the VertiBird. As they walked the streets of the city she used to call Boston, loneliness started to creep into her bones. She wouldn't be alone, but she would be without Arthur. That left an already gaping hole in her and he was still just beside her. She had no idea how she was going to deal with saying goodbye.
Before she could even come up with a script to try and stick to they were on the edge of the clearing of Swan's Pond. Nick turned and looked at her and Arthur.
"We are going to wait for you here. Take your moment to say goodbye to your fly boy, doll." Nick's semi-electronic voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Hancock offered a sympathetic smile. Lila looked to Arthur and gestured for him to lead the way back to the VertiBird. They made sure to walk as slow as they could, savouring these moments.
"I'm sorry that this had to end this way." Arthur spoke first, his voice more tender than she had ever heard. Her shoulder shrugged.
"We did all we could Arthur. Part of me wants to change my mind and say yes, but-"
"I wouldn't let you do that. You wouldn't be happy, and I can't live with myself knowing I'm in part to blame for your unhappiness."
"But I'm not happy now either," she snapped as she turned towards him. They were about 10ft from the VertiBird now.
"Lila, at least in this case you have a chance at a better life. A life you have total control over. Who knows what might happen. You may get another chance at love-"
"I don't want to love anyone else. There is no one in this world I want to love. I love you." Her anger was still present in her voice, but her face was contorted in pain and the tears that fell from her eyes were those of absolute sadness.
Arthur pulled her close and firmly to his chest. Sobs racked her body, shaking her small, still fragile, frame. His fingers twirled through her auburn hair before coming to rest under her chin. He pulled her gaze to his. Just a couple days ago he had analyzed her face in his mind, so he could keep it in his memories forever. He was so glad he did now. His thumb traced along her bottom lip as their eyes stayed drawn to each other like magnets.
Arthur leaned his head down to hers and pressed their lips together. This final kiss wasn't hungry, it wasn't desperate, it wasn't laced with Chems. It was perfect in every way. Sensual, yet sweet. Firm, yet as soft as a cloud. Their lips remained together for a handful of seconds before they pulled apart. His thumb went back and chased away the tears on her cheeks. His forehead pressed to hers.
"I love you too, Lila. I hope our paths cross again my love." There was a small tremor  in his words, but he held himself together for her sake. One last quick embrace and she pulled back from him. She had to do it now or she never would let go.
"I promise our paths will cross again Arthur." She mustered a smile and looked over her towering man one last time before turning and walking back to Hancock and Nick. Her arms wrapped around herself, holding the pieces of her threatening to fall apart together.
When she was halfway back to Nick and Hancock, he called out to her one last time.
Lila turned to look at him, auburn hair whipping across her shoulder.
"Will you be okay?" He questioned her from where he stood. From that distance he could still see the smile break across her face at his question. Before turning back to finish the walk across the clearing she responded,
"I'll be okay."

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