There She Goes

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What in the fuck do you think you're doing?" Arthur's voice vibrated behind clenched teeth.

Lila's eyes were completely vacant of emotion for a moment, totally frozen. No doubt she was trying to come up with something to say.

While she sat there, unmoving, Arthur felt his stomach knotting up into a ball, burning with the anger he felt toward her in that moment. How dare she? Him and his men had taken care of her and now, after being awake for no more than a few hours, she was trying to take some Jet.

When she finally moved and spoke she stumbled over her words, he could see tears prickling the edge of her eyes.

"''s not what it looks like..." she spoke soft, barely above a whisper. From her squatting position she settled herself on the ground, tired from her dazed trek across the room.

"You have two minutes to explain to me how this 'isn't what it looks like'." Arthur spoke firmly. He wanted answers and he wanted them now.

After the words left his lips she broke down. Tears fell down her soft cheeks as her breath came in short, hiccupy gasps.

He watched on, feeling somewhat bad but still wanting, no needing, an explanation from her.

Lila kept her gaze away from his as she spoke in as even a tone as possible, which proved harder than expected between her roller coaster emotions and her body's withdrawal process.

"After...everything that happened," adding sting to the first sentence "I left the airport and ventured into the wasteland, trying to escape everything. I guess everything caught up to me..." she trailed off, still not meeting his eyes, as she wiped her cheeks gently.

"What kind of explanation is that? That tells me nothing." his voice started to raise, slightly annoyed by her avoidance of the question he had asked. "I want to know what the fuck you have been doing for the past month that resulted in you ending up like this. Addicted to chems and in the worst shape possible. Leaving your men without a leader. I can't believe you would be so-"

Before he could finish his sentence, she snapped.

"Enough!" she yelled, now letting her eyes meet his. As he stared back at her he could feel the passion and anger behind her glare.

"I had spent months looking for my son. Months. Only to find out that, oh wait, he's the biggest douche in the Commonwealth. Running the most feared organization in existence, while he replaces people's family members with synths under everyone's noses. But it's for the 'greater good' he claims. So I have to make the lovely to decision to blow him to bits so that the Institute isn't a threat anymore. Oh, and prior to all of this, I get to watch my husband get murdered. That really got me off. So, when all was said and done, while everyone around me is rejoicing, I feel more alone than I ever have. I have no one." He was in utter, stunned silence as she spoke.

"No one." she repeated. "Everyone got what they wanted, the Institute was destroyed. What else am I good for now? Who needs me? No one. Who do I have left? No one. So what, I did some chems because I was sick and tired of feeling pain, loss, and rejection all the time. I'm sick of feeling...of feeling so alone..." her speech sputtered out as her voice cracked, giving way to a new wave of tears.

He watched as the Sole Survivor cradled herself, knees pulled tight to her chest and arms wrapped around them as tears streamed silently down her cheeks.

Arthur bent over and scooped her up, bridal style. With his foot, he scooted her IV pole over with them to the bed. Softly, he laid her back into the military issue mattress. Eventually her sobs started to subside before giving way to a peaceful slumber.

After pulling the sheets up over her, he watched her as her chest fell and rose as she slept. Why did his heart ache for her? He shouldn't feel bad, yet here he was.

He let out a heavy sigh and turned to leave the room. Just as he was about to walk out the door he met Knight-Captain Cade.

"Is it possible to get the General moved?" he asked the grey haired man.

"It would still be risky for her recovery to move her back to the Castle Elder. I don't want to compromise her progress." the doctors advised.

"I didn't mean back to the Castle." the Elder spoke firmly as Cade gave him a questioning look.

"I want her moved to my quarters. I will reside in Paladin Danse's old quarters in the meantime. The General needs her own private area to properly recover and I offer up my quarters for that purpose."

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