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Lila clasped Arthur's hand tightly as they walked slowly, and in silence, back toward the Red Rocket. The VertiBird had been called and would be there within the hour to pick them up and take them back to Prydwen. With the day more than half gone from tripping across the wastelands and the emotional toll of the last hour or so, Lila was more than ready for a warm meal and a nap. She was more than thankful that she hadn't ran into anything troublesome on her way to Sanctuary. A few rad-roaches here and there, but nothing that could have dealt real damage to her. She was also beyond thankful that Arthur had shown up. She went there expecting to have the strength to do everything alone, but she had stood there for a solid half-hour before Arthur arrived just staring at the licking flames in the barrel. With everything out in the open she was easily able to let go of her past life and look to the future with purpose.

They came to a stop by the old truck stop and looked to the sky, the clipping of blades could be heard in the distance, but were still a bit of a ways off. Arthur took this opportunity and grabbed both sides of Lila's face. His lips came roughly to hers, crushing them. After the initial shock had subsided, she leant into the kiss, lips moving against his in a steady rhythm. His short beard rubbed rough on the soft skin of her face as their mouths moved as one. A moment passed and he removed his lips, leaving their foreheads pressed together.

"I'm proud of you," he said in a voice that was barely a whisper, intended for only her to hear. No one else was around them but he wanted to be sure she knew he meant it. A smile traced along her lips as one of her hands stroked along the lapel of his battle coat.

"Thank you. I'm proud of myself too." Anyone else may have seen that as self-absorbed, but Arthur was happy she felt that way about herself finally. She deserved the best, and he hoped the best was yet to come for her. A soft rumble came from her stomach and she chuckled. "I am also very hungry."

Arthur withdrew from her and laughed softly. "Well once we get back to the Prydwen you will get a nice hot, filling meal. I'll make it myself if I have to."

"Elder Maxson of the Brotherhood? Cooking?! That is something I would pay good caps to see in action," she poked him with a sly, playful smile. He wanted to reply but the VertiBird was now close enough that it was making it difficult to talk over the roaring blades. It touched down gently across the asphalt from them. They quickly ran and jumped through the open door, leaving no reason for the VertiBird to stay touched down for long.

She watched the town of Sanctuary come back into view as they lifted above the ground, then as they made their way in the direction of the Prydwen it became smaller and smaller in her view. When she left Sanctuary the first time, when she came out of the Vault, she had a glimmer of hope but was mostly riddled with fear. This time as she left Sanctuary she felt a large amount of relief, a calming sort of peace surrounding her. Finally, she had come to terms with all the bad that had plagued her life, not only from her Pre-War life, but also since she woke up in this changed world. Sure, she had no idea where she was going from here. She was just happy to spend her time training again and spending what time she could with Arthur.

The flight seemed to take no time at all. The VertiBird attached to one of the docking spaces and powered down, the blades slowly whirring to a stand still. Arthur got out first and offered a hand to ease her out of the VertiBird and onto the metal walkway. They stayed side-by-side as they walked from the crisp outdoor air into the warmth of the Prydwen. As they got up to the flight deck and were about to round a corner they were met with a group of people. Heading up this group was Lancer-Captain Kells, stood with his hands clasped tightly behind his back.

"Ah, Elder. We were hoping you would be returning soon. There is an urgent matter that needs your attention," Kells spoke in his usual "strictly business" tone. Arthur gave him a curt nod and turned to Lila.

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