Blinding Lights

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Lila looked up at the ceiling, tears stinging in her eyes. The lights above began burning her eyes so she shut them tightly, a few small tears trickling past the barricade. After Arthur had left Cade had changed some of her dressings and re-administered some less aggressive and less potent pain killers. Once that was finished he had left to let her rest.

Rest wasn't coming easy however.

She was restless, she was still in pain, she was still fevered. She was going through withdrawal. Her throat felt like she had swallowed 100 rusty nails.

So many thoughts raced through her head, she tried to calm herself with cleansing breathes; just calm enough that she could sort through some of the thoughts.

First thought: Had Arthur told the Minutemen about her condition? She could almost guarantee he had. He could be so petty when he was angry, she knew that. Once she had broke contact with the Minutemen, the Brotherhood of Steel would be the number one place that they should start looking for her. That being said, she was about 99% sure that they would have received news by now. But what did he tell them? That's something she wouldn't know unless she questioned Arthur, and that wasn't happening. Not any time soon anyways. The thought of that conversation alone made her anxious, made her eyes sting, and made her regret so much.

Second thought: How the hell did she get on the Prydwen? She had asked that question when Arthur and Cade had both been there but no one answered her question. She assumed someone had found her and reported back to ask what should be done about her. Another question she wouldn't know the answer to until later.

Third thought: How could she get Arthur's disappointed look out of her mind? She recognized the clench of his jaw and the burning gaze of his ice blue eyes, boring into her existence.

He must have seen her arms. Lila looked down at them then, observing the track marks left by the Psycho, her eyes shutting tightly as fresh tears threatened to spill over onto her freckled cheeks. She choked them back and let out a long breath. There was no easy way to explain the past month to Arthur, and she knew he would be cornering her for an explanation at his earliest opportunity.

Fourth thought: Where the fuck was her bag at? Her eyes darted around the room, looking frantically for the brown satchel which carried all her usual travel supplies. Across the room, against a storage locker, sat her bag.

Could she get to it? She lifted the blanket, seeing that her legs were mostly clear of injuries, minus a few minor scraps and bruises that constantly plagued her porcelain skin. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed.

To balance, and support, herself she grabbed onto the IV pole, where she was given a constant supply of fluids and meds. Slowly, she lifted herself off the bed. Despite being drowsy, she was bound and determined to get to her bag.


She smirked at Arthur as he pulled away from her attacking bite on his bottom lip.

"But you know I love disobeying the rules. We wouldn't be here if I didn't..." she spoke softly, sexy tones intertwined in her voice.

A smile broke across the Elder's face, a smile that made her stomach knot up in anticipation.

Her eyes fell from his gaze, a light heat spreading along her cheeks and neck.

"Are you going to punish me for my misdemeanours, Elder?" she let the words slip out of her mouth in the lightest of whispers.

Lila knew full well that this would ignite a fire within the dominate Elder, a fire that could not be easily tamed.

Just as she had expected, he set her down in one fluid motion while turning her to face away from him, bending her over the edge of a small storage crate, her upper body rested against the cool metal.

The seconds of lingering silence allowed her to prepare for the heavy spank he placed on her right ass cheek. He repeated the same thing on the left. Each time she let out a soft moan, biting her lip to resist any other noises escaping.

Arthur turned her back toward him in another quick motion, before stepping back slowly, his eyes mentally undressing her.

"I think you know the punishment for these atrocities," he spoke firmly to her, a fire burning behind his cool eyes.

Lila nodded slowly before approaching him and shoving him down into a seated position on top of another crate.

Slowly, she stepped backwards from him. While doing so she slowly shimmied her large, dark blue ilitary coat off of her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

Next she unclipped her chest plate and slid it off along with her other armour covering her upper body. She bit the top of the middle finger of the glove on her right hand. Pulling finger by finger she removed her glove, then doing the same on the left before setting them aside. Once she was down to the plain white button up and green pants below all the armour, she met Arthur's gaze.

In a quick motion she pulled her auburn hair out of its secure ponytail and whipped the hair around her shoulders, letting it flounce gently. Her delicate hands trailed down her neck, goosebumps radiating out from there.

Her fingers mingled with the buttons on her shirt before slowly unbuttoning the shirt from top to bottom. She left the shirt hanging open as she shimmied off her boots and moved to the buckle of her pants.

From her frequent glances at Arthur, she could tell he was hot and bothered by her little show. Even in the dim light she could make out the outline in his pants, causing her to blush gently. His eyes never stopped examining every part of her body.

Once her buckle was undone, she turned her back to him. Effortlessly, she shimmied the pants down herself. Letting her round ass release from the pants slowly, exposing her rather modest Brotherhood issue undergarments. That was one thing she always missed from Pre-War, nice and pretty underwear.

In the same position, and with her pants on the ground at her ankles, she shimmied the shirt off her freckle-splayed shoulders. She exposed her soft skin and gave him a soft smile from over her shoulder. She could be a tease when she wanted to be. Slowly she turned around, letting the shirt fall off her arms.

Lila was now fully exposed, minus her bra and underwear. She placed her eyes on Arthur, waiting for orders.

"To me. Now." The words were stated roughly, his voice bubbling with passion. His words alone could work wonders.


She finally reached her bag after a long trek across the room. It all took way more effort than she could have imagined.

Gently she lowered herself to a squatting position, so she had easy access to the pockets. She knew exactly where it was. The front pocket was whipped open before she knew it.

Lila slowly pulled out the red inhaler, turning it over in her hand slowly. She knew the Jet would help her get back to sleep easily. But was it necessary? Was the risk worth it? The distraction of her inner monologue had been a much heavier distraction than expected.

A shadow loomed in front of her. Her heart jumped into her throat and seemed to stop. In that moment she wanted to drop dead on the spot. Her gaze didn't have to raise to know who was looking over her, but she looked up anyways.

Blue fire met her watery blues.

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