The Tweaks Move To South Park

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Tweek POV

Another new town. I sigh and rest my head against the window twitching slightly. Three towns in three years, the joys of having parents in the coffee business and being an annoying twitchy kid. I know my mom didn't want me to feel like I was the reason, but I always feel like there was something they weren't telling me. We slowly went over a hill and there was a sign. South park. Please let this be the one, I don't want to have to move again.
"Tweek, honey are you excited?" asked my mom. I twitch and bring my thermos to my mouth and take a large swig.
"I-i guess so" I stammered. We made our way to the house and pulled into the driveway. The three of us brought in the boxes and after an hour passed I was up in my room looking up at the ceiling. I sigh and go over to my mirror. There I am, my coffee stained green button up, all the buttons mismatched since I can't even button up my shirt right. My blonde hair is all messy, and then there is the twitch. My parents tell me I had ADD, but I know it's the coffee. I've been addicted to it for years. I moved my right hand to reveal thin red marks along my wrist. Before I could even think someone knocked on my door.
"Honey, dinner's ready!" My mother said. I jumped and screeched in response.
"AAAA! I-I'll be right done" I shriek. I quickly make my way downstairs to the dinner table. My parents make small talk as I lightly pick at my food. Tomorrow is my first day at my new school, and I really can't handle the pressure!

Time Skip

I woke up in a cold sweat. I could barely sleep. I was so stressed out, I looked over at my alarm and switched it off before it had a chance to go off. I hate that noise. I quickly go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Didn't even get changed into pj's last night, oh well. I get clean clothes and shower. I headed downstairs and my parents already had my thermos waiting for me.
"We hope you have a great first day of school sweetheart" My mom smiled. She gave me a hug and my dad gave me a pat on the back. I gave my mom a half hearted smile and grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. It was cold, but I didn't care, I slowly twitched my way to the bus stop and there were already three kids standing there.
"Shut the fuck up Fat Ass" Shouted the boy wearing a bright green hat. The rounder boy just laughed.
"What's wrong? You mad? Filthy jew...." before he could finish I had accidentally walked further up to them so they could see me.
"Who the hell are you?" he spat. I begin to twitch. Oh god not now! All the boys look at me with confused faces.
"M GAH my name is T-Tweek" I sputter. The fat one just shook his head and laughed.
"Your a fucking spaz" He laughed. I just twitch and look down at my feet. The boy in the green hat and the one in the red and blue hat kick the fatter boy.
"Cartman that's enough!" They both shouted. Cartman just crossed his arms and pouted. The two boys that yelled turned their attention to me.
"We're sorry, he is a bit of an ass. I'm Kyle and he is Stan" smiled Kyle. I was kinda shocked at the smile. I give a twitchy smile as the bus arrives. They all got onto the bus and I quietly sat, the worry feeling in my stomach starting to rise.

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