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Time Skip

We pulled into my driveway and I knew my mom would freak, but she had no idea about Tweek. Clyde turned the car off and we slowly made our way to the door.
"Mom" I hollered as I sat on the couch. Clyde was watching the video on his phone when my mom came downstairs and screamed.
"Craig! What happened?" She gasped as she rushed down as fast as she could and squeezed me.
"I beat up Cartman" I said flatly. "H-he did something to Tweek"
My mom rushed to the bathroom and got me a towel for my nose.
"What happened to Tweek?" She asked while cleaning my face the best she could.
"H-he told him things..." I said quietly. "T-that made him cut himself..."
My mom gasped and I slowly looked over at her as my eyes teared up.
"W-when I found him...he looked scared of me..." I sniffled. "H-he's at the hospital..."
She made a patch for my right eye and hugged me tight.
"I need to get you there right now" she stated. I nodded in response.
"I need to get some things" I muttered. I carefully went upstairs and grabbed a fresh hoodie for me and one for Tweek, topped off Stripes food and water, and grabbed my iPad. I made my way back downstairs slowly and carefully.
"Ready?" My mom asked.
"Y-yes" I said as I quickly got his bear from my car.

Time Skip

We made it to the hospital and I got out as quickly as I could with Clyde close behind me. We rushed through the doors and walked up to the guest reception.
"Are you here to see someone?" The lady asked.
"I-I"m here to see Tweek Tweak" I stated. "He is my boyfriend"
"Alright and you?" The lady asked my mom and Clyde.
"And I'm Craig's mother" my mom answered.
"I'm a very good friend of them both" he smiled. She nodded and gave each of us a sticker and showed us to his room.
"Here he is" she said. "He is currently asleep"
I slowly walked in and saw Tweeks mom watching over him.
"W-we're back" I said. She turned and saw me and she was shocked.
"Craig? What happened?" She exclaimed. I walked over to Tweek and pulled a chair over and sat down.
"I found who caused this" is all I could say. "He shouldn't hurt Tweek anymore"
I grabbed Tweeks hand and kissed it as I tucked his teddy bear under his arm. I rested my head on his hand and I slowly drifted to sleep as I heard my mom enter the room and started talking to Tweeks mom.

Tweek POV

I yawned big and slowly opened my eyes to see a bright light above me. At first I was scared, but I heard my mom's voice so I eased up a little.
"M-mommy" I said quietly. "I-I can't move my arms"
She stopped talking and leaned over me so I could see her.
"Your awake sunshine" she smiled.
"W-what happened?" I asked while yawning.
"W-well sweetie" she stammered. "Craig found you hurting yourself a-and then your appendix bursts."
I heard Craigs name and I started to twitch and that's when I felt the hat on my head.
"Honey, he was so scared for you" she said. "There was no way he would ever do whatever Cartman said he did"
I went to go move my hand again, but I felt it get tugged and looked to my right and saw Craig asleep on my it. His face was bruised, his nose looked like it was in bad shape and he had a patch over his right eye.
"W-what happened?" I asked quietly. Clyde apparently was on the other side of me and thrusted his phone in my face.
"This happened Tweek" Clyde frowned. He held the phone and hit play and I was shocked to see Craig literally on the ground pounding Cartman's face in. That's when I heard Cartman mutter these words. "Fag, the whole point to fucking with Tweek was to fuck with you".
I looked back at Craig as my eyes began to water and the twitching began. This caused Craig to stir and he looked up at me.
"H-hey honey" he said quietly. I broke down and started to cry. Our parents looked at each other.
"I think we should let them be" Craig's mom said. My mom agreed and they dragged Clyde out of the room.
"But I want to stay!" Clyde whined. They just sighed and shut the door. Craig carefully lifted me up and cradled me.
"I-I'm so sorry...." I sobbed. I buried my face into his shoulder and he rubbed my hair.
"Shhhh its ok baby" Craig whispered. Craig sat me down and removed the hospital gown off me. I blushed and sniffled as I was just in my underwear. I watched as Craig put one of his hoodies on me and also gave me a pair of sweatpants that were his. My twitches began so slow and I just held my arms up. Craig lifted me up and I rested my head on his shoulder.
"I love you more than you imagine" Craig whispered to me. "Is this why you never wore short sleeves around me?"
All I could do was sniffle and nod. I feel Craig put something in my ear and I heard music start to play. Demons by Imagine Dragons. I buried my face into Craigs neck as he carried me around.

Craig POV

I hated seeing Tweek cry. Probably more than anything else on the planet as far as I know. I put one of my EarPods in his ear and started dancing with him around the room. Well, as much as I could anyway. I wanted to squeeze him so badly, but I knew I just couldn't yet. I started to hum into his ear to help my boy relax as he began to sniffle again.

They say it's what you make
I say it's up to fate
It's woven in my soul
I will never let you go
Your eyes, they shine so bright
I want to save their light

I sang into his ear. His body slowly relaxed and I moved his head back so I could see those beautiful eyes.
"I will be here forever" I whispered as I rubbed Tweeks cheek. "When I asked you out, I took an oath and I plan on sticking to it"
He slowly blushed and rubbed his eyes.
"O-oath?" He asked quietly. I kissed him softly and pressed my forehead into his.
"I'm gonna marry you one day Tweekers" I smiled. "I want to be the one that gets to see you walking down the aisle and gets the put that ring on your finger"
Tweek slowly began the blush and hid his face which made me smile even more.
"C-Craig" Tweek whined quietly. I ruffled his hair and carefully laid down on the hospital bed.
"I brought my ipad" I smiled. "Want to watch Red Racer?"
Tweek slowly looked up and the color in his eyes looked so much more vibrant.
"I love you Craig" Tweek replied in his sweet tone. The butterflies in my stomach start to flutter. I pulled him in close and nuzzled him.
"I love you more teacup" I cooed. "My shining star"
We watched for a little bit before I heard the familiar snore next to me. I looked to my left and smiled as Tweeks face was buried into my side. I closed my eyes as well.

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