The Fundraiser

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Time Skip Third Person

The winter months were slowly coming to an end. Tweek finally got his license and Tweek and Craig almost had his car road worthy. The weather was getting warmer, and the school was about to have the students to fundraisers so they could go to the new amusement park in town, and that's where we meet our boys, along with a familiar face.

Craig POV

"Alright class, we are going to be doing some fundraisers for the school to be able to go to the new amusement park in town" our teacher said. This piqued my interest. I turned and looked at Tweek and his eyes were sparkling.
"You excited Tweekers?" I whispered. He looked at me and nodded.
"Craigory! I know he is your boyfriend, but don't interrupt class" the teacher scolded me. I just flipped her off as the bell rang. "Before you go, you can pick your own groups, but they have to be groups of four"
I grabbed Tweeks hand and we made our way outside and found Token and Clyde.
"God its so great to have this weather back" Token said as he stretched. I agreed and turned my attention to Clyde.
"So what did you come up with?" I asked skeptically. He just rubbed his hands together and smiled.
"Car wash" he smiled. I just face palmed.
"Really dude? Who the fuck it gonna want us to wash their cars?" I asked. He just pointed to Tweek and kept smiling.
"Wet t-shirt" Clyde whispered with a hint of a giggle. I blushed a little and looked at Tweek as he was talking with Token.
"But he is just one small kid Clyde, he can't be the only one dude, I'm not giving him all that stress" I said. Clyde wrapped his arm around my neck.
"We will take turns, have music, and most of the girls think Tweek is adorable, so they should just keep coming" Clyde just smiled. I just sighed, Clyde wasn't gonna give it up.
"Fine lets ask them" I caved in.
"Hey Tweekers?" I called for him. He quickly turned around and got to my side.
"W-Whats up Craig?" He asked with his signature smile. I just smile back, that could never get old.
"So Clyde has an idea" I started and pointed over to Clyde. Clyde just smiled.
"Car wash" Clyde just smiled. Tweek and Token just sort of looked at each other and just shrugged.
"We will probably have to put my plates on your car Tweek" I said. Tweeks eyes went super wide.
"B-but Craig! T-thats illegal!" Tweek whined. I just laughed and ruffled his hair.
"Tweek, its fine I promise" I laughed. Tweek just crossed his arms and put his nose in the air. God he is so cute when he is frustrated.
"Fine, but you're driving, I don't want to get in trouble" Tweek scoffed. I picked him up and started to tickle him. He slowly started to giggle.
"So any place in particular Clyde?" I asked. Clyde paused for a moment.
"Maybe we could ask Tweeks parents if we can use their parking lot?" He asked. We all turned to look at Tweek and he just blushed.
"W-what?" He stammered. "I-I don't know if we can"
I walked up to him and booped his nose. He shyly smiled.
"Just use that little Tweekers charm of yours" I smiled. Tweek just blushed and put his hands on his head.
"I-it doesn't work like that" he whined. I placed my hand on his shoulder.
"We will all go and ask ok?" I smiled. He smiled and nodded.

"Hey mrs. Tweak" I said as we entered Tweeks house. She was sitting on the couch and I guess Tweeks dad must have been at the shop.
"Wow, all the boys are here today" she smiled. "What's the occasion Tweek?"
"We are doing a fundraiser for school, and we wanted to know if we could use the coffee shops parking lot" I answered for Tweek. Tweek gave a nod as did the others. His mom thought to herself for a moment before smiling back to us.
"It shouldn't be a problem" she smiled. "But Craig? Please make sure you put some sunscreen on Tweek, he always forgets too"
I giggled a little as Tweek slowly blushed.
"I promise I will make sure Tweekers will have sunscreen" I smiled. I turned to look at Tweek and saw Clyde whispering something in his ear. Whatever it was made him blush even more, but he nodded.
"What did he ask you, honey?" I asked. Before he could speak Clyde covered his mouth.
"It's a surprise Craig" he said with a smile. I was puzzled, and before I knew it Tweek went upstairs. I shrugged and looked at Token.
"So what do we need?" I asked.
"Some buckets, sponges, soap, some soft towels" Token stated. I took a mental note as Tweek hurried down the stairs. He had changed from his usual button up and jeans into his adorable sunflower hoodie and some green sports shorts.
"Freaking adorable" I smiled. He gave me a little twirl and striked a pose. God I LOVED his new confidence.
"Thanks" he beamed. "S-so are we all set?"
"So gay" Clyde giggled. I just flipped him off and adjusted my hat.
"We just gotta run to the store" I smiled. "Are you guys gonna call Nichole and Bebe?"
"I thought it was only supposed to be four?" Token said. Clyde and I just looked at each other and smiled.
"I talked to Bebe and they weren't doing the fundraiser so, why not?" Clyde said. Token just sighed and nodded.
"Ok fine, but Tweek and I know nothing about it" Token responded. Tweek smiled at Token as we walked outside. I grabbed a screwdriver from my car and removed my plates and put them on Tweeks Mini.
"You sure you want me to drive?" I asked Tweek. He just nodded and let Clyde and Token get in the back seats before climbing into the passenger seat. I slowly backed out and went to the nearest store so we could pick up our supplies.

"What are you boys doing here?" Tweeks dad asked. We quickly explained what was going on. He just laughed, which was good for us.
"So its ok?" I asked. He just nodded and showed us where we could set up. We parked Tweeks car and set up a table so we could make signs and grabbed the hose that ran from the building into our sprayer.
"So Tweek and Clyde will make the signs and Token and I will get everything else setup" I said. "Tweek? Can we use your phone for music?"
I knew Tweek had a surprising amount of music on his phone. Tweek nodded happily and we set up portable speakers. I hit random and we went to work. I looked up and saw Clyde dancing.
"Whats this song Tweek?" Clyde smiled as he danced. Tweek was blushing a little and rubbed his head.
"I-I believe it's called Myself and the artist i-is B-Bazzi" he answered. "I-Its from a n-not good time in my l-life"
Clyde stopped dancing and looked at Tweek. I guess Tweek saw Clyde's eyes well up.
"B-but I used i-it to stay tough" he tried to smile. I laughed as they hugged and went back to making the signs.

"What time is it?" Token asked. I checked my phone. I kinda forgot it was a half day today.
"1:30" I answered. "How are the signs coming guys?"
Tweek and Clyde had made one big sign and a few smaller ones, it was funny seeing the artistic differences between the two. However, they were done very well and we helped them get it setup and I prepped Tweek with sunscreen as the girls arrived.

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