I'm Glad You Came

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Time Skip Tweek POV

I had already shut my alarm off. I barely slept, but for once, not because of nervousness. I was super excited for the summer. I had SO many plans for Craig and I.
"Tweek? Honey?" My mom called from the other side of my door. I quickly got up and opened my door. "Oh! Baby you look wide awake"
"I kinda am, I'm super excited!" I smiled. "I-I have so many plans for Craig and I this summer!"
My mom smiled and ruffled my hair as we walked downstairs. She already had some hot chocolate for me and I made myself some bagels.
"Is Craig getting you today?" My mom asked. I shook my head and took a sip of my hot chocolate.
"We need both our cars today" I answered. "So I'll be driving there"
I finished my breakfast and booked it upstairs and got washed up. I rushed over to my dresser and grabbed my white jeans and a black tee. I quickly put them on and ran to my closet.
"I know the exact hoodie" I smiled as I grabbed my green sunflower hoodie. I pulled it over my head and grabbed my backpack and rushed downstairs. Just as I was about to open the front door I heard my mom.
"Tweek!" My mom called out. I whipped my head around.
"Y-yeah mom?" I asked, all puzzled. She began pointing at her hair and that's when it hit me.
"T-thanks for reminding me" I said. I completely forgot Craig's favorite hair clip, so I quickly ran back upstairs and grabbed it and quickly put it in my hair and rushed out to my car and headed to school.

Time Skip

I pulled into my parking spot and quickly locked my door as I made my way up to school. It was such a nice morning too. The sun was out, the air was fresh. I took a big happy breath before I pushed open the door and made my way to the lunch room.
"Damn Tweek, you beat Craig here" Clyde laughed as I walked up to him.
"I barely slept" I said. "I-i was super excited for today"
We made small talk until my favorite voice sounded behind me.
"Sup babe" Craig said. I tilted my head back and put on a goofy smile.
"What took you so long slow p-poke?" I teased. Craig booped my nose and kissed my head.
"I just decided to let you be here before me" Craig teased back as he sat down next to me. I sipped on my hot chocolate filled thermos as Craig started talking about after school plans.
"So you guys want to come with Tweek and I to Stark's pond after school?" Craig asked. I tilted my head.
"Stark's pond?" I asked. "I don't think I've been there yet"
Craig faced me and he had a big smile. Like one of those smiles that just make the butterflies in your stomach start to flutter.
"I've been waiting to bring you there for awhile" he smiled. "I wanted it to be the first thing we did this summer"
We just smiled at each other until Clyde made a coughing sound.
"I guess we could join you two love birds" Clyde teased. "As long as our gf's are invited"
"Of course!" I smiled. "I love Bebe and Nichole's company"
The bell rang and the lunchroom started to disperse. I grabbed Craigs hand and guided him to our first class as he gave the guys a wave.

Time Skip Craig POV

"Alright class, its been an ok year for all of you" our teacher said. Our whole class just sighed. Just a few more minutes and we would be free. The teacher kept blabbing on when I felt something on my arm.
"What the hell?" I whispered as I looked down and saw a familiar hand writing on my arm. "Babe"
The blonde looked up and gave me an innocent smile as he finished whatever he was drawing.
"D-done" he smiled. He had written "Tweek was here" with a bunch of little stars around it. I just admired it when I heard the familiar grunt of our teacher.
"Have something you want to share with the class Craig?"our teacher sassed. I just smiled and rolled up my sleeve.
"Just some cute doodles made by the one and only Tweek of course" I said flatly. I showed off my arm as Tweek hid his face in embarrassment. The teacher just sighed and told me to sit back down.
"Its a good thing you two actually did well in class" the teacher muttered. That's when it happened. The bell started dinging and the whole class jumped for joy. I turned around and tossed Tweek up into the air and caught him.
"Let's go meet up with the guys" I smiled. Tweek just giggled in response as I put him down and we quickly got through the mass of people.
"There you guys are" Token called out as we moved out of the crowd. "Was hoping you guys could make it out of there alive"
"Yeah we made it" I said. "So you guys are coming with me while the girls go with Tweek to the lake ok?"
Token gave me a nod while Clyde looked a little confused. They went to go tell their girlfriends while I felt my hoodie get tugged.
"Is there anything you want me to do when I get there?" Tweek asked. I thought to myself for a moment.
"Yeah, I have a cooler in my car and maybe on the way to the pond you three can pick up what you want for drinks" I suggested. "You know I'll drink whatever you like"
Tweek nodded and smiled in response as we made our way to the parking lot. I couldn't help but look over to him just as we got into the sunlight. It reflects brightly off his beautiful head. He was talking about something, but I was completely distracted. The way his hair was reflecting the light almost made his eyes even brighter than they usually were. His adorable soft cheeks glistened in the sunlight, just like an angel.
"C-Craig?" Tweek asked. I slowly shook my head and smiled at him.
"Sorry babe" I smiled. "But I just couldn't stop looking at you. In this light you glow like an angel"
Tweek just blushed and smiled in response and quickly got on his tip toes and planted a kiss on my cheek.
"We are here!" Clyde yelled out behind us. I turned around and flipped him the bird.
"About damn time" I said. "So you girls are gonna go with Tweek, that ok?"
Both girls just smiled and nodded and walked over to Tweek.
"Just stay safe ok?" I asked as I gave Tweek a huge hug.
"I promise" he smiled. We kissed and him and the girls went to his car while the boys and I hopped into mine.
"So what the hell is going on?" Clyde asked as we backed out of my spot.
"So, Token already knows, and I didn't want to tell you because you SO would have told Tweek" I said. "But I'm getting Tweek a promise ring"
Clyde's eyes just sparkled, causing me to blush a tad.
"That's awesome!" Clyde exclaimed. The guys talked while we slowly pulled into a parking spot in front of the mall and made our way inside.
"Craig Tucker isn't it" the same lady I had talked to previously said. I nodded and walked up to the counter.
"Whose with you?" She asked. "Your eventual best men?"
I blushed as Token and Clyde just laughed behind me. Luckily the girl finally focused on me paying for the ring, which I did of course. She carefully pulled it out and I got to hold it in my hand. The guys were also interested and took a look at it.
"It looks amazing!" I exclaimed. I thanked the lady and carefully placed it in its box and placed it in the bag and we headed back to the car.
"So" Clyde started. "How are you gonna give it to him?"
Shit. I hadn't even thought about that yet. Fuck. As we got closer and closer to Stark Pond it finally hit me.
"You figure it out yet Craig?" Token asked. We pulled into next to Tweek's Mini and I turned around and nodded.
"I know exactly how" I said.

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