Meeting Stripe

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Craigs POV

"Sorry Clyde, you can't have him" I laugh. Clyde looks at me and smiles even more.
"Dude, did you cry?" He asks. I turn my face away.
"If you would have seen his face, you totally would have cried too Clyde" I say. I just happily rub the back of the blonde hair and I slowly hear a snore.
"Um guess what? He just fell asleep" I smiled. Some of the girls say aww.
"Dude, this is just too cute for words" Clyde chimed happily. I just wanted to take him home right now, so he can meet my mom and sister. He had been over, but they were never there.
"Tweekers? We have to get to class ok?" I whisper into his ears. He gave a slight nod and buried his face back into my shoulder. Is this heaven? Because damn it I think it is. I carry my sleepy boy to class through a mixture of gasps and awws. The rest of the day was a blur. I could only think about going home and getting to spend some quality alone time with my boy. I still can't believe I'm saying that. I feel him grab my hand and I look down and smile.
"Ready to go to my place?" I ask with a smile. He blushes and nods.
"I-I'm so ready" he smiles happily. We talk as we head towards the school exit when I hear Cartman's annoying voice.
"I always knew that spaz was gay, but Craig Tucker? I would have never guessed" he laughed evilly. I pull Tweek as close to my side as possible so he is covered.
"You can fucking point fun at me all you want fucker. But if you touch him, I will literally rip your arms off" I say flatly. Cartman just raises his hands.
"I didn't do shit Tucker, but there was a girl that was really looking forward to asking you out. She will be so upset" He snickered. I just turned and scoffed.
"Well she would have been turned down anyway. I asked Tweek out, not the other way around" I say. Cartman just laughs, like he just ignored everything I say.
"Hopefully she takes it well" he sneered. "Bye little Tweek, I'll see you soon." Tweek looks up at me scared.
"W-what does that mean? A-are they gonna try to take me? I...." I see him reach up for his hair so I quickly put my hat on his head.
"Please Tweekers, don't pull on your hair" I plead. He looks down.
"S-sorry Craig" he says quietly. He lightly tugs on the hat a little to help his stress.
"I don't want you bald" I teased.
"CRAIG! I-i don't want to be bald either" he whined. I spin him around and pick him up and cradle him in my arms.
"As long as I'm here, don't worry about anything ok?" I wink and smile. The blonde boy blushes bright.
"N-nobody has done this to me before" he shyly smiles. Before I can even comment he kisses my cheek. I don't think I have ever been that red.
"Let's go home Tweekers" I smile so happily.

Cartman POV

Those two are so fucked. I really never gave a shit about Tucker. However, I just hate that spaz. I walk behind the school and am greeted by a girl.
"If your looking for Craig, he already has a date" I said. The girl just looked down.
"I can help you try to get him" I smile wildly. "We just have to make that spaz not trust him"
"How are we gonna do that?" The girl asked. I just sneer.
"I have my ways."

Craig POV

I can't believe it. I look to my right as the sun flashes off Tweek's bright blonde hair. It's like he is a shooting star and he is mine. Like holy shit. We made it to my house and I pulled in the driveway and turned my car off.
"You ready?" I ask. He blushes and nods. We get out of the car and make our way into the house.
"Mom?" I yell. We threw our bags on the couch and I pulled Tweek close to me.
"Yes dear?" She walks out of the kitchen.
"Remember that talk we had two weeks ago?" I asked. She pondered for a moment.
"It was about a boy if I remember" she smiled. I blush a little and move from in front of Tweek.
"Mom, meet the sweetest person in the world" I blush. Tweek blushes bright and gives a little wave.
"H-hi Mrs. Tucker" Tweek says nervously. My mom walked right up to him and gave him a hug.
"I want to thank you Tweek" she smiles. The small blonde blushed.
"W-why?" He asks innocently.
"You've made him smile again. I only seem him so happy when he is with his pet" she smiles. He looks up at her with those big green eyes.
"I-I really make him that happy" he smiles in such a sweet voice. He turns and faces me, his eyes start to swell.
"Come here you" my voice shakes.
"I-I'm so happy i-i m-make you so h-happy" Tweek cried into my chest. I lift him up and place my arms so his butt is sitting on my arms. I can't believe I can hold him like this.
"Let's go upstairs, Tweekers" I smile. I feel him nod in agreement. I smile at my mom.
"Don't worry, neither of us are ready for that ok mom?" I laugh. She just sighs than laughs. I slowly carry my blonde boy into my room. There was someone I wanted him to meet. I gently set my love down on my bed. He blushed and looked around, it's been a week since he had been here, so I wasn't surprised.
"Your room is so neat" he says in awe.
"I can always go over and help you get yours all cleaned up if you want" I smile. I walk over with something in my hand covered by a blanket.
"Close your eyes and hold out your hands" I smile. Tweek blushes.
"Y-your not gonna pull some t-trick are you?" He twitches.
"Babe, you really think I would?" I laugh.
"N-no" he finally closes his eyes. I place the blanket in his hands and remove it.
"Open" I smile. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at his hands.
"W-wow i-its so cute" Tweek beams. My Guinea Pig Stripe just looked up at him. I notice Tweek starts to twitch a bit more.
"His name is Stripe" I smile.
"U-um C-Craig, you s-should take him," he says quietly. I frown.
"Why honey?" He really starts to fidget in his seat.
"W-what if i drop him....and h-he gets h-hurt or w-worse...." he trails off. I place my hands underneath his.
"I know you won't. Even if you did drop him, he would just fall an inch or two on the soft bed ok?" I try to cheer him up. Stripe starts to sniff around and gives Tweek's hand some kisses.
"Hehe t-that tickles" Tweek giggles. I smile so happily.
"Not surprised he likes you. Can you guess how old he is?" I smile. The little blonde had his adorable thinking face on.
"Um, three years old?" He guessed.
"Good guess, but he is actually 7 years old" I laugh. Tweek's eyes got big.
"Wow!" He shouted. He brought Stripe up to his face and the Guinea Pig licks his nose.
"H-he does like me!" Tweek giggled. I sigh happily, my boys are bonding. After an hour of watching Stripe we put him back in the cage and I just admire Tweek.
"S-so we are actually dating?" He blushes. I smile.
"Yes we are Tweekers" I gushed.
"Y-your not embarrassed of me?" He mumbled. I cup his face in my hand.
"How could I ever be embarrassed of all this?" I ask. He just blushes. I run my eyes up and down him.
"There is one thing Tweekers" I say. I shift over to him and lift up his shirt.
"C-Craig? T-this is way too much pressure!" He squealed. I poked him in his super skinny chest.
"You need to eat more mister" I insisted. He blushes a little. "Your way too skinny sweetie, think you could do it for me?"
"B-but isn't it better to be more skinny" he asks. I shake my head.
"There is such a thing as too skinny, and you're it mister." I lightly pat his stomach.
"I-i actually gained 5 pounds since coming here" He blushes. I smile.
"I'm glad. I can only imagine how you will be an even better cuddler" I tease. He blushes and shyly smiles.
"O-ok Craig, I w-will try I promise" he nodded. I lift up the blankets and motion him to join me.
"Want to join me and watch some Red Racer?" I smile. Tweek just giggles and slides into the blankets with me.
"I've never seen it" he smiles. I pull out my phone so we can start watching.

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