A Ring?

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Time Skip Third Person POV

The remaining month of school was slowly winding down. The boys were so excited for their first summer together, the first one of many for the two of them. While Tweek was at work, Craig was scheming up a plan to get one of the last things he had planned for his boy on the first day of summer.
"Token, you promise you won't say anything to anyone" Craig said over the phone as he began packing a few things into a small backpack.
"I promise dude, what are you planning?" Token asked.
"So, I'm getting Tweek something special, but I, um, need to get his finger sized" Craig blushed brightly at that last part.
"A ring?" Token exclaimed. "You're not doing what I think you are right?"
This wasn't helping curb Craigs nervousness.
"God no dude!" Craig yelled. "Not a wedding ring, but its kinda like a first step to that"
Token gave a sigh of relief and basically told him two options. Option one, sneak in at night since Craig knew where the spare key was, or two, convince Tweek to let him measure his finger.
"Let's go with option one" Craig said. "Tweek would easily figure something out with option two"
"You're probably right, so just wear black, and don't drive your car right to his house" Token said. "Its loud as fuck dude"
We talked a little bit longer until Token had to go. I grabbed a black hoodie along with a black hat and quickly made his way downstairs.
"What are you doing?" Craig heard his sister Tricia say the exact moment his foot hit the last step.
"Nothing Tricia" Craig muttered as he began making his way to the door.
"Tell me, or I'm telling mom" she snickered. Craig just sighed and turned around.
"You better not tell anyone" Craig said. "I'm sneaking to Tweeks house so I can measure his ring finger so I can make a ring"
Tricia's eyes went all big and Craig just sighed.
"You're gonna marry him!" She exclaimed. Craig quickly covered her mouth before she could get too loud.
"Shhh! No, not exactly like that" Craig whispered. "One day, yes I'm gonna, hopefully, it's just kinda like a first step"
"I'm gonna be such a cool Aunt!" Tricia could barely contain her excitement as she bolted up stairs.
"I swear she better not say anything" Craig sighed. He got in his car and made his way to Tweeks.

"Alright, I'm a block down, I know he comes home from the other direction" Craig muttered to himself. "So I should be in the clear"
Craig played on his phone until he saw a pair of lights slowly turn into Tweeks house. He canceled out of the game and checked the time. Craig quietly shut his door and stealthy made his way to a bush and started texting Tweek.

Craig: hey babe, you home from work?

Tweekers: yeah, I just got home, I'm super pooped

Craig: I understand, you just get some sleep ok honey?

Tweekers: ok Craig, I luv you!!!

Craig: I love you more sweetheart ;)

Craig smiled at his phone and stuck it in his pocket. He proceeded to look up at Tweeks window and blush.
"I kinda wonder what he does when I'm not over" he thought out loud. He looked around and there was a tree kinda close to Tweeks window.
"Fuck it" he said and carefully made his way over to the tree. "Probably the only chance I'll get to see this"
He carefully climbed his way up the tree and kept a few branches in front of him. There was little Tweek, who looked like he was doing something on his laptop.
"What are you doing honey?" Craig said. Tweek then stood up and stretched with a big yawn, causing his shirt to ride up.
"Damn it Tweek, how are you so cute" Craig smiled as Tweek began to poke it and blush. Craig started to blush even more as Tweek started to quickly get changed. He quickly brushed his teeth as his mom entered the room and gave him a hug as he went to go lie down, she walked over and kissed his head and turned a night light on.
"Good night honey" Craig smiled as he slowly made his way down the tree.
"Please go to bed soon" Craig begged as he sat peeking into the living room as Tweeks parents were watching tv. After what seemed like forever until the tv flickered off and his parents went upstairs. Craig sneaked his way to the front door and started getting cold feet.
"Shit, should I really do this?" Craig asked himself. "He is worth the risk"
He carefully lifted up a stone and grabbed the spare house key and carefully opened the door.
"No squeak, that's good" Craig said quietly. "Lets just do this quick"
To the best of his ability Craig stealthily made his way up the stairs and carefully opened Tweeks bedroom door.
"Oh honey" Craig whispered with a smile. Tweek was wrapped in one of Craig's older hoodies that he gave him in the first month of dating and he wasn't even tucked in. Craig made his way over and looked over his sleeping boyfriend. He knelt down and carefully grabbed Tweeks right hand and pulled out a piece of string from his pocket and carefully wrapped it around his ring finger and carefully cut it.
"Let's get you wrapped up" he smiled. He carefully lifted Tweek's legs up and slide his covers back and wrapped Tweek up in the blankets.
"C-Craig?" Tweek muttered in his sleep. Craig blushed and leaned next to his ear.
"What's up buttercup?" Craig whispered in his ear. Tweek twitched a little in his sleep as Craig placed his teddy bear next to him.
"W-what do you want me t-to wear at t-the wedding?" The sleeping boy asked. This caught Craig off guard and made him blush. They had never talked about such a topic directly. Craig thought to himself for a moment before kneeling back down to Tweek's ear.
"I want you to wear whatever you think is cutest" Craig smiled. "But I only request a viel and that adorable hair clip"
Tweek stirred and onto his side and faced Craig. Still in his deep sleep, he gave a little smile.
"Ok Craig" he said sleepily. "I can do that"
Craig just smiled and lightly placed a kiss on Tweek's lips.
"Good night little Tweekers" Craig whispered happily.

Time Skip

Craig woke up super early in the morning and thankfully for him, it was Saturday.
"Tweek should still be asleep so I'll go get this made" Craig smiled. His morning was uneventful. Just had breakfast, texted Tweek and headed to the mall.
"Hi! Welcome to South Park Jewelry" the lady smiled as I walked into the jeweler.
"Hi, um, I want to get a ring made?" Craig asked quietly. The lady just smiled and beckoned him over to her.
"So who's the lucky lady" she winked. Craig just shook his head in response.
"It's for my boyfriend, and it's not an engagement ring, it's a promise ring" Craig retorted. The lady looked taken back and just tried to shake it off.
"Silly me" she laughed. "This must be one special boy if your having a promise ring made"
"He is more special than anything" Craig smiled. "We have only been together for almost 9 months, but I know we'll be together for a very long time"
The girl showed Craig some options and Craig picked out a gold ring and an emerald that got as close as he could get to Tweeks eye color.
'Should this be made before school is out?" Craig asked. The girl nodded and typed some things into her computer.
"You will pay once you come pick it up ok?" She said. Craig nodded and left the shop when he got a phone call from Token.
"Yo" Craig said as he exited the mall.
"You get the stuff?" Token asked. Craig hopped in his car and headed toward Token's house.
"Yeah I just dropped it off" Craig said. "On my way to get you and Clyde"

"Get in" Craig said as the guys walked out of the Tokens house and got in Craigs car.
"Where is Tweek?" Clyde asked as they headed onto the road.
"I had to do some stuff and you guys were closer on the way back" Craig responded. After a bit they slowly rolled up to Tweeks house and the guys were shocked.
"Is Tweek working on his car?" Clyde exclaimed. The small blonde was wearing a tank top with his green sport shorts. Craig carefully pulled the car to the sidewalk and got out and watched his boyfriend changing the tires on his car.
"This is pretty hot" Craig slipped. The guys turned and looked at him and that's when we realized what he said.
"I, um, I" Craig stuttered. Clyde's smile just got bigger and bigger. Craig flipped him off and bolted to his boyfriend.
"Tweekers!" Craig called out. The blonde wiped his hand on his forehead and turned around.
"Craig!" Tweek smiled as he quickly got up and ran up to Craig. "I-I could use your help"
Craig kissed the boy's forehead and looked him over. Tweek was sweaty and had dirt all over his face.
"Let's finish that up, then get you cleaned up ok?" Craig smiled. Tweek nodded in response and the two boys put on Tweeks new wheels as Clyde and Token just sat and played on their phones.
"Let's get you washed up ok?" Craig asked with a smile. Tweek smiled and went inside and washed his face and got into non sweaty clothes.
"Ready to go hang out?" Craig said as Tweek was hurrying down the steps.
"Yeah Craig" the blonde beamed.

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