Why He Twitches

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Time Skip

"Alright, what is your relationship with Tweek?" Kyle asked while he sat cross legged on his bed. I leaned against the wall with my arms behind my head.
"Well shit lets see" I say. "He was like bullied wicked bad in Denver, like it started bad, but right before he left it got even worse"
Kyle and Stan just looked at each other, so I continued.
"But he was always a good kid, had an amazing heart and not gonna lie" I smirked. "I did want to date him"
I laughed as Kyle nearly spat out his drink and Stan's jaw just dropped. I took a quick sip of water as I let them gather their thoughts.
"S-so did you?" Kyle asked. I just shook my head and closed my eyes.
"No, but that was probably for the best" I sighed. "But we were friends even though he knew about how I was, but then it happened"
"What do you mean it happened?" Kyle asked in a serious tone. Shit, its about to go down.
"Fuck, where to start" I sighed. "I learned from some reliable sources that his family used to put meth in their coffee and made him drink it when he was younger"
You could cut the silence in the room with a knife, I just took a drink and continued.
"After hanging out with him in school for most of the year I finally asked about it" I looked down. "He flipped out and I had never seen him shake so bad, that was the first time I got to hug him and I wanted more, but he literally ran home"
"FUCKING METH?" Stan shouted. "Who makes a kid drink meth fused coffee!?"
"It's why they moved to Denver, to try and fix their mistake" I said. "But I ran to try and find him and that's when I got to his house and he confronted his parents. I didn't hear anything since I was outside, but I know he bolted up to his room afterwards."
"Holy shit dude..." Kyle trailed off. "It explains his twitches and everything..."
"How did you know he ran to his room?" Stan asked suspiciously. I just looked at my feet.
"I kinda snuck into his room from the outside." I said quietly. "I don't know if Tweek remembers..." I whispered. "Just hearing that Cartman made him start cutting himself again brought back all those memories for me"
"If he didn't completely remember you, then why was he freaking out?" Stan asked.
"I was the one that found him cutting himself, he was so terrified that I did" I said. "Just please guys....don't let Craig find out about this"

Craig POV

"You had way too much ice cream tonight Tweekers" I laughed as Tweek danced a little in the passenger seat.
"M-maybe a l-little" Tweek blushed. He stopped dancing and shivered a little so I put my hoodie on him as we walked to his door. He pulled on my sleeve and looked up at me.
"C-could you spend t-the night?" He asked quietly. "A-after seeing Kenny..."
I quickly put my index finger to his lips. There was no way I was letting him be alone after seeing his reaction to Kenny.
"I was going to regardless, ok?" I smiled. He sighed happily and hugged me so tight. I picked him up and carried him inside. Yeah, I might carry him too much, but would you pass up the chance too? We walked inside and his mom was watching tv.
"How was the fundraising today boys?" She asked with a smile.
"Very good actually" I smiled. "We have till the end of the week so after school for a few hours we are gonna do it every day"
She smiled and said that Tweek wouldn't have to work at the shop for the week. This was so helpful since Tweek actually was getting the girls to go to the car wash. Which I thought was hilarious. Clyde always said he was the king ladies man, but this smol gay boy was bringing in more girls than him. I totally was gonna rub that in his face later. I brought him upstairs and let him get comfy and to my surprise he left the crop top on and just put on some black pj bottoms with smiley faces on it.
"Seriously, how do you look cute in everything?" I picked him up and smiled. Tweek just laughed and yawned. "You should sleep Tweekers"
I placed him on his bed and tucked him in. I wanted to get more guitar practice in, but Tweek was giving me his puppy dog eyes.
"B-but aren't you sleeping too?" He asked in his sweet voice. I caved and slid underneath the covers as I felt his small warm body wrap around my arm and leg. I looked to my left and had to suppress a laugh as he already fell asleep. Luckily for me his teddy bear was close by so I carefully placed it in his arms and he held it tightly.
"I won't be long, I promise Tweekers" I smile as I kiss his forehead and then carefully sneak out of his room. His mom was still awake and looked as if she was surprised to see me down here.
"Everything ok Craig?" She asked. I nodded.
"Yeah, just need to do something before I go to bed" I responded. I went out the door and grabbed my guitar from the trunk of my car. I walk back to the steps and sit down and pull out my phone so I can watch some tutorials. I slowly start to play as I watch carefully and I feel some watching me. I looked up and saw Tweeks dad smiling at me.
"I never knew you played guitar Craig" he smiled. Nobody did outside of Nichole since she saw me buy it.
"It's for someone special, I'm planning something for once school ends, but I still need to learn a lot," I said. He sat down next to me and to my surprise he took the guitar from my hands and started to play. "Wow! I never knew you could play the guitar Mr. Tweak!" He laughed.
"You can call me Richard," he smiled. "I'm guessing your learning for Tweek?" I quickly told him my plan, and that it was super important to me.
"I can help you learn" he offered. My eyes went so wide, I couldn't believe it!
"T-thank you mr, I mean Richard!" I smiled. He gave me a pat on the back.
"So what's the song you want to play?" he asked.

After maybe an hour we put the guitar back and I quickly got changed so I could make sure Tweek was sleeping ok. I opened the door and laughed as he was sprawled out over the bed. I kept my giggling as quiet as I could and gave him a little nudge.
"Tweekers?" I asked quietly. He slowly stirred and rubbed his eyes.
"W-what happened Craig?" He yawned. I laughed and kissed his forehead.
"I went to the bathroom and I guess you didn't want me to leave" I lied. Tweek just yawned and moved over so I could get into bed. I turned to face him as he already had me in his grasp. I sighed happily as I pulled him closer.
"Craig" he said in such a happy and sleepy tone. He was probably dreaming and I just kissed his head and fell asleep.

Time Skip Third Person POV

The fundraisers for Craig's gang and Stan's gang were going very well. They were each bringing in the profits and along with the other students they had raised enough money for the field trip. Kenny was adjusting well to life back, and to his surprise had most of his classes with Craig and Tweek. Tweek still wasn't liking having Kenny around, but couldn't exactly remember the reasoning. All he could remember was Kenny really wanting to be his friend, but he just wasn't sure about the whole thing. Craig did his best to try and help him jog his memory, but nothing was working, so he just decided to teach Tweek some ways to defend himself. It made Craig feel better and in a way, made Tweek feel better. We catch up with our boys in class as the teacher congratulates them on their achievements.

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