Kick Ass

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(Named after the song I kept listening to when writing this chapter)

Time Skip

After a drive we made it back to Tweeks house. His mom had given me her house key so we went inside and I took a deep breath.
"Going upstairs is gonna be difficult for me" I said. We slowly walked upstairs and went up to Tweeks door. I took a massive breath and entered the room. My eyes immediately went to the wall by his desk. Clyde looked at the same spot as me and gasped.
"H-holy shit" he whispered. I slowly walked up to it and looked down and saw it. The little blade that had caused all the damage. I fucking hated it. I picked it up and glared at it.
"You did this!" I spat. I wanted to break it in half terribly, but I just wasn't able to get a grip on it. I went to throw it when I noticed that Tweeks desk drawer was open. I peeked into it and saw a bunch of these. I carefully pulled them out one by one and showed Clyde.
"Oh my god" Clyde exclaimed. 
"C-can you go get a sandwich bag from the kitchen?" I asked quietly. Clyde nodded and rushed out of the room. I tossed the bloody blade in the pile of razors and turned around and saw the teddy bear I bought Tweek was on the floor. I leaned down and picked it up. I remember how happy I was seeing him nuzzle into it when I asked him out. I tucked it under my arm to bring it back to the hospital and I found Tweeks phone on his bed. I sat down on the bed and grabbed his phone. I knew his password so I entered it and I nearly choked at what I saw. Clyde had run back upstairs and started to put the blades in the bag until he saw my face.
"Dude what did you find?" He asked. "Your face is like pale white right now"
I just gestured to him to come over and I hit play on the video.
"What in the fuck is this?" I asked quietly. "That was the night of the dance"
Clyde's jaw just dropped.
"I-I could hear you while I was walking away!" He exclaimed. "You definitely didn't do that shit!"
We then saw the picture. I could feel my blood start to really boil.
"That's the chick I had to help last night!" I said with such hatred in my voice.
"You slipped and fell last night right?" Clyde asked. I just grinded my teeth and nodded.
"Yes" I snapped. "Who the FUCK SENT THESE?"
Clyde took the phone from my hands and went looking.
"Oh fuck" Clyde said. He gave me the phone and my anger went through the fucking roof.
"CARTMAN!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I jumped up and punched Tweeks wall. I was fucking fuming and all I could do was pace around the room not knowing what to do next.
"I'm gonna fucking kill him!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Clyde jumped up as well and tried to calm me down.
"Dude, deep breaths. I know your fucking pissed and you have every right to be" Clyde said. "But you gotta channel that. Save it for Cartman"
Clyde was right, I didn't want to spend any amount of energy before I saw that fat fuckers face. I pulled out my phone and dialed someone close to Cartman who hated him as much as I did.
"Kyle. It's Craig" I said flatly. I could tell Kyle was a bit surprised that I would be calling him.
"Craig? What's up man?" He asked.
"Where the fuck is the fat ass" I said. Kyle just sighed.
"What the fuck did he do now?" He asked.
"He fucking made Tweek cut himself and now he is afraid of me" I could feel the tears start to leak. "He fucking made it seem like I was cheating on him"
"What the actual fuck?" Kyle responded. I grabbed Tweeks phone and sent the evidence to Kyle.
"I just sent the proof from Tweeks phone" I said flatly. It took a few minutes because I heard Kyle let out an angry yell.
"Mother fucker" he said. "Please tell me Tweek is ok?"
"It's complicated," I said sadly. "Not only was he cutting himself...his appendix also bursted..."
"He made it? Right?" Kyle asked.
"Yes" I said quietly. "I need to know where Eric is"
"The last place I knew he was at KFC" Kyle said. "I already messaged Stan. He might be our quote on quote Friend, but this is just fucking stupid"
"Thank you Kyle," I said. "I owe you one"
"You're fine" Kyle said. "This is for Tweek"
Kyle hung up and I looked at Clyde. His smile slowly spread on his face.
"Are we going to kick some ass?" He smiled. I slowly made my way to the stairs, grabbing the bag of blades in the process.
"Clyde" I said to him flatly.
"Yeah Craig?" He asked.
"You need to make sure I don't go to jail" I said. "Because I'm gonna drop that fucker"

Time Skip

"Jesus Craig!" Clyde yelled as I drifted onto the main road. I was laser focused. Right now, weaving through traffic, taking every slightly faster route to meet up with Kyle and Stan as fast as possible. We made it to the KFC and Kyle and Stan were standing outside of Stan's Truck.
"That was fast" Stan said. I just crossed my arms and waited for Clyde to get out of the car.
"I do appreciate you guys doing this" I said flatly. "I will apologize in advance for what I'm going to do"
Kyle and Stan laughed in response.
"Dude, Cartman always has it coming" Kyle said. He wasn't wrong. He had always been getting Kyle and Stan into shit for years. Never understood why they still hung out with him.
"So is he still here?" I asked. They both shook their heads.
"I just texted him," Kyle said. Just before he spoke again his phone went off. "Shit, he is at a New Year's Day party. At the same location as the after dance party"
"At a party. Shit" I said as I closed my eyes and smirked. "Gonna have an audience"
"Saddle up?" Stan asked. I nodded and we got in the vehicles and made our way to the rented house.

Time skip

Not gonna lie, I was surprised Stan was able to keep up with me, but we made it there in record time. We pulled into the driveway and I was kinda shocked to see fifteen cars in the yard.
"Sorry if this gets crazy guys" I said flatly. Stan and Kyle got behind Clyde and I as we slowly entered the house. It was loud and hectic, and the smell of alcohol was strong.
"Spread out" I commanded. We all went separate ways to look for the fat ass.
I went to the main room of the house and looked around. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out.

Kyle: nothing in the kitchen

Stan: Same, not upstairs

Clyde: not in the back rooms

I sighed and looked up and I saw that light blue hat and could hear that horrible laugh.

Me: Fucking found him, main room. Get here quick

I slammed my fist together and slowly walked up behind Cartman. He was surrounded by people, but I didn't give two shits.
"Hey fucker" I spat. Cartman could only just turn around before I rocketed my fist into his face. I lunged at him and shoved him to the floor and just started pounding his face in.
"You mother fucker!!! I told you to NEVER FUCK WITH TWEEK!" I spat and yelled as loud as I could as I kept feeling my hands connect to flesh. The whole party grinded to a halt as I felt arms grab me. I whipped my head around and the look on my face must have been awful because Clyde looked terrified.
"I-It's just me Craig" Clyde said. I spat at Cartman and just stood back up.
"You ever look in his general direction, I swear to fucking god" I said coldly. "And that goes with any of you fuckers! Tweek Tweak is off mother fucking limits"
"L-lets get out of here" Clyde gasped. I turned to walk away when I heard Cartman cough and mumble something.
"Got something to say?" I snapped while turning around. Eric slowly stumbled up, blood dripping from his nose, face battered and bruised. He slowly stumbled up to me and just got right up to my face.
"Fag, the whole point to fucking with Tweek was to fuck with you" he said with an evil smile. He slammed his head into mine and all hell broke loose. I grabbed Cartman by the neck and slammed him to the ground while Cartman was trying to punch me in the face. The crowd was absolutely loving it while Clyde, Stan, and Kyle struggled to break us up. I don't know how long we went at it, but eventually they got us apart.
"We really should get back to Tweek" Clyde pleaded. I could barely see out of my right eye, my nose was bleeding, but man was that what I fucking needed!
"Lets go" I said flatly and stumbled slightly with Clyde. I looked back and saw Kyle and Stan helping Cartman up. I pulled out my phone and Texted Kyle.

Me: Thanks you guys I do owe you

Clyde helped guide me out of the house and out to the car.
"You think you can drive?" Clyde asked. To be honest, I probably shouldn't drive.
"Probably not" I said honestly. Clyde had driven my car a few times and he hopefully wouldn't stall it. I sat in the passenger seat and closed my eyes.
"We should probably stop by my house first" I suggested.
"Yeah bro" Clyde said. "And Craig?"
"What Clyde" I said.
"It was fucking awesome seeing you whoop his ass" Clyde laughed. "And I got it all on video."

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