Dance Prep

485 17 3

Time Skip Craig POV

"You're coming right?" Token asked over the phone.
"Duh dude, this is kinda important" I responded. Each table at the dance had a chance to pick out a unique song to dance too. And me, Token, and Clyde decided we should be the ones to pick it. I drift into Tokens driveway where the guys are waiting for me.
"Was that really necessary?" Token laughs. I shut the door and tap the lock button on my keys.
"If i do it, it is necessary" I flip him off. Clyde does it back.
"How come you're only nice when Tweek is around?" Clyde teased.
"Because that boy is a literal angel" I cooed. We gather at the Tokens table and begin discussing.
"God damn it Clyde! We aren't dancing to Gangnam Style!" We shout at Clyde.
"Come on guys haha" he laughs. We whip out our phones, or in my case my iPad and start looking.
"Guys! Give this one a listen" Token says. He connects his phone to the speaker on the table and we listen.
"I like it! What is it called?" Clyde smiles.
"Magic by Mystery Skulls" Token answered. I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda digging it. We wrote it down and went back to looking. I look over and see Clyde smiling.
"Oh god" I laugh.
"Get Lucky" Clyde said smoothly. Token nods in agreement.
"Not gonna lie, that could work" Token agrees.
"You sure it's not too long? I'm a bad enough dancer as it is" I say flatly.
"Well, we will write in as Clyde's suggestion" Token responded. I go back to scrolling and see an interesting looking thumbnail and listen to it. I start nodding my head to the beat. Images of Tweek dancing and shaking his hips started to appear in my head. I knew I was blushing but I didn't care.
"I think Craig found one" he teased. I keep blushing.
"Yeah I might have" I blush. I have the guys listen to it and I get an immediate reaction from Clyde.
"Oh my god yes!" Clyde exclaimed. Clyde starts to dance a little.
"I guess it would be good and unique" Token chimed in.
"Who is the DJ?" I ask.
"I think it's Kyle" Token says. He starts texting to make sure they get their pick.
"Guess we take my car to go get dressed up like sharp dressed men?" I laugh. Clyde gives me a high five.
"Fuck yeah bro!" He yells. We walk to my car and I hook up my phone and play Sharp dressed man.
"So what are the girls doing with Tweek?" I ask. Token and Clyde just looked at each other and rubbed their hands.

Tweek POV

I was super nervous. Craig said that Token and Clyde's dates were gonna pick me up to help me get ready for the night, BUT I'VE NEVER MET THEM. I mean sure I"ve seen them at school, but this was different. I hear a car honk and I hastily put on sweatpants and one of Craig's long sleeved NASA shirts he gave me to wear if I got scared. I hurry downstairs and rush out the door making sure I lock it.
"Get in Tweek" Clyde's date Bebe said from the driver's seat. I quietly get in the car.
"H-hi" I say nervously. The girls turn around and smile at me.
"I still cannot believe you changed Craig" Token's girlfriend Nichole smiled. I blush in response. We sat quietly as we drove to wherever we were heading.
"S-so, w-where are we going?" I ask nervously. Nichole looks back at me and smiles.
"We gotta get you ready for tonight right?" She teased. I blushed and forgot I needed to be dressed nicely for tonight!
"I-i completely forgot!" I blurted out.
"It's ok, that's why we're here" Bebe said. We pull up in front of this fancy looking dress store. They aren't dressing me up as a girl right? We walked inside and were greeted by a smiling woman.
"Hello, what can we do to help you today?" She asked with a smile. The girls put their hands on my shoulder.
"We need to get this boy ready for the school dance tonight" they teased. I blush in response. The woman walked up to me and pulled out a tape measure.
"My word aren't you the cutest little thing!" She smiled. I blush and shyly smile.
"T-thanks, n-nobody but my boyfriend has called me that" I say quietly. She grabbed my hand and led me to the boys section.
"Since you're on the teeny side we have to look here, but it is cheaper" She smiled. She motioned for me to start looking around, so I did. I start looking and going through suits. Not that one, no, no. Nothing looked like I would look good in it, to me anyway.
"Have you found anything darling?" She called.
"N-not yet" I answer. I went through a few more rows until I found it.
"W-wow!" I beam. I hear the woman walk over.
"I completely forgot we had that one" she smiled. It was a traditional suit, but it was olive green.
"Want to try it on?" She asked. I nod in response. I follow here to the changing room and step inside. I had never worn a suit before, so putting it on was an adventure. Before I put on the undershirt and top I lightly rubbed my arms. I could feel the faint traces of the scars on my arm. It had been so long since I had done those, but I was happy since Craig had helped me more than he could ever think.
"You all set dear?" She asked loudly.
"Y-yeah" I yell back. I take a deep breath and walk out of the changing room.
"S-so what d-do you guys think?" I ask while twitching a little. The girls squeal a little.
"So cute!" They squealed. I blush and shyly smile.
"I think we have a winner" the lady smiled. I blush and get changed back into my sweats and shirt then handed the lady the suit.
"I'll just ring this up for you three" she smiles. I wait patiently for the girls to pay, since they wouldn't let me.
"Is this all" she asked. Before the girls could respond I noticed something and the girls looked at me.
"What are you looking at Tweek?" They asked. I walk up to this little display with hair clips and pick out a peach one.
"C-can I get it?" I ask innocently. Nichole takes it from my hand and puts it in my hair.
"Aww!" She smiles. I blush in response. Nichole gave the tag to the lady so I didn't need to take it out of my hair.
"You three enjoy the dance tonight" she smiled as we waved goodbye.
"Want to get some lunch Tweek?" Bebe ask.
"S-sure" I shyly smile.

Third Person POV

The boys found their suits for the night as did the girls with their dresses. They decided to meet back up at Tokens since Tweek wanted to see Craig before they left for the dance.
"Tweek, don't forget to take it out ok?" Nichole reminded him
"Oh y-yeah" Tweek said and removed the hair clip and put it in his pocket. The girls and Tweek finally made it to Tokens so Tweek and Craig could see each other before they went their separate ways until the dance.
"Craig!" Tweek yelped happily as he exited the car. Craig was washing his car until he heard his boy. He turned around and held his arms open as Tweek jumped into them and Craig caught him and nuzzled into him happily.
"Gonna be a fancy dressed boy tonight?" Craig smiled. Tweek giggled and nodded.
"Y-yeah hehe" Tweek giggled. Craig proceeded to toss him in the air and caught him while Tweek twitched and giggled happily.
"I had no idea one short twitchy blonde boy could change a guy so much" Nichole smiled.
"I was kinda shocked it was a boy to be honest. I thought surely another girl would have gotten to him" Bebe said. The two boys nuzzled for a little longer before Craig kissed Tweek's forehead.
"See you in an hour ok Tweekers?" Craig smiled. The small blonde nodded and smiled in response. He ran back to the car and he was actually excited for the night.

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