The Sleepover

969 26 18

Third Person POV

Craig pulled his Impreza into his driveway. Nobody home. Perfect he thought. They all got out and Craig and Clyde got on either side of Tweek to help him in. I could totally do this on my own Craig thought.
"Clyde, get the door" said Craig. Clyde looked puzzled but went to the door as Craig lifted up Tweek bridal style. Tweek blushed so badly he covered his face. Craig put Tweek down on the couch and to his surprise the boy was completely red. Craig blushed a little.
"Um, Tweek you ok?" Asked Craig.
"GAH TOO MUCH PRESSURE" the blushing boy yelled. Craig laughed a little. Clyde looked at him suspiciously. Tweek sat up and waited for them to get back from getting the band aids and stuff. Twitching lightly. D-did Craig really do that? I-it felt nice being held like that Tweek thought. Craig and Clyde came back to the living room. Clyde had a drink and Craig had the meds.
"Craig" Tweek said in a quiet voice. Craig carefully rubs the alcohol wipe on Tweek's cuts on his face.
"Yes Tweek?" Asked Craig. Tweek looked up at him with big eyes.
"A-are we friends?" Craig stopped wiping. Tweek said it so quietly only Craig could have heard it and Craig didn't hesitate.
"Yes. And Token and Clyde also seem to not mind your company during lunch too" Craig smirked. Tweek looked over at Clyde. He just gave Tweek a big smile. T-three friends on my first day? Tweek thought.
"I-I've never had friends...." Tweek looked down. Craig lifted his face up.
"Used to" Craig corrected. Clyde looked at the two of them and had an idea.
"Why doesn't he come to the sleep over?" Clyde suggested. Craig answered so fast.
"Yes. Is that ok Tweek?" asked Craig. Almost a hint of begging in his voice. Tweek could only give a slight nod. Craigs heart lightened a little. I want to make his day better, he thought. Craig put a few band aids on Tweek's face.
"How are you feeling?" Asked Craig. Tweek rubs his cheeks and looks up at Craig.
"Y-you have no idea how much better" Tweek grinned. Craig genuinely smiled and Clyde looked at his phone.
"Think we should head to Tweek's so he can pack some things?" Asked Clyde. Craig nods. He grabbed his things and gave Tweek one more once over.
"Ready Tweek?" Asked Craig. Tweek nodded and followed the taller boys to the car. After a short drive they pull into Tweek's driveway.
"Clyde, want to stay in the car?" Asked Craig. He nodded and Craig got out of the car and opened the rear door for Tweek and they made their way to the front door.
"M-mom I'm home" stammered Tweek. The boys walked into the living room and Tweek's mom walked in as well from the kitchen.
"OH my god! Tweek did you make a friend?" She exclaimed and gave her son a big hug. "Honey! What happened to you?"
"GAH y-yeah, h-his name is Craig" Twitched Tweek. Craig gave a little wave. "I-I was getting bullied, but C-Craig helped me"
"I was wondering if Tweek could sleep over at my friend's house with us?" Asked Craig. Tweek's mom thought about it for a moment as Tweek just looked up at her. She rubbed her son's head.
"I don't see why not. Especially since the shop still isn't ready" She smiled. Tweek lit up and shakily gave his mom his thermos and ran upstairs to get his things. She smiled and turned and looked at Craig.
"Thank you," She grinned. Craig blushed a little.
"He had a terrible day, we want to make sure he feels accepted" stated Craig. She walked up and gave Craig a light hug which made the raven haired boy blush. I didn't see this coming, he thought. While that was happening downstairs, Tweek packed his backpack with another olive green button up, slightly ripped jeans and some pj's. He walked over to his desk and opened up his secret hiding spot. He looked at what was in there. N-no, I won't need these Tweek thoughts. There was a small voice telling him to bring them, but he did his best to ignore it. He swung the backpack over his shoulder and made his way downstairs.
"R-ready" Stammered Tweek. His mom gave his forehead a little kiss.
"You boys have fun ok?" She said and Both boys looked at each other and nodded. Craig looked back over to Tweek as they headed to the car. His short friend was visibly happy. Sipping on his thermos, not twitching a lot.
"Tweek, are you hungry?" Asked Craig. Tweek looked up at him and shook his head a little. "Well, we are getting pizza on the way back for the sleepover, but you will not have to ask if you do ok?" The blonde nodded in response and the trio made their way to Tokens. After the pizza pick up, the boys made it to Tokens. Tweek looked up in horror. The house was massive. What if the monsters come and get me!? His mind shrieked and he started to twitch more than he had on the drive. Craig opened the passenger side rear door to grab the pizzas, until he noticed Tweek with his eyes closed and fists clenched. Craig snapped his fingers.
"Tweek? Earth to Tweek?" Tweek snapped back to reality.
"GAH s-sorry Craig" Tweek muttered. Crag picked up the pizza and waited for Tweek.
"Nothing to be sorry about. You did nothing wrong, ok?" Craig smiled. Tweek followed him inside and was amazed and shocked.
"I see you got him to come along" said Token as he grabbed the food from Craig. Craig just flipped him off. He really likes doing that Tweek thought.
"Well yeah. The two of you guys seemed to enjoy his company during lunch" he said. Clyde pulled Token aside as Craig set up the pizza.
"Dude, something is off with Craig" whispered Clyde. Token placed his hand on Clyde's shoulder.
"He just wants to make Tweek feel better Clyde" laughed Token.
"He carried him into his house bridal style dude!" Exclaimed Clyde. Token just sighed.
"So? I've seen you carry plenty of girls like that, it means nothing. Even if it's something more, why would it matter?" Asked Token.
"I kinda hope it is. Craig has not seemed this happy in a long time" Clyde admitted. Craig walked over and flipped his friends the bird. They laugh and do it right back. He turned around and saw Tweek sitting curled up on the couch, lightly playing with his phone.
"Tweek, you sure you are not hungry?" Asked Craig. Tweek lightly looked up at him, but his stomach growled before he could speak.
"I knew you were," laughed Craig. Tweek blushed.
"C-cheese please" said Tweek quietly.
"One or two?" Craig asked while opening the box.
"T-two please" Tweek stuttered. Craig got him two and placed it next to Tweek.
"Can I sit here?" he asked. Tweek nodded as Craig sat next to him and the other two boys sat next to him.
"So, it's just us tonight guys. What do we do" asked Token. Tweek quietly nibbled on his food as the other three just talked.
"Video games, Scary movies after 12, and spin the bottle? That's what you want to do Clyde?" Asked Craig. Clyde just smiled.
"I mean why not right? Tweek how does that sound to you" asked Clyde. He twitched a little and finished his first slice.
"I-i mean i guess it's fine NGH" Tweek twitched.
"If Tweek's fine with it, so am I. Just tell us if something is too much ok?" Asked Craig. Tweek nibbled on the next piece and nodded. Token set up his Switch. Tweek saw this and pulled his switch out.
"I-i actually brought mine too" Tweek stated.
"Awesome! Want me to connect your Joy-cons?" Asked Token. Tweek handed them over so Token could set up the game.
"I'm so gonna fuck you guys in smash" Craig laughed. Token just scoffed.

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