The New Year

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(So there will be self harm in this chapter, so if that does bother you, definitely skip this whole chapter. If you stay, yes I know what happens to Craig is a bit unrealistic, but are many of Cartman's plan's realistic?)

Time Skip Third Person POV

The two boys were having an amazing week. They had their first Christmas together, Craig discovered their song, and learned Tweek sung like an angel. It was New Year's Eve. Both boys were hoping to have an amazing night after they both got off work. But unfortunately, someone had other plans.

Tweek POV

It was New Year's Eve and I was so excited. But, both Craig and I had to work. Luckily I was off at ten and he was out an hour before me. We slowly pulled into the parking lot of my parents coffee shop and kissed me goodbye.
"Have a great day Tweekers, hopefully it isn't too busy for you" he smiled. I smiled back and got out of his car and he slowly drove off. Craig had been acting a little weird today, I tried my best to get something out of him before he dropped me off. He just kept saying he was fine and that it was nothing. I was a little worried, but I still pressed on. The sun was just starting to rise as I unlocked the door and quietly got ready. I put on my barista outfit and walked over and flipped the sign from closed to open.
"Just gotta make it through the day" I breathed.

Craig POV

I pulled away from Tweeks shop and made my way to the mall. It was so hard not telling Tweek what I had planned for him the first day of school vacation. I pulled into a parking space and locked my doors. I walked into the mall and headed right to a music shop.
"Where the hell is it? I know it's here somewhere" I muttered to myself. After about ten minutes I finally found the store.
"Hi how can I help you?" the man behind the counter asked. I walked in and started looking around.
"I'm, um looking for a guitar" I said as I slowly browsed.
"An electric or an acoustic?" He asked.
"Definitely an acoustic" I said. He walked up to me and looked along the wall until he grabbed one.
"Rogue RA-090 is a really good beginner guitar." He smiled. He handed it to me and I felt it. I had absolutely no idea how to play, but I was determined to teach myself.
"I think this should be fine" I answered him. He smiled and brought it up to the counter as I grabbed a guitar case.
"Pleasure doing business with you" he smiled. I nodded to him as he handed me my card back. I put the guitar in its case and gently put it around my shoulder and made my way to my car. I walked out of the mall when I noticed Nichole heading to the entrance.
"Hey Craig" she smiled. I waved. "What is that?"
"I, um, got a guitar" I answered. I knew I was blushing a little, but hopefully Nichole didn't notice.
"That's cool," she smiled. "I gotta go before I'm late, see ya later Craig"
I waved goodbye and quickly made it to my car before I too would be late.

Time skip Tweek POV

TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!! The store was absolutely packed and I could barely take it. I have been working absolutely non stop since I opened.
"F -ARGH-four large c-coffee's is all" I stumbled on my words. The customer nodded and I quickly went to go make them. Behind the counter was an absolute mess. Coffee was everywhere, my barista outfit was a mess. I got the coffee brewing and slowly looked up at the clock. Just two more hours. I wanted to pull my hair, but I knew Craig wouldn't want me too. I poured the coffee and handed it to the customer. The line was slowly but surely getting smaller, but I was at my breaking point. I was shaking and I was miserable. I just wanted Craig to pick me up so I could go home and just be with him.

After an hour the last of the customers finally left. The whole shop was a mess. Coffee everywhere, cups and pans overflowing the sink. My nice barista outfit was covered in coffee and pastries and I was so hungry and tired as I slowly began the tiring process of cleaning the main area of the store. I went as fast as I could and got it cleaned up as best as possible. I tiredly swapped the open sign for the closed one. I didn't even take my work outfit off as I headed to the door, but I contemplated one cup of coffee.
"I-I don't think -ARGH- C-Craig would mind" I said to myself quietly. I quickly made it and went out and locked the door. I collapsed to the ground and quickly drank my coffee in the cold breeze.
"H-hopefully Craig gets here soon" I whispered. I checked my phone. 10:05.
"He probably won't be coming Tweek" A scary familiar voice said. I slowly looked to my left to see Cartman was leaning against the shop, and to my surprise with a sad look on his face.

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