Every Fiber

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Craig POV

I drifted my car into Tweeks driveway and got out as fast as I could and bolted to the door. I grabbed the handle and tried to open it.
"H-he locked it?" I was shocked. "Tweek! It's me! Please let me in!"
I waited a few minutes and nothing.
"Fuck" I said. I went back to my car and opened my glove box. I had some old lock picks in here from way back in the day when my friends and I used to play pretend and I was a thief. I went to the door and carefully inserted the lock picks into the lock and listened carefully. It took a few tries, but I eventually broke my way in. I looked around wildly. I saw his apron and his work stuff on the floor. I carefully made my way through the bottom floor.
"Tweekers?" I asked while walking around. "It's just me ok? Please tell me what happened."
I searched the whole first floor and nothing. I slowly made my way upstairs and I saw lights underneath his bedroom door. I slowly walked over and slowly opened the door.
"Tweek?" I said so quietly. The door screeched open until I saw him. I stopped dead in my tracks and just screamed.
"Tweek!!!" I screamed in horror. My little Tweek was curled up in a ball on the floor, bleeding from his arms. I rushed over to him and was even more horrified. The carpet was stained in blood, his shirt and pants were stained as well.
"T-Tweek?" I just completely broke down and cried. He slowly stirred and looked up at me. You could see the look of terror in his eyes. That utterly broke my heart.
"W-what happened..." I whispered as I tried to touch him. He kicked himself away from me.
"G-get away from me!" He cried. I froze. "I-I can't believe y-you w-would do t-hat to me C-Craig...I-I loved y-you...."
He slowly stood up and tried to run, but he stumbled clutching his stomach. I bolted over to him.
"H-honey What happened....what's wrong?" I asked in a whisper. He just screamed and cried.
"I-it hurts so much!" He cried. I picked him up and bolted down the stairs and locked his doors. I carefully put him in the passenger seat and called Clyde.
"Whats up Craig?" Clyde said as he answered the phone.
"Get to the fucking hospital right now!" I screamed as I threw the car into reverse and gunned it out of Tweeks driveway.
"What the fuck happened?" He asked.
"I-I found Tweek..." I whispered. The tears really started to roll down my cheeks as I looked over and saw my boy in such a terrible state.
"S-shit, I'll do my best!" Clyde responded as he ended the phone call. I threw my phone down and focused on weaving through traffic to get to the hospital until a pair of flashing blues appeared behind me.
"Fuck!" I yelled as I slammed my steering wheel. I quickly pull over and wait for the cop to get to my window. I hear him tap on it so I roll it down.
"Officer Bradley with the South Park PD" he stated. "Do you know why I pulled you over?"
I just stared at him.
"I'm trying to get my fucking boyfriend to the hospital, I found him at his house like this" I said coldly. The officer looked passed me and saw the boy crying, panicking and in immense pain.
"Ok, I understand now, follow me" he said. He walked back to his car and helped escort me to the hospital.

Time Skip

We quickly made it to the hospital and quickly pulled into the ER drop off. I left my car running and bolted to get Tweek out of the car as fast as possible. I lifted him up and held him as close as I could and slammed the passenger door. I ran as fast as I could into the hospital.
"I-I need help!!" I screamed. A few nurses rushed over with a hospital bed and I carefully laid him down on it. Tweek was twitching violently and clutching his stomach. I gently kissed his head and cried.
"I-I promise you're gonna be ok my Tweekers" I cried. He slowly opened one eye and you could only see fear and heartache. They rushed him away and I went to the nearest chair and broke down. I have never felt this utterly awful before in my life. I saw the love of my life cut himself and then have a massive stomach problem. I curled up in the chair when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I slowly looked up and saw Clyde.
"Craig? Dude what happened" Clyde asked in a concerned tone. I just bawled into my hands.
"H-he was cutting himself Clyde...." I cried. "H-he told me to stay away from him...."
Clyde looked at me in disbelief, and tried his best to comfort me.
"What the fuck happened when he was at work?" Clyde wondered. I grabbed some tissues and blew my nose.
"I-it was a mess when I went there to pick him up..." I said shakily. Clyde rubbed my shoulder.
"Dude, please try to get some rest. What would Tweek want you to do in this situation." Clyde said.  I slowly took a deep shaky breath.
"For me to stay calm...for both of us" I said shakily. We sat for what seemed like hours until finally someone walked up to us.
"Craig Tucker?" The doctor asked. I shot up and wiped my eyes.
"Y-yes?" I said quietly. The doctor sat down next to me.
"You saved his life" he said. I could feel the tears well up. "His appendix burst along with the loss of blood. He was in a terrible state"
"T-thank god..." I cried. Clyde patted my shoulder.
"Do you know why he would hurt himself?" The doctor asked. I just shook my head.
"H-he has never done anything that would make me think he would do something like this..." I said quietly "H-he always was so happy and bright..."
"Once he is stable I will try to see if he can remember what happened" the doctor said. He got up and walked to another doctor and nurses. I told Clyde I needed to move my car before I could even think about sleeping. I quickly came back and just fell into the chair.
"You don't have to stay Clyde" I said quietly. Clyde leaned back in his chair.
"Not going anywhere, you two are my friends" he smiled. I slightly smiled back. I wasn't gonna lie. I was glad Clyde stayed. I took off my sweatshirt since it was stained and tugged my hat over my eyes. I probably wasn't going to be able to. But I had to try.

Time Skip

I barely slept at all. Between the images in my head and the pure disbelief of what happened last night I just couldn't. I never wanted the new year to start like this. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. Clyde was still asleep, I saw Tweek's mom talking to the doctor. She turned her head and her eyes met mine. My eyes started to water and I bolted to her. She opened her arms and I just cried.
"I-I'm sorry mrs. Tweak...." I cried. She hugged me tightly and I looked up at her.
"Craig, you did nothing wrong" she said. She wiped my eyes and adjusted my hat. "You saved my boy"
"B-but he told me to get away from him..." I whispered. "I-I've never seen him with that look in his eyes before"
Tweek's mom gave me another hug.
"I'm sure we will figure out what happened ok Craig?" She said. I slowly nodded and looked at the doctor.
"C-can we see him?" I asked quietly. The doctor nodded and we followed him.
We had to go up an elevator and I nervously followed them into a room. Tweek's mom moved from in front of me and there he was. Asleep and twitching slightly. They had his arms all bandaged up and he began to twitch more.
"P-please....l-leave m-me alone..." he said in his sleep. I walked up to him and took my hat off and put it on his head. Tweek's twitching slowly stopped and I knelt down and kissed Tweek and started to cry.
"H-honey? I-I promise you. Whatever caused this to happen isn't true" I whispered. "I promise you, I love you with every fiber of my being, and I will prove it"
I tugged my hat over his eyes as I heard Clyde enter the room.
"Oh my god" he gasped. He rushed next to me and just stared at Tweek. I pulled a chair by his bed and held his hand for as long as I was allowed too.
"We want him to have some alone time now" the doctor said. I looked down and nodded.
"Ok.." I said quietly. Clyde patted my shoulder as we followed Tweeks mom and the doctor back to the waiting room.
"W-where is mr. Tweak?" I asked. Tweeks mom looked away a little.
"H-he went to the shop" she said sadly. This made me angry, but I could tell Tweeks mom was very distraught.
"W-we should go back to the house" I said. Clyde agreed with me while I waited for Tweeks mom to answer.
"You boys go, I'm gonna stay here in case anything happens," she answered. I nodded and Clyde and I walked to my car.

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