The Dance

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Third Person POV

The boys found their suits for the night as did the girls with their dresses. They decided to meet back up at Tokens since Tweek wanted to see Craig before they left for the dance.
"Tweek, don't forget to take it out ok?" Nichole reminded him
"Oh y-yeah" Tweek said and removed the hair clip and put it in his pocket. The girls and Tweek finally made it to Tokens so Tweek and Craig could see each other before they went their separate ways until the dance.
"Craig!" Tweek yelped happily as he exited the car. Craig was washing his car until he heard his boy. He turned around and held his arms open as Tweek jumped into them and Craig caught him and nuzzled into him happily.
"Gonna be a fancy dressed boy tonight?" Craig smiled. Tweek giggled and nodded.
"Y-yeah hehe" Tweek giggled. Craig proceeded to toss him in the air and caught him while Tweek twitched and giggled happily.
"I had no idea one short twitchy blonde boy could change a guy so much" Nichole smiled.
"I was kinda shocked it was a boy to be honest. I thought surely another girl would have gotten to him" Bebe said. The two boys nuzzled for a little longer before Craig kissed Tweek's forehead.
"See you in an hour ok Tweekers?" Craig smiled. The small blonde nodded and smiled in response. He ran back to the car and he was actually excited for the night.

Time Skip

"You boys ready" Clyde said as he slowly put on his shades. Craig and Token just nod in response. The three guys all looked like they were doing the best secret agent impression as they all wore traditional suits. They slowly pulled up to the school and you could already hear the music. A bunch of people crowded the entrance acting like the paparazzi. We slowly pull up the valet. Craig takes a deep breath. He would never have done this in the past, but in his eyes it was all worth it for Tweek.
"Shades on" Craig said. Both guys nodded.
"Show time" Token smiled. They all got out to camera flashes. Craig tossed the valet his keys as the guys slowly walked to the carpet and turned around. The music blaring and people yelling as they waited. They were probably among the last people to arrive.
"I love Cake By The Ocean" Clyde smiled. Both guys sighed. A black limo slowly pulled up. Craig was waiting with so much anticipation. The driver walked to the back and opened the door. Bebe was the first out, wearing a gorgeous red dress. Craig looked to his right and laughed as Clyde's jaw dropped. The next was Nichole wearing a very beautiful purple dress. Token walks up to her and kisses her hand.
"T-too much pressure" Tweek said quietly. He slowly stepped out into the flashing lights. The small blonde was wearing his olive green suit with his cute peach hair clip in his blonde locks. Craig just blushed.
"God damn" Craig said all flustered. He slowly walked up to Tweek.
"D-do -ARGH- you l-like?" He asked while twitching. Craig kissed the blonde's forehead.
"I don't like it, I love it" Craig smiled and played with Tweek's hair clip.
"I-i thought you would like that" Tweek giggled. They held hands and followed their friends to their table.
"There are a lot of people here" Clyde said in awe as they all sat down. Tweek twitched a little as he looked around.
"Y-yeah" he said. They waited for another half an hour making small talk until Kyle walked up to the microphone.
"Thank you all for coming tonight, we only had three tables submit songs for dances, so those will be last tonight, until then let's just have fun everybody!" Kyle yelled. Everyone yelled in agreement and Kyle sat down and started playing tunes. Clyde grabbed Bebe's hand and took her to the dance floor.
"Tweekers? You want to dance?" Craig asked with a smile. Tweek blushed.
"I-if you want too" Tweek shyly answered. Crag happily grabbed Tweek's little hand and took him to the dance floor and started to slow dance. Tweek may have liked to play piano and to sing, but dancing was not something he had really ever done before. Tweek was surprised when Craig took the lead. He had never really thought Craig would be into dancing, but Tweek did think it was nice. Craig kept his eyes locked onto Tweeks. Every angle, every movement seemed planned and precise. The small blonde could feel most of the eyes in the room were on him and his raven haired boyfriend.
"C-Craig" Tweek whispered. "T-they are watching us."
Craig squeezed Tweeks hand and smiled. "I don't blame them," he smiled. "They get to see you after all."
Tweek blushed bright in response as Craig gilded him across the floor. Craig didn't want to stop, but his boyfriends skinny body let out a growl.
"You getting hungry?" Craig asked. Tweek blushed and nodded.
"A-a little" he said quietly. Craig pulled Tweek close and led him back to their table. A few people clapped which made Tweek blush even more.
"I had no clue you could like that dance dude" Token said, surprised.
"I can be romantic when I want to be" Craig winked in Tweeks direction. Tweek tugged on Craigs suit.
"C-can you come with me?" Tweek asked quietly. Craig cupped the blonde's head in his hand.
"Of course Tweekers" he smiled. He grabbed Tweeks hand and led him to the food tables. Craig wrapped his arms around Tweek as he picked what he wanted. Craig nuzzled into Tweeks hair when he heard a voice he hated.
"So you two did come" Cartman said flatly. Craig wrapped his arms around Tweek tighter.
"You just pick out your food ok?" Craig said quietly to Tweek. "Duh, I asked Tweek to the dance, why wouldn't we be here?"
Before Cartman could make a remark he was jabbed in the side by his girlfriend Heidi. "Heidi wants to know if you're going to the after party."
"After party?" Craig asked, all puzzled. Heidi stepped in front of Cartman.
"Yeah, a bunch of us are getting together after the dance, and I just wanted to know if you two wanted to come?" She smiled.
"Are Clyde and Token coming?" Craig asked. Heidi nodded in response.
"What do you think Tweekers?" Craig asked Tweek. Tweek blushed and took a bite from a taco.
"U-um, I-I guess w-we could" Tweek said in between bites. Craig stroked his hair.
"I guess we can," Craig responded. Heidi smiled and Cartman didn't say anything and the two of them just went back to their table. Craig played with Tweeks hair as they made their way back too.
"So you guys are going too?" Clyde asked. Craig shrugged and gave Tweek the rest of his salad.
"As long as that asshat doesn't pull any shit." Craig said flatly. Tweek leaned against Craig as he could tell Craig was tense. Craig relaxed and kissed the blonde's head.
"Thanks babe" Craig smiled. Tweek giggled and Craig took their plates back to the counter before the first table dance started. Craig could hear the wind from outside even with the music turned up.
"Was it supposed to storm tonight?" Craig asked. His whole table shrugged.
"I mean I didn't pay attention, so maybe" Clyde answered. The first table finished their dance.
"That was amazing, everyone gave them a round of applause" Kyle said. People started to clap. "And next will be Craig Tucker's table."
Before Craig could get up, the power cut out. A few people screamed, but the loudest was Tweek.
"C-Craig! W-where are you ARGH?" Tweek wailed. Craig placed his arm on Tweek.
"I'm right here ok Tweekers?" Craig said, trying to comfort the blonde. The back up power kicked on.
"Um, well, I guess that might be the end of the dance everybody" Kyle said in a disappointed tone. People sighed and slowly got up. Tweek looked down.
"W-wow" Tweek said quietly. Craig gave him a hug.
"Don't forget, we have a party to go to" he smiled.

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