The time he remembered white clouds and softness

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Uh who are you talking to Asher

Abbas of course, you guys just can't see him- miss author

*osama starts sobbing as Shiza claws at the wall*

Seriously, and ugh my hair is not cooperating right now- Abbas

It looks fine, now hurry into your spot the chapters about to start!- miss author

Huh?- Asher and Romaisa

Oh no not you two, go do something in the corner, it's all Abbas in this one.- miss author says with a smirk


The surgeons pov

I watched as the man walked away with one of my nurses, looking towards the door I grimaced at the trouble I might get in. Rubbing my forehead, little beads of sweat dripp off, you can do this Samuel, you can do this.

I gaze both ways before opening the door and locking myself in. I eye the young male on the bed and take a deep breath remembering the hurt and pain on his brothers face. Going into the corner I quickly grab the item that may bring his heart back to life.

Taking my coat off I open the surgery lights above his head and start saying a small well memorized prayer. Sticking the needle into my arm I wince as it dissects up my blood, I remove the white sheet off his body and raise his limp arm up, sticking the needle in.

The blood oozes into his and I quickly assemble the defibrillator, rubbing the two electro static metals, I place my ear onto his chest. It's there. It's really there. Faint but there.

This hospital has taken too much lives with their schemes and lies, I've killed too many. "Ok buddy, you can do this," I whisper to the unmoving body before rubbing the two panels together and placing them right onto his chest.

His body writhers up and falls back down without any change. I breathe deeply rubbing the panels again, "come on son, come on," I zap him again, this time the heart monitor beeps a second before starting the same continuous line.

I rub my forehead with my sleeve and turn the notches up, "hey you're strong, I feel it. Just let go off that world and come back here." My breath comes out husky and shagged, the electro panels taking my energy away. I take another syringe and this time from my other arm I place it in and get about an inch of more blood. I had noticed our blood types were the same when checking his records, that was also when they told me to take his oxygen mask away so they could gain more money.

But this guy just held it in there, I insert the other dose of blood into the vessel above his neck and drink my orange juice so I won't faint on him. "Hey last one alright? I expect you to jump, ya hear me? Jump." Smiling to myself I mutter another small prayer before placing the cold metals onto his chest for a nanosecond, his body writhers and jumps under the electric pressure, I look back at the monitor and a gasp leaves my throat as it beeps up and down with the neon green lights.

The young male sucks in a breath before falling back, I hurriedly place the oxygen mask onto his face and grin when he continues breathing normally. Exhaustion dwells over my body, smiling a tired smile I sit onto the cold ground with my back against the wall, watching the heart monitor beep at the right pace. I wipe the top of my forehead with my shirts sleeve and smile in bliss, they didn't win this time.

I slowly trudge towards the door picking up my lab coat on the way, I clear away the equipment leaving no signs of life revivers. I hurriedly place my coat on and step out the door as I hear the distant clack of heels. Turning towards the woman I gave her a fake frown, "he's alive, and they know."

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