02 | Hum Aapke Hain... Koun!

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He politely walked her to a what seemed like a guest bedroom and carefully dropped her luggage on the bedside. Giving her a couple of pointers about the house, he excused himself so that she could rest. As soon as he left, she made sure to lock the door and seated herself on the bed. Her sigh was a mixture of contentment and relief, picking her phone - she started to dial, "Uff...Everything happened so quickly. I should inform Mihika about this"

Mihika was her cousin sister and her partner in crime. She had always helped in what she did. Mihika picked up in less than three rings, indicating how exasperate my family was. She practically yells to the phone, " Akka, where the hell are you!?"

"Hello to you too, Miku"

Mihika wasn't impressed by her sister's too-cool behaviour, "Akka, How can you be so cool? Where are you?"

She brushes it off, "Chinta mat kar Miku. I'm fine. Main Delhi me hoon" [Don't worry. I'm in Delhi]

"Come back right away. Aap Chennai me hi thik ho. Everyone is so worried about you" [You're doing fine in chennai] 

"Miku. Don't eat my head. Main thik hoon Delhi main."

"Akka, but where are you staying?"

She shrugged, looking out of the window "Kisi ke Ghar pe. I don't know his name" [Someone's house]

She could feel mihika panicking from miles away "Don't know the name? Hang on...Akka, what did you say? His? Seriously aap kisi anjaan aadmi ke Ghar par ho?" [Are you really in some stranger's house?]

"Yes! I lied to him that my life is in danger and I got shelter" Just then, she hears some ruffling noises behind her. As she turned around to see what was happening, it was the same man that helped her - now packing her bags and walking out. She drops her phone on the bed and rushes towards him, "What are you doing?"

He casually replies "Sending you out of my house" as if that were a sentence one spoke and heard every day. A shock registered on her face which she quickly tried to mask. She pulled up her soap opera demeanour, shedding a single tear "Why? You told me I can live here".

He drops her luggage, looks at her as she had spoken of a taboo subject. He lifts his head up high, comes dangerously close to her, "I even told you that I hate lies"

Okay, what do I do now? she wondered; 

1) Pretend she didn't know what he was talking about

2) Tell him she's not lying (but wouldn't that be a lie?) 

3) become a statue. Yep, perfect. This was it.  

He started at her coldly, maintaining his perfect monotonous tone  "You lied to me once before, you're lying to me now". She kept mum, her eyes fixated on her feet as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. It was killing her that she had lied to him, she always assumed she was kind of person who would be down to do some interesting stuff like lying but this - his despondent look, cold voice was definitely upsetting her. He had helped her so much, after all, considering he was a stranger. He nodded thoughtfully and whispered,  "Okay, I'll tell you the truth"

He considers her offer for a minute and nods his head for her to continue. She says snarkily, "Only on one condition - that you'll allow me to stay in your house tonight" He frowns and folds his arms across his chest, "This is my house and you're no one to put forward your conditions. Your story, go!"

She begins to think about how to start her story but fails every time. She finally rambles, "So, funny story - I ran from my house"

"Ran-? what ?" he face drops, filling with terror. He runs his hands through his fluffy tempting hair contemplating the situation, "Is this a police case? Are you a minor? oh god"

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