10 | Kuch Kuch Hota Hai

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All the four of them - Raman, Ishita, Neha and Rohan drove back home. Ishita's heart was toppling and turning with guilt, the guilt of running from her house, lying to her parents and letting them down. And the party was a big distraction and that was the reason why she accepted it. and also because she would get to meet Raman's school friends and would be able to learn how he was in school. 

Nevertheless, beneath all the queasy feelings, she was happy here. Genuinely. She had found herself the best mate. A good place. Nice, decent paying job.  A light smile formed on her lips in thoughts of what happened at the Dhaba, How Raman was there to support her in all her times. 


Next evening, Ishita was confused about what to wear for the party. She just stood there staring at the cupboard. She wanted to dress well. She somehow miraculously hoped one of the dresses would talk to her saying hey, wear me! peach is your colour, everyone will be floored. 

But that didn't happen. But she did certainly hear a voice "Saare Raat ghoorti Raho gi kya Ishita" Neha had waltzed into the room which ishita had not noticed [Will you be staring all night?]

"Cupboard?" she asked with a tinge of hesitation in her voice. Were the dresses really talking to her? Neha laughed loudly which broke Ishita's trance and she shook her head relentlessly, "Arrey, Neha. Thank god you're here. I was so confused"

"Why dude? What's the problem?" Neha jumped on the bed and made herself comfortable. Ishita frowned, "I have so many clothes. Yet nothing to wear"

Neha nodded her head, "Universal problem of every girl. Never fear when Neha is here" Ishita took a sigh of relief and led her to the stack of her clothes when aloud blare of ringtone distracted Neha. It was an important call, so Neha excused herself "I'm sorry, Please kisi aur ki madad lelo I need to rush, Party ki host ka call tha" [Please take someone else's help. It was the party host, I need to rush]

Before Ishita could speak anything, Neha pulled Raman inside announced enthusiastically "He'll help you out. He's pro in clothing" Raman and Ishita just stood there just awkwardly staring at each other until Raman decided to break the ice, "I- I' really don't know anything about clothes" 

"No need to be all macho, just pick a dress" Ishita rolls her eyes "Please" Raman glides past her to the cupboard and examines her clothes carefully. After which he picks a bright red dress which he bought her for her birthday. She leaps in excitement and goes to change. Meanwhile, Raman takes that time to sort out a few matching accessories for that dress and arranged it on her dressing table and crept out of the room quietly. 

Outside, Raman poured himself with a glass of water and was about to drink it when Ishita came in ready in the dress he had picked out for her. His mouthed formed a perfect O' shape as soon as he saw her and all the water gushed out making his new suit wet. The smile he showed on the outside couldn't adequately reflect what he felt on the inside; ignoring the burning passions engulfing his heart, he walked towards Ishita who was all shy and made the floor her new best friend. 

She had tied her hair to a loose bun. He opened that and whispered in her ears in a husky tone enough to make her heart melt faster than ice cream on a sunny day "Khula bhaal aur accha lagta hai" [Open hair looks better] 

Ishita's cheeks are suddenly kissed pink as a spring rose, the blooming colour so cute against her fair skin. She looks away and finds a distraction at a chair, pushing it against the table that doesn't need it. Raman hangs back, allowing her time to compose herself, fighting back the smile that wants to break out. His gaze is soft, he doesn't drop his eyes for a moment. She lightly whispers, "Ab, Okay?" He nods his head.

She raised her eyebrows, wearing a puzzled expression "Like this?" Raman laughed it off by telling she looked very pretty and grabbed his keys. She shook her head in denial with a little smile, "Thanks for the compliment but I was talking about you, not me" 

"Me?" It was his time to be confused. 

She pointed her fingers to his wet suit. Only then did he realise about his mouth hanging incident and ran his hands through his hair in embarrassment. Quickly excusing himself, he changed into a fresh pair of handsome suit. It was Ishita's turn to be speechless. Raman had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. She guessed that he must get used to that, the sudden pause in a person's natural expression when they looked his way followed by overcompensating with a nonchalant gaze and a weak smile, girls fawning all over him.  It didn't help that he was so modest with it, it just made the girls fall for him all the more. He was handsome alright, but inside he was beautiful. 

He walked towards her, held out his hand like a perfect gentleman he is. She gently placed her hands into his and left the house. 


I'm thinkin about giving quicker updates. hopefully, I'll live up to my own words. Stay hydrated x

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