06 | Dil se

594 44 4

Hey guys, how're you all doing? hope you're healthy, safe and happy! 

So ok I won't be stopping the story although I do still regret writing it. I wrote this when I was like 14 and nothing makes sense anymore. I was just posting it here so I would have all of my writings together. I never completed the story then, but I'll try to at least do it now. With all the online school and assignments it's getting difficult to find time but writing is my great escape so hopefully, I won't let you down with this! 

Also, your comments mean the world to me, thank you very much! 


He lifted her up in his arms and made his way to her room. He gently placed her on the bed and rushed to the dining table to fetch a glass of water. oh, what had happened? He sprinkled some drops of water on her and waited for her to open her eyes. After about a few minutes, she opened her eyes bit by bit and found Raman seated beside her.

She instantly remembers the event of the evening and proceeds to move away from him. Raman, who is relieved, says gracefully "thank god you woke up" Ishita crosses her arms across her chest, shielding herself from him while yelling, "I don't wanna talk to you". Confused Raman asks, "But why?"

Ishita has a million thoughts running in her mind - Kya Karu? Shall I run? No... He'll find me. I don't even know anything here properly

Raman asked while trying to move closer to her to know if she felt better "kuch kaha tumne?" [Did you say something?] Ishita scratched her head, mumbling "nahi...haan... haan.. woh " [no...yes...yes...that]. He sat straight, with furrowed eyebrows, asking her to explain more. 

"I'm ... I'm not your Bhabhi" she screeches, heavily steering on the word "not. Her entire body cringes just by the thought of that. the one guy she thought she could trust, she thought was decent was actually... Subbu's friend? She shivered at that thought and was planning escape ploys while Raman started to talk.

Bhabhi! It struck to him of what he told her earlier; Of course, that's why she was mad. He chuckled lightly. A frown crossed on her face, she pursed her lips and ran out of the room mumbling some Tamil words. Raman guessed it was probably profanity and scolding him. She was picking scattered things out of the closet and packing them abruptly. He sprinted across towards her to calm her down. But she was ISHITA... stubborn; she paid no heed to him and continued her work.

He held her by shoulders and shouted: "Listen to me, woman" She struggled to get out of his clutches but he was strong and he was holding her tightly. She said lightly but in a dangerous tone, "Chodo Raman. Leave me"

His hands don't move instead he stared deep into her eyes. She felt like he was staring right down her soul and felt the need to look at the floor to break free from his fiery gaze. She regained her courage, she pushes him aside and walks away, "Ab aur kya baaki hai bolne ko. You have told me everything" [What else is left to speak?]

"Ishita listen, I was...hmm... well I was lying" he whispered not being able to meet her eyes. She looked at him with an unamused look, "What do mean you lied?"

What was he lying about? that he was Subbu's friend or that he was letting her stay because of it

"Well, I just wanted to lighten your mood" he started. She snaps, cutting him off "By almost giving me a heart attack? Cool... I appreciate your style of so-called stress buster" 

"You were scared of that lift incident and I just wanted to distract you" he confessed. She fumed into the air, her eyes burning with anger "Yeah! Instead, you gave me a panic attack"

"Arrey yaar. I told you I just played a small prank" he buried his face in his hands with frustration. She shook her head in disappointment, anger boiling deep inside her system, as hot as lava. She pointed her finger at him, "Seriously? you have the audacity to be frustrated right now? You're really a jerk" 

"Excuse me" he clarified, his ears burning with her words and his mind still comprehending the meaning. 

She stepped closer to him to show her fearlessness and hissed, "You're ignorant, jerk, arrogant and inconsiderate" He stared at her with a gaping mouth. She continued, "who plays such a mean prank, it's not even technically prank - You're playing with my life here. You say you hate lies but what was it that you did. You couldn't believe I was a dentist and you're sexist enough to think all women have to love shopping" 

He hung his head low, still trying to grasp all of her accusations. It was true. She was right, he blinked his eyes several times and gasped a breath he didn't know he was holding. He says genuinely, "I'm sorry. Truly. It was never my intention to hurt you, I just wanted to take your mind off stuff. Please don't go, I promise I won't be stupid in the future"

"Pranks, I agree it's a lot of fun but...but it should be done at a proper time" she sighed "But I'm still mad at you, so I want you to leave me alone for a while" 

He nodded his head. he understood that and got ready to leave while she disrupted him, "Who was on call?" He smiled, "Oh that, That was my school friend. He is coming here to visit, was asking if I would be available" She said a quiet good night and retired for the night. 


Raman woke up with ishita's voluminous, wavy hair dangerously close to him, with it her smile. He yelped displeasantly, asking her what she was doing there. She continued smiling, "Why are you shouting? Bhoot dekhliya kya? It's me - Ishita" [Did you see a ghost?]

The bright light of the sun which was silently creeping into the room by the open window was killing his eyes. He covered his eyes with his hand, groaning "Tum yaha kya kar rahi ho meri room mein?" [What are you doing in my room?]

"Aapke liye coffee laayi thi" [I have coffee for you] she shrugs, presenting him with a cup. Raman was confused, everything after yesterday she was chirpy and now was giving him food, when did that ever happen? so he asked, "Kyu" [Why?]

"Aap pe phenk ne ke liye, kyu Matlab? coffee se log kya Karte hai" [to throw it on you, what do you mean why! what do people do with coffee?] she glared at him, slightly annoyed by the fact that he's still not taken the glass from her hand. And when he still was quiet, she sasses  "Normal log isse peethe hai. Aap ho..normal?" [normal people drink it. Are you normal ?]

He shook his head with a slight smile on his face, "Oh sarcasm! you're learning from me, very good" He sat on the bed upright, resting his back against the wall. She handed him the coffee cup, "I was already a master at this, no help needed from you" 

"I'm sorry about yesterday", he said a low-tone, with all the seriousness and sincerity. Ishita shakes her head and takes a seat beside him, "I forgive you"

"Really?" he asks, moving over to make some place for her too. She replied, "I thought about it the whole night and then realized that you just wanted to make me happy. You didn't have any intentions of hurting me. So, I forgive you"

She again began, "I'm sorry if I was crude to you yesterday. I was running high on adrenaline" He looked up from his cup to her and gave an honest smile, "Nothing to apologise for, you called out my worst traits - which are true. I should work on them. This is not the first time it's happened... I mean someone getting the hurt from my words."

She noticed that he still hadn't drunk his coffee, so she says "It's not poison. Drink" He realises and takes a sip of the coffee, it wasn't bad as he imagined it would be. He wasn't big on coffee, he always drank tea or some energy drink. So, he was pleasantly surprised by this coffee. He drinks some more, licking his lips, announces "This is amazing" 

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