12 | Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham

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Raman and Ishita were both nervous and excited. They didn't know what would follow later on in the night. Keeping all those thoughts aside, they engaged themselves in random things. They even stole some silent glances of each other and sometimes even shared a small eye-lock. As time passed on, she grew even more nervous. She ran to the washroom and set right her make up. She decided to practise how her conversation with Raman might go. 

She looked into the mirror and started "Raman, I...  ugh no, that's not good" 

She took another deep breath "Look, Raman... No, It's too rude"

She shook her head, "Raman... I...woh..."

She clenched her fists tightly until her nails dug into the palm of her hand, but she barely noticed. The only thing she was really aware of was the sound of her heart throbbing against the cage of her chest. It's not until she looks into the mirror, that she's aware she's been biting her lip so badly it's lightly bleeding. She stamped her foot in frustration, "Chodo. It's not my cup of tea. Agar Raman Propose Karega toh main accept karungi" [If Raman proposes then I'll accept it]

But her mind troubled her with he haunting thought of what if he didn't like her? then he wouldn't say anything. To ease her she decided to talk to someone about it. She considered Neha but considering the conversation she had with her earlier she could imagine a lot of kissing noises coming from her and no absolute good. So she decided to talk to Mihir instead. 

She tried approaching Mihir many a time but was failing to comprehend how to start this conversation. Mihir who observed this went to her and enquired if everything was okay with her. Ishita sighed, "So I have a friend. Who loves her friend. She wants to hell him about it, so.." 

Mihir prompts her, "If she loves him, she has to tell it" and upon seeing Ishita's hesitation he explains, "See, tell your friend if she hides her feelings for a long time it comes out in an uglier way"

Ishita's eyes widened. We didn't want that now, do we?  So she trailed off leaving a smirking Mihir, "the earlier the best" 

Raman was pacing up and down as if determined to wear out a thin trail in the carpet, he stared down at his own socked feet. His eyes were wide and edgy and as he paced he constantly punched one hand into the other. Neha came to check up on him to which he obviously lied. Just when she was about to leave, Raman calls out, "What would you do if you love someone?"

"love who?" Neha asks, lifting her eyebrows, almost winking.  Raman shrugged, "Anyone. Just a friend. What would you do?"

"I would tell him what I feel, as simple as that" Neha smiled at Raman who was running his hands through his hair anxiously. Seeing him that edgy, she went and held him by his shoulders and shook him, "Just tell her. Some things are simple, not everything is quantum physics." 

A couple of minutes passed with ishita trying to find Raman. When she finally got her sights on him, she could see him storming him out of the hall, livid. She looked around to find Mihir or Neha to ask what's wrong but when they were nowhere to be seen, she followed him out. She ran out to find him near his car, his head sunk near the bonnet. She slowly approached him and placed her hands on his shoulder calling out his name softly. 

Stunned by a sudden touch, he jerked his hands and moved away. Ishita flinched with terror in her eyes. He mumbled a quick sorry, "I'm leaving, do you want to come?" 

Ishita was very confused with everything that was happening. Why was he upset? She needed some answers. Most importantly she wanted to be there for him. However, she didn't know anyone here so she opened the car door and sat in.  Raman left a frustrated sigh and occupied his seat. They drove around for fifteen minutes before reaching the destination. He stopped the car and gestured her to get down.

It was plain lush land near a lake, surrounded by steep mountains soaring up like they wished to challenge the sky itself, they dominated the horizon in every which way they looked except back. The breeze blew warm announcing the coming of summer's hottest days. The aroma of the tall grasses was an intoxicating perfume and the starry night above was painting more sublime than anyone could create. Raman sat back against the cool wood of the fence, "I always liked coming here, gives me peace" 

Ishita nodded and looked at the sky to soak up all the serenity around her. Raman sighs, trying to form words but failing "I'm sorry... it's just" Ishita walked up to him, held his hands in hers and squeezed it gently giving him the satisfaction that she was there for him. 

"Remember I told you about my dad? how he died in a car accident. My sister simmi was also with him. And it's my fault they're gone" Tears glistened through Raman's eyes. ishita was silent still waiting for the whole explanation. 

"She was in love with this guy and my parents didn't approve. She ran away from the house and ended up at my house and I told her to go away and that I would never support her"  Raman was finding it harder to speak right now. His voice was breaking " When she didn't come home in a long time, papa went looking for her and she was driving and she was emotional, distressed because of what I said and it crash-" 

He completely broke down, collapsing on the floor. Tears streamed from his eyes endlessly. His face buried in his hands. Ishita sat down next to him completely astounded by his confession. She was speechless. She didn't know what to say or how to comfort him. She just stroked his back gently.

After a while, he lifted his tear-stained face to look at her. His bloodshot eyes met her kind ones and he continued, "The guy she was in love with, was there and he confronted and blamed me, so I had to leave" He winked several times before continuing "That's why I felt a strong urge to help you. Their blood is on my hands and when you turned up on my door with the same excuse I was afraid something bad was going to happen to you and that would be my fault too" 

A pity expression took its place on ishita's face followed by a pleasant smile, " You're not to blame Raman. Sure, you should have helped your sister but what happened... is not on you. Something's aren't in our control. You have to stop being so hard on yourself" 

Woah, so I had a hard time writing this chapter. 

Also, any of you readers have any idea about Julius caesar can you pretty please slide into my messages, I'm going to fail this class otherwise lol. 

Well, vote, comment and stay hydrated <3

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