14 | Main Hoon Na

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Taking their own time after heartfelt conversations, Raman and Ishita came home to their worried friends. Neha, who was pacing near the dining table, yells "Where were you guys?"

Mihir adds, "We were so worried"

Raman chuckled casually walking into the room and dropping his coat on the chair with Ishita closely following him, smile still visible on her face "Arrey, Let us take a breath "

Neha rolls her eyes as she follows them around the house "Breathe! and tell me where were you?"

Raman huffs with hands on his hips "This madrasan". Ishita shoots a painful glare at him, full of surprise, questioning what she did. Raman continues, " She didn't like the food at the party, so she left"

Mihir says, with concern in his voice "Ishita, If you didn't like the food, you could have told us"

Raman sasses at his friend "Tu kya Karta, uske Liya khana ban jaata" [What would you do, become food for her?]

Ishita pointed her fingers at Raman with complaining tone in her voice, "This Raman. It was him. He told me that he would take me to that south-Indian restaurant. So we left"

Neha raised her eyebrows,  "Something is fishy in their story" She quickly rushed to stop them from going to their rooms. Using her hands, she blocked them with a smug expression on her face "Raman, You left first then Ishita followed you. Not the other way round. And she had her food with me and told me it was very tasty"

While she was waiting there with folded arms, Ishita shook her head and spoke everything in lightning bolt speed "he took me to his favourite spot and told me he loved me" Mihir sat up hearing that with clear excitement in his face. He ran to give them a hug. And then paused, "Wait, you told him back too, right?" Ishita smiled and held Raman's hand. Both Mihir and Neha got excited and hugged them. 


A couple of months later when Ishita just came in from the clinic all exhausted, she could hear some muffled noises coming from the living room. She removed her slippers and placed them neatly on the stand and tiptoed into the house. Was it an intruder? Who were these voices? Should she call Raman? So many questions running through her mind. She took a deep breath and peeped slightly into the room where the commotion was.

It was Raman and... Wait, her Appa? What was he doing there? 

She dashed into the room, anger and confusion as clear as bright sun on her face. The men stopped talking as soon as she came in. Her Appa composed himself and spoke in an authoritative voice, "Pack your bags, We're leaving" 

Raman opened his mouth to oppose but then shut it as it wasn't his place to speak anymore as she was here and she could stand up for herself. Ishita gave a clear no and stood in her place. Appa pursed his lips, "Don't make me tell you twice" 

Ishita just looked at the ground and sighed, "Main Ghar nahi aa rahi hoon. Aapne Mujhse jhoot Bhola, jabardhasti shaadhi karane waale the. I trusted you all my life and you let me down. I'm happy here and I'm going to live here "[I'm not coming home. You lied to me and were about to marry me off forcibly]  

Appa folded his hands to the back and hissed angrily, "Log kya kahenge" [What will people say?]

"People are already talking. Let them talk some more. Moreover, I love Raman. He loves me" 

Appa glared at Raman. Raman was a little scared now. It was bad enough to find out for a father that her young unmarried daughter is living with some stranger man but to find out they're in love, he was as good as dead. Appa walked close to him, peered over from his heavy lensed spectacle and asked him if it was true. Raman nodded silently. 

Appa considered the situation carefully and before he could speak, ishita walked over to him "Appa, I respect you and your decisions and I have done so all my life. There isn't a thing I regret but Subbu- Subbu was a bad idea.  He was a terrible-"

She was cut off by her father, his eyes softened "I know Kanna. I found out...recently, how his character was and how he only wanted to marry for a property. I'm sorry. I just wanted to take you home thinking you're suffering here but - but you seem to have made a home for yourself here"

She sat her appa down and sat down near his legs. Placing her hands in his, she reassures him "I'm happy" 

Her appa looked over at Raman, beckoned him over to them "Well if my daughter loves you - I should know more about you. Tell me what do you do for a living?" 

Raman had a sigh of relief. He walked over to them and explained all about himself and his family in a detailed manner with ishita butting in here and there to brag about Raman. Appa seemed to be pleased, that made the couple elated. 


Guys!! Next part is the epilogue which is also published. oml, what's up with this speed lmao. please do check it out :) 

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