1: "I like your eyes"

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Aesthetic featuring Mrs Hallowgreen.

August 14, 1904

Sage woke up early that morning to the sounds of swords clashing. She figure it was her brother and her father sparing again so she paid no attention to it. She got dressed in a light blue modern day dress, walking down to the kitchen to help her mother.
  "Darling, if you would take these to your father and Mr. Lightwood." Her mother told her thrusting a pitcher into her hand and a few glasses.
  "My apologies ma'am but did you say Mr. Lightwood?" Sage asked softly putting the pitcher on a tray with a few cups.
  "Indeed I did sage, Christopher Lightwood from the London Institute is here to train with your father." Her mother informed her rushing her out of the kitchen.
  Sage slowly made her way to the training room and watched her father spar with the young man. Christopher, she was guessing was a beautiful tall and lean man compared to her short stature. He has brown shaggy hair and glasses, not many shadowhunters that trained here had glasses. To her, he was handsome.
   "Ah there's my girl." Her papa exclaimed once he had disarmed Christopher. "This is my youngest Sage."
  "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Lightwood." Sage said softly her voice falling like a song to Christopher's ears. The boy was struct silent by the girls beauty. Her soft curly hair that fell to her mid shoulder blades and her bright blue eyes. He felt over whelmed and started to sweat.
  "T-the pleasure is all mine and please call me Christopher, or Kit if you prefer." He stuttered reaching out to grab her hand and laid a gentle kiss on the top of her hand.
  "Well, I like Christopher better. There's a certain ring to it, if I must say." She giggled lightly smiling brightly. It was then with that smile that Christopher knew he was going to fall hopelessly in love with the girl.
  "Well, I must go get some business done but Sage, train with him and then show him around." Her father said patting her on the back and gently kissing the side of her head.
  "I can wait here while you change." Christopher offered gesturing to a chair in the corner. His smiled faded when Sage started to laugh.
"Have you never fought a girl wearing a dress before?" She asked with a grin grabbing her fathers sword. "If not than I shall show you how it's done."
  "A lady has certain responsibility does she not?" He asked with a small smile.
"Certainly, but of course you wouldn't know you are a man." She grinned getting in her stance and swinging. Her sword clashed with Christopher's, surprising him.
  "Well, you are one strong lady." he laughed swing up, stumbling back when Sage kicked his knee. He fell to one knee and looked up with a tent of blush when Sage kicked his weapon away from him and pressed her foot against his chest right below his chin.
  "And that Christopher is how it's done." She whispered leaning forward a bit. He could smell the aroma of strawberry's and mint coming from her.
  "I've been sent here for a reason Miss Hallowgreen. I fear that my interest lies in science rather than fighting." He mumbled running his hand through his brown curls.
"Oh a scientist. I enjoy science myself. Although my interest lies in magical mutations." She rambled blushing a bit.
"Well maybe you can tell me about it sometimes. I would love to hear." He said softly standing up and looking down on her with a soft smile.
  "Would you want that tour now?" She blushed tying up her hair into a small bun. Christopher watched in amazement and grinned at her.
  "I would like that," he said softly running his hand through his hair, a move that he saw Matthew do a million times to get peoples attention.
"Well come on then." She giggled gesturing to the door. Christopher laughed with her and offered her his arm, which she gratefully took.
  "I hate to sound ungrateful, but is there any place I could use as a lab?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "There's a free room next to mine that I use when I want to be alone. If you kept my reading corner you can use the rest as a lab." She said softly smiling up at him.
  "O-oh of course thank you so much." He rushed gently kissing her cheek in the rush. His face blushed bright red. "I'm so terribly sorry." He said gently pulling away. Sage blushed and looked down.
"Oh no, don't be sorry. I don't mind." She smiled stepping forward. She gently placed her hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes. She stood on her toes and gently kissed his cheek close to his jaw. "Now we are even."
  "And that we are Miss Hallowgreen." He whispered almost breathless as she took his arm again.
  "Please, call my Sage, or Ivy." She said softly leading him down the hall. She showed him the entire floor. "And this is my room, and right there is the room we will be sharing." She said softly with a grin.
  "Thank you Sage. You have been incredibly kind to me." He whispered tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. His fingers lingered on her cheek causing her to blush.
  "You deserve the most kindness." She whispered looking into his lavender eyes.
"As do you." He whispered pulling back as he heard steps. He looked down the hall and saw a boy a little bit older than him.
  "Anthony, this is Christopher Lightwood." Sage said smiling at her brother. Her brother greeted her with a kiss on the forehead.
  "I assume you have been taking care of my sister?" He asked offering a hand to Christopher.
  "With the most respect sir." Christopher said shaking Anthony's hand.
  "Father and I have a mission so I must go now but, I trust I'll see you at dinner?" He asked turning to Sage and tucking his hands under each other behind his back.
"As always Tony." She whispered hugging him tightly. "Now you be safe or I'll raise you from the dead and kill you myself." She threatened pointing a small finger at him and jabbing it in his chest. "I mean it."
"Yes ma'am." He saluted ruffling her hair. He bolted down the stairs away from her hands.
"I'll get you back Anthony." She said after him letting out a small laugh. She turned back to Christopher with a blush. "My apologies for my brother. He can be annoying at times."
"No need to apologize, I have a older sister I understand." He assured her reaching out to fix her hair. His hand stopped around her face again. "Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?" He asked gently looking down at her.
"I fear you may be the first." She whispered breathless. Her heart was beating quickly and her face heated up at his touch. She loved the feeling of his hands on her skin it made her rather weak.
"Then, I'll make it my personal duty to tell you everyday." He promised running his fingers down her jaw to her chin. He then sweeped them down her neck and moved her hair out of the way leaning to place a gentle kiss on her shoulder. "That's if you let me."
"I shall not stop you." She whispered leaning closer to him. "It would bring me joy for you to like me enough as to take time out of your way to pay me a compliment." She admitted blushing. She looked into his eyes with a grin as he pulled away.
"I would like if you keep your reading corner. I would like your company while I work." He said softly cupping her face one last time before pulling away.
"If you want me then I will stay." She said softly turning to open the door. Christopher scanned the room seeing only a long chair in the corner. A book and a pillow laid on it and only a single small table beside of it.
"I expected you to have more." He said genuinely surprised at how little space she took up in the room.
"I don't take up much space anywhere," she laughed softly sitting down in her chair. "It's my peace." She admitted with a shrug.
"Well, I'll leave you to it, dinner is at 7." She smiled standing up again. "If you need me I'll be in my room." She said softly kissing his cheek before walking out of the room leaving Christopher stunned.
Sage went in her room and sat down on the piano bench taking a breath. She knew in one day she had already developed a crush on the Lightwood boy. She shook her head trying to clear her thoughts. She smiled gently running her hand across the piano as she started to play.
Christopher looked up from the suitcase that he had brought in when he heard the music. He is asked closer to the wall and out his ear against the wall and started to listen to her. He smiled fondly and pulled away going back to his suite case. He slowly unpacked it mostly focusing on listening to her play.
  A few hours later Christopher looked up as he heard a knock. "It's open." He called leaning against the table covered in black soot from his machines.
  "I'm sorry to disturb you. I was just curious." Sage said opening the door and walking in, her hair was down again causing Christopher to note that her hair framed her face perfectly.
  "Oh, you are not disturbing. You are always welcome here." He blushed pushing his glasses up his nose. Sage caught the action causing a question to bubble up on her tongue.
  "Why do you wear glasses when there's a rune for that?" She asked softly reaching up to touch the rim of his glasses. Christopher looked down and blushed noticing how close she was to him. She must have noticed it as well. She blushed stepping back.
  "I don't know. I just like them." He shrugged, he never questioned his glasses or why he wore them, he just always has. 
  "I like them too. They make your eyes pop." She smiled walking to her chair.
  "I like your eyes." He blurted out causing Sage to laugh.
"I like your eyes too. They are my favorite color. Lavender." She smiled pulling the blanket, he didn't realize she was carrying, over her legs.
  "May we go on a walk after dinner?" Christopher asked pulling at the end of his hair. "I would like you get to know you better."
  "Of course, there's this beautiful spot by the forest that has a lake. I'll take you there." She said softly blushing. She grinned looking up at him. "I like you Christopher, you are the first boy in ages that has treated me as I'm human rather than something to use."
"I'll never treat you like that. You are a beautiful girl with worth. You deserve better than that." He said softly sitting on a stool, he looked at her and then bit his lip deciding against asking her to an outing. He rather get to know her first.
Sage was stunned silent, her face heated up and she bit her lip. "You, you are different, I like that." She whispered smiling softly at him. "You most definitely are a good different."
It wasn't long till Sage and Christopher was pulled out of their thoughts by a knock on the door. Mrs. Hallowgreen peeked through with a smile.
"Dinner is ready you two. It's 7:30." She said softly causing them both to gasp.
"I'm so sorry mother, I just got caught up reading," Sage said standing up. She pulled her dress down to her feet making sure she was covered before sending a soft smile at Christopher.
"Well, be down in a few minutes. We are about to start. Your father and brother just got home." Mrs. Hallowgreen said before shutting the door.
"I guess we both got stuck in our zones." Christopher admitted pushing his glasses up his nose again.
"Well, I find time flies when you are having fun." She teased opening the door. Christopher laughed and offered her his arm again.
"M'lady." He said softly walking forward with her.
"Oh manners. I love it." She laughed holding up her dress a bit as they walked down the stairs.
"My father told me, while in front of a lady one must always have manors." He grinned releasing her arm once they got to the dining room.
Sage let out a gasp and ran to her father kneeling down in front of him. She pushed his hair out and saw the blood on his face.
"Papa, what happened?" She asked looking at Christopher. "Can you get a wet towel and a bowl of water?" Christopher nodded walking to the kitchen.
  "We got attacked. Someone leaked information about us knowing the location of the hyda and they sent demons to ambush us." Mr. Hallowgreen admitted groaning as Sage's fingers hit over a bruise.
  "What's a hyda?" Christopher asked walking in with a bowl of water that Sage asked for.
  "It's not a it's the." Mr. Hallowgreen said winching as the water hit his cheek. Sage stayed silent started to clean the blood off of him. "It's a necklace. It hold a fallen angel inside of it. But not just any angel Lucifer. And he can control anyone who wears the necklace."
"Who put Lucifer in a necklace?" Christopher asked sitting down in a chair. Mrs. Hallowgreen walked in with a tired looking Anthony.
  "That's a question we cannot answer my dear. I'm afraid we don't know." Mrs. Hallowgreen said bitterly laying a gentle loving hand on Sage's shoulder.
  "My aunt Tessa could help. She had a necklace that has an angel trapped in it. She may know something." Christopher said noticing how tense Sage's shoulders was. He subconsciously reached out and gently laid a hand on his shoulder feeling her relax automatically.
  "This is a much more darker version of what Tessa had but if you think she can help, would you mind writing a fire message?" Anthony said sitting at his spot.
  Sage finished up cleaning the blood and took out her stele applying a healing rune to his arm. She walked to the kitchen throwing away the towel and cleaning out the bowl. She took a minute to breath making sure she looked unbothered as she walked back to the dining room.
"The clave can only do so much, we don't know much about the hyda so we can't do anything till we know more." She heard her father say as she walked back.
"But we cannot let anyone get ahold of that necklace. That power in the wrong hands could be deadly." Sage said softly taking a seat beside of Christopher.
"I'm aware of that Sage." Mr. Hallowgreen said giving her a look. Sage turned red and looked down. Christopher looked over confused on why Sage was embarrassed. He gently laid a hand on her hand.
"Are you alright?" He whispered covering his mouth with his hand. Sage looked up and smiled softly keeping her eyes on her food.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She whispered back squeezing his hand gently before reaching for her drink. Christopher didn't believe her but decided he would ask her again on the walk.
Once dinner was over Christopher met Sage on the steps. She smiled silently leading him to the field.
"Why did your father get angry with you? You had a good point." Christopher asked walking s little hit behind her watching her dress flow with soft eyes.
"He is the man of the house. He does not like to be corrected or out done." She said softly opening her arms letting the wind run through her. Christopher got the over whelming smell of strawberry's again and was almost knocked to his feet.
"Behind every great man is a strong women." He said softly trying to make her feel better. He realized he did the opposite when she turned around.
"I would rather stand beside the man then behind him." She said pressing her lips together. She looked out at him. "That's why a man has never wanted me. I refuse to be a toy." She said softly starting to walk again.
"You don't need to be a toy. You are your own women. You can do anything." Christopher said honestly. "You need someone who agrees with you."
"I don't think I'll ever find a man that will think the way I do." She said shaking her head. Christopher could tell she was getting sad.
"Tell me about magical genetic mutations." He said softly walking beside of her now. "I'm interested in hearing your theory's."
"My first theory is with werewolves." She laughed noticing that he was desperate to change the subject. They got to the pond and she sat in the gras. She pulled her knees to her chest and looked at the water.
"Even though they look like wolves, I don't think they should we called wolves. They don't act like wolves at all. The alpha's always protect the elders and the younger ones. The werewolves just want power not responsibility." She said giving the water a look. "But I think the green eyes in the werewolves is a genetic mutation. Just like how some wolves eyes are yellow. I think it's based on how much of the sight you have. Like if you are mundane or a Shadowhunter who was turned you would have green eyes. But if you was a mundane without the sight you would have gold."
"That's an interesting theory, how did you come up with it?" He asked her sitting beside of her.
"I just have to much time on my hands. I over think a lot too so that doesn't help." She laughed laying on her back and looking up at the sky. Christopher watched her not being able to keep the thoughts out of his mind. She was truly beautiful.

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