08- "You sure like women who can take charge."

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Aesthetic featuring James

Sage let out a gasp as she woke. Sitting straight up in the bed. "Christopher!" She cried looking around for the boy she loved so dearly. "Where's Christopher?" She asked Will who happened to be the closest.
  "I'll go get him." He whispered tilting his head a little. He walked off and her eyes went to his wife. Tessa thought for a moment she looked scared but her eyes was completely at ease. Sage was about to speak when Christopher burst in.
  "My love." She whispered reaching for him. Christopher didn't fight it. He let himself be drawn into Sage's arms. He felt almost powerful as her arms wrapped around his neck and her face buried in his neck. He smiled softly wrapping one arm around her waist and the other keeping them both upright.
   "My sister would be sobbing with joy seeing her son so deeply in love." Will mused wrapping his arm around Tessa's waist pulling the women into his chest. Tessa swapped at his arm with a smile on her face herself. "Who knows, when we go back to London we might have a newlywed couple."
  "William! We are not taking her daughter away from her. How would you feel if a strange boy showed up and whisked Lucie away to a different country?" Tessa asked giving her husband a look.
  "It's alright dear, with my husbands recent actions, I'm moving myself and the kids to Penhallow Manor in Idris or buying a townhouse in London. Probably the later of the two. I do see them getting married eventually and I have no right to take my daughter away from him." Mrs. Hallowgreen said softly with a short chuckle. "There's nothing left for her here."

  "When I saw asleep I saw an angel. Micheal. He told me that I have the Wayland gene for wielding weapons, and that I need to make his." Sage explained as everyone gathers around her bed.
  "Make a weapon? Sage you have never made a weapon before." Mrs. Hallowgreen pointed out giving her daughter a look.
  "There's been a case if Shadowhunters speaking to the angels, never so direct but it hasn't been the first time. One talked to me when he was in the necklace." Tessa explained softly her hand in Wills.
  "How are you going to make the weapon? You don't have a forge." James asked his black locks messy from the boy running his hands through it.
  "We will build her one Jamie. She needs something if she's going to make an angels weapon. The angel might just end up making her pull the sword out of the knifes in the kitchen if she doesn't have access to the stuff she needs." Matthew mused winking at Sage as he spoke clearly joking. Sage nor anyone else was impressed.
  "He didn't mention anything about a forge. He said that just let me instincts take over and it will happen. Not to fight it." She whispered softly her hand falling to the necklace that was resting on her necklace.
  "Come on guys let her rest." Will said seeing the look at Sage gave Christopher. She clearly needed to talk to him. He walked out followed by everyone.

Sage turned to Christopher with a sad look. She felt scared, more then fighting any demon. She had no idea how she was going to make a weapon worthy enough to fight an angel and be held by one.
  "Don't give me that look. You are doubting yourself." He whispered softly running his fingers along her jaw then tangling them in her dark liquid like hair. She felt so safe in his arms.
  "I've never had any interest in making weapons never in my life I've always wanted to be a healer. Might even make a shadowhunter hospital. But this. This is so new and I have no clue what to do." She whispered softly nuzzling her face in the palm of his hand. Christopher started to say something but was cut off as James bursted into the room.
  "There was a demon attack at the institute near by and they have requested all hands." James informed them before running out of the room rather quickly. Sage and Christopher looked at each other briefly before jumping up and running after him.
   They both got to the training room and saw Mrs. Hallowgreen in her gear. By the look on everyone's face Sage knew she would be fighting in her dress. Sage ran to her side of the closet and pulled out a bow and quiver hooking the quiver over her shoulder. She quickly grabbed a few pins and tied her hair up as her mother pushed a blade on the side of her dress.
  "Just Incase you need it." Mrs. Hallowgreen whispered giving her a kiss on the cheek. Sage nodded and turned on her heel. As she got outside she saw a series of house workers readying horses for them. She gave them a nod saying she would thank them later as she mounted her horse.
  "I hope you can ride." Sage yelled at the others as they gave the horses looks. She didn't even wait to see if they could get on. She turned her horse running full speed to the institute. When she got to there it was awfully quiet. Almost too quiet.
   She got off of her horse loosely wrapping it around a tree so the horse could get away if needed. She crouched down as she slowly made her way to the institute. She knew she needed to wait for her backup this could be an ambush. She walked back to her horse as she saw the others get closer.
  "I checked around there's nothing here. So my bet is it's inside somehow or this is an ambush." She said to her mother and Will as they got next to her. "Tessa, mom. You two stay here and make sure nobody gets in or out. James and Matthew I want you two, to take to the back and sneak in. Thomas and Christopher take Mr. Herondale and go through the side window see if we can catch them off guard. I'll go through the roof just Incase they have an escape plan." She whispered giving everyone their jobs.
  "You sure like girls who can take charge don't you kit." She heard one of the boys laugh slapping Christopher on his shoulder. She looked up at Christopher then looked away.

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