06- "my father can't be trusted."

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Aesthetic featuring Hallowgreen manor.

Sage took a deep breath through her nose as she stepped foot on the ballroom floor. She quickly looked up at Christopher who's eyes was scanning the dance floor for any sign of her father or Ace.
  "We need to tell your father as soon as possible." He whispered gently keeping his eyes forward as he guided her to the floor.
  "No. Mother is most likely with him. If we tell anyone it's going to be Anthony. He will know what to do." She whispered as he started to twirl her around. He nodded and tried to focus on the dance, as dancing wasn't one of his strong suites.
  "Well I got in contact with the meet thieves and they are coming soon." He whispered in her ear making it look like he kissed her cheek.
  "Your friends?" She asked with a soft grin. She was nervous. Would they like her?
"Yes, James Herondale, Thomas Lightwood, and Matthew Fairchild." He nodded confirming her words.
"Well I can't wait to me-ouch." She yelped when Christopher stepped on her foot. She winced but continued to dance.
  "Sage, by the angel are you okay?" He exclaimed covering her shoulder with his hand. "I'm so sorry. I'm not very good at dancing. I'm surprised you haven't been thrown into the wall yet."
  "How about I lead?" She asked with a small smile. "Follow me." She said taking over the lead. The dance started going very well and much smoother than when Christopher had lead it.
  "Sage, Christopher, they are here." Anthony whispered to the two leading them off the dance floor. Anthony lead the two behind closed doors. Sage subconsciously grabbed Christopher's hand. He squeezed back as the boys came into veiw.
  "Christopher! How are you?" A tall man with bright blue eyes asked walking towards him. Sage took a step back and stood beside of her brother against the wall letting Christopher greet everyone.
  "Kit, how have you been?" The tallest of the bunch asked him slapping the side of his arm. She heard him whisper something then four sets of eyes fell on her.
  "Well that's something to make your shiver." She whispered to Anthony giving them a soft smile.
"So you are Kit's girlfriend?" A blonde asked giving her a smile that would have made her hit her knees if she wasn't so attracted to Christopher. She nodded keeping the smile glued to her face even though she was going crazy on the inside. Christopher walked up to her and kissed the side of her head letting her relax.
  "Yes, she's beautiful isn't she?" Christopher grinned causing Sage's to blush.
  "She sure is." A small brunette with grey eyes said softly offering her a smile. "I'm tessa Herondale. I take it that you are Sage?"
"Yes ma'am I am. Sage Hallowgreen." Sage whispered smiling at Tessa and the taller man beside of her.
"Sage, take them to the Libary and explain what happened I'll get father and mother." Anthony said putting his hand on Sage's shoulder.
"Anthony. No." Christopher said shaking his head. He took a step forward and whispered something in his ear. Anthony nodded and walked back into the ball room.
Everyone turned to Sage. She nodded silently telling them to follow her. She lead them up the stairs and down the hall pushing open the giant oak doors that lead to the Libary.
"My father can't be trusted." She told the group as they made a small circle around the table only Christopher finding it easy to sit down.
"And how do you know that?" Mr. Herondale asked her slightly softening his eyes seeing Christopher look up at her with a soft smile.
"Christopher snd I was in the training room hiding from Ace when he came in with my father. My father gave his word that he could take me to be his key. We still don't know what exactly he wants but my father told us that it had to to with a necklace that was similar to what tessa had." Sage explained sitting beside of Christopher. She took a steady breath not being able to continue.
Christopher caught onto her silent plead for help and grabbed her hand talking over the lecture.
"Mr. Hallowgreen said that the necklace contains Lucifer. So If that's true then that would be it's the exact opposite of the one Mrs. Herondale had." Christopher explained sneaking a glance at Sage's worried face.
"Wait you mean the angel?" Tessa asks looking up at Mr. Herondale.
Sage started to ask a question when they heard a loud scream. Everyone quickly ran out of the room and down the hallway to where Mrs. Hallowgreen was sobbing. Sage gasped at the sight infront of her. Blood stained the floor and the family wall. Sage gasped seeing the family maid laying dead against the floor.
"He took Anthony." Mr. Hallowgreen said softly to Christopher and Sage.
"What? Why?" She asked playing dumb not trusting her father.
"He was suppose to take you." He said glaring at her with hard eyes. Mrs. Hallowgreen gasped and sat up.
"Excuse me?" Mrs. Hallowgreen asked pulling away from her husband. "What do you mean by he was suppose to take her?"
  "We heard the conversation between you and Ace in the training room. Mrs. Hallowgreen he is on Ace's side." Christopher said stepping forward.
  Mr. Hallowgreen's face fell as two men grabbed him. They dragged him somewhere, the silent city, Sage guessed. She wondered what they would do now that their strongest player was against them. Christopher saw Sage space out and gently laid a hand on her shoulder letting her know he was there if she needed him.
  "My brother. My own brother." Sage whispered looking at the wall where the blood was. She imagined it was a mix between the maid's and Anthony's.
  "There's no way you could have know." Christopher whispered following her gaze to the blood.
   "There wasn't before. But there is now." She said hardly turning on her heel dragging Christopher to her room. She was determined to get her brother back.

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